Getting bored of UK anti-truck brigade

Once again,a journalist in a Bath newspaper,puts a negative word in for trucks,he uses “trundling” LGV`s damaging the streets of Bath,and a campaign has been running for years to ban wagons through Bath,they want us to go the long way around,so if you left Southampton to head North,they want us to go via the A350,if you are tipping in Bath,the plan is for a hub in Avonmouth,where an electrical powered vehicle will deliver your goods to Bath.
Recently trading standards have been looking for weight limit dodgers,what powers do they have,what has trading standards got to do with it?It is a waste of Police time to camp out on bridges to get drivers flouting the bans.

And the reason trucks trundle into bath■■? cos the main route into bath is gridlocked 24/7 because of ■■■■■■■ car drivers :imp: I hate that place

It’s not anti trucking if they don’t want you to drive over some Victorian bridge, personally i would rather go round than end up face first in the water :frowning:

It is full of tree huggers and well off green activists,all villages and towns in France have a detour route for LGVs.Why do folks moan about airport noise when they knew there was an airport there before they moved in?Swindon residents dont want giant wind turbines to power the Honda factory,the Japenese have an obligation to be met to save power,the residents say the blades will block their sunlight,and say the motors will cause mental problems.Say no more.

Lack of sunlight and mental problems, thats swindon alright! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

the residents say the blades will block their sunlight,and say the motors will cause mental problems.Say no more.

That must be the funniest thing i’ve heard all day lool!

Lack of sunlight and mental problems, thats swindon alright! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

God I hope they ban us from Bath I hate the bloody place

I dont mind a bath with the uver arf