Getting better

Were getting better … 82856.html

I’ve not hit one yet .

Why don’t they just dig the road up and make the clearance 14’6 or something. It’s hardly a major engineering project.

I like the way it says “Hi tech warning signs” in the headline but the picture has a piece of yellow tarp cable tied to the railing with “low bridge” painted on it!

I like the way it says “Hi tech warning signs” in the headline but the picture has a piece of yellow tarp cable tied to the railing with “low bridge” painted on it!

Did you not see this pic?

thurlowbridge0603a (1).jpg

Reduced by a third? :open_mouth:

So this going off doesn’t work on 2 thirds? :open_mouth:

But I shouldn’t be surprised, it’s not like the Hi-Viz on that bridge jumps out at you! :laughing:

I used to live right by that bridge. Not sure about the twice a month average, but a lot of containers ended up jammed against it.

That’s been hit from the “uphill” side, which is where it always gets hit… and there is ■■■■ all on that side to stop the council / National Rail putting up a barrier so that they don’t have to shut a ridiculously busy railway line every 5 minutes. :unamused:

The Wooton road bridge in Swindon has had these signs and barriers for ages, it still gets hit, but probably not as often as it used to.

I’m surprised it’s taken this long to install such measures especially as it on one of ‘London’s busiest rail routes’ shows how proactive they have been :unamused:


I like the way it says “Hi tech warning signs” in the headline but the picture has a piece of yellow tarp cable tied to the railing with “low bridge” painted on it!

Did you not see this pic?

Yes, but I also saw this one right at the top


What’s " OVER HEIGHT VEHICLE TURN LEFT " in Romanian, Polish, Bulgarian etc. that might help aswell !!!

Much easier for the UK govt to just ban anything over 4m, its not needed elsewhere in Europe so why the pesistence with ridiculously high trailers…

Much easier for the UK govt to just ban anything over 4m, its not needed elsewhere in Europe so why the pesistence with ridiculously high trailers…

There’s the easy way, or the British way :laughing:

Much easier for the UK govt to just ban anything over 4m, its not needed elsewhere in Europe so why the pesistence with ridiculously high trailers…

I did read, maybe 30 years ago (and I can’t find any reference to this on the internet) that the reason UK bridge clearances are so high was that the motorways were built to allow the US to move nuclear missiles around during the Cold War.

Why don’t they just dig the road up and make the clearance 14’6 or something. It’s hardly a major engineering project.

Wait until you see the new drainage proposals! :laughing:

pierrot 14:
What’s " OVER HEIGHT VEHICLE TURN LEFT " in Romanian, Polish, Bulgarian etc. that might help aswell !!!

what ever it is turn left is better than having no wear to go apart from back]

Relays of benefit scroungers with buckets … job sorted :slight_smile: … bd6004.pdf

Its out of date but gives some statistics for bridge collisions in Appendix A at the bottom of the page. Appendix B shows a pretty bad crash into a bridge support…

Why don’t they just dig the road up and make the clearance 14’6 or something. It’s hardly a major engineering project.

Wait until you see the new drainage proposals! :laughing:

It’s a lot more complicated then that. We are talking about bridges and infrastructure that was built around WW2 if not earlier. That used older tech and less efficient ways to get a job done, with a lesser understanding how ■■■■ holds together.

Just digging a lower road would compromise the integrative of the bridge. The bridge being the more expensive part, I can only guess Highway England choose to work around the cost the National Railway Network would charge to build a new bridge,

It’s a lot more complicated then that. We are talking about bridges and infrastructure that was built around WW2 if not earlier. That used older tech and less efficient ways to get a job done, with a lesser understanding how [zb] holds together.

You could also say they often over engineered certain things because they understood less. In this example I’d have thought the foundations of the bridge wouldn’t be up to our standards now, so not feasible to make shallower without remedial work…