Just lost my job as involved in an accident recently. How do other firms look upon drivers in this instance? Have I basically killed off any chance of getting another driving job (Class 2)?
I know application forms might not ask for reasons of dismissal or any accidents but its bound to come up on interviews.
Any input welcome.
No one injured. Wrote off car and my truck. No police involved. Sacked for gross misconduct.
Without knowing exactly what happened it is difficult to give sound advice because my first thought was to be honest but if for example you were acting like a complete drunken drug taking moron and aimed for the car whilst on your hand held phone watching a DVD on your laptop then that is unlikely to serve you well !
Just be honest during the interview(s)…things go wrong from time to time. Providing the company’s insurance will cover you, you may get a start - especially during busy periods i.e. run up to Xmas. Or shifts other people may not want such as weekends/nights/tramping.
You’re not the only LGV driver to be involved in an accident!!!
Writing a truck off may not be the highlight of your cv but I reckon that despite reports a great many bosses do still live in the real world and accept that sometimes crap happens, and tbh I am starting to see evidence daily of the much hyped “driver shortage” so methinks you shouldn’t have too much bother gaining employment. Worse comes to worse just swallow your pride and sign up with an agency, as long as you weren’t sacked for drink, drugs or theft you should be good to go.
Just lost my job as involved in an accident recently. How do other firms look upon drivers in this instance? Have I basically killed off any chance of getting another driving job (Class 2)?
I know application forms might not ask for reasons of dismissal or any accidents but its bound to come up on interviews.
Any input welcome.
No one injured. Wrote off car and my truck. No police involved. Sacked for gross misconduct.
Couldn’t you have walked before you were sacked,surely you had a inkling of outcome,I’ve walked a few times over the years instead of getting sacked on cv,most were just to get me too tow the line,but never put disciplinary to the test,just walked
Well, I would lie. Think of something, anything. Just dont tell em.
Ive been screwed over by companies time and again. They dont think twice about lying to us.
Nah…I wouldnt think twice either. Tell em you been working away and the guy went bust, you came home and are now looking for work.
This is my considered advice.
Perhaps good advice just to lie but all the jobs I’ve been to make it clear that if you do tell lies at the application stage then you’re liable for immediate dismissal. Then you might have two sackings to explain rather than just one!!
They wont find out!! Its a driving job were talking about, not Financial Director at Marks and Spencer.
They see you are qualified , they like you enough and give you the job.
Thats pretty much the end of their interest in you.
Only answer the questions asked don’t lie just don’t offer up any information that you don’t need to remember your previous company can’t give you a bad reference Day things like you had a difference of opinion ie they thought it was gross misconduct you thought it was an accident don’t do yourself down
wouldn’t worry too much about it.
crap happens and you have to pick your self up and do some foot work and you’ll have a job in no time.
just to give you a boost of confidence on the 18th October 2004 I was involved in a nasty accident which involved me taking out a lamp post a few bollards and some trees on the a47 at Swaffham roundabout where the mcdonalds is after a car pulled out of a farm track directly in front of me as I was braking for the roundabout. I slapped me anchors on which made start to jackknife so I floored it to straighten up and went straight over the top of the roundabout. at some point during the accident I ripped a 600 full tank off which spilt down the drain.
I was sacked on the phone whilst waiting for recovery.
20 mins after I was sacked and 1 phone call later I was in a new job and ive been here 9 years now.
so don’t be disheartened just keep your chin up and something will come your way.
personally i would be honest, seen a few drivers come and go because they have lied in the interview, sometimes its the insurance co that insist on the refs, and tbh nothing like drivers to spread gossip so chances are the truth will come out in the end anyway…
Just lost my job as involved in an accident recently. How do other firms look upon drivers in this instance? Have I basically killed off any chance of getting another driving job (Class 2)?
I know application forms might not ask for reasons of dismissal or any accidents but its bound to come up on interviews.
Any input welcome.
No one injured. Wrote off car and my truck. No police involved. Sacked for gross misconduct.
Well, I would lie. Think of something, anything. Just dont tell em.
Ive been screwed over by companies time and again. They dont think twice about lying to us.
Nah…I wouldnt think twice either. Tell em you been working away and the guy went bust, you came home and are now looking for work.
This is my considered advice.
I’m heartened by the number of honest folk on here. I also believe that most people are generally honest. But you’ve got to put yourself and your livelihood first. If you only tell one fib this year, this is the time for it.
You need space and time after your misdemeanor. In a few months time this will be ancient history. Just do what it takes. to navigate through it.
personally i would be honest, seen a few drivers come and go because they have lied in the interview, sometimes its the insurance co that insist on the refs, and tbh nothing like drivers to spread gossip so chances are the truth will come out in the end anyway…
Too true, and it’s a suprisingly small circle in the driving world, so someone will know someone who will know you.
As others have said, most people have had accidents of some severity, but a mate of mine had a really bad smash a few years ago, straight into the back of a loaded tipper on a motorway, had to be cut out of the truck etc, and he’s still driving - albeit for a different firm, but he’s had about 4 or 5 jobs since then.
Lie ya daft bugger.And if they ask who you worked for tell em the US army(thats who I refer the tax man to as its against "patriot "law to divulge who has worked for the military to prevent terrorist attacks,yes its true) or bking haulage a large multinational with a transit van.I will give you a glowing reference(for a small fee he he)