Not seen any of Geo I coopers vehicles on the A14 recently ,until yesterday that is -i noticed two on the back of a low loader , anybody know if Coopers are still operating ?

He retired mate. He rang my boss asking if we wanted to buy his yard. After my boss heard about the residents street party, he decided against putting in an o licence application :laughing:

Ahh that explains it , thank you for your reply…

Unsure why any one will have had a street party his yard was in the middle of an industrial area and not even directly passing any houses to get to it and most of his motors where away all week . But why any one would want a yard there is another matter as it’s awkward to get into maningtree with weight limits in most directions

Unsure why any one will have had a street party his yard was in the middle of an industrial area and not even directly passing any houses to get to it and most of his motors where away all week . But why any one would want a yard there is another matter as it’s awkward to get into maningtree with weight limits in most directions

You’ve answered your own question with the comments on weight limits. People round there don’t want lorries full stop. The don’t even want to pass them once a month on the 137. Tesco had to buy a 7.5 tonner to service the manningtree express, as one of the residents used to lay down in front of an 18 tonner when it was trying to make deliveries. And our work is mostly day work, so you’d have up to 20 trucks a day in and out on those roads.


Unsure why any one will have had a street party his yard was in the middle of an industrial area and not even directly passing any houses to get to it and most of his motors where away all week . But why any one would want a yard there is another matter as it’s awkward to get into maningtree with weight limits in most directions

You’ve answered your own question with the comments on weight limits. People round there don’t want lorries full stop. The don’t even want to pass them once a month on the 137. Tesco had to buy a 7.5 tonner to service the manningtree express, as one of the residents used to lay down in front of an 18 tonner when it was trying to make deliveries. And our work is mostly day work, so you’d have up to 20 trucks a day in and out on those roads.

Hopefully Tesco will wait until they have put all the local shops out of business and then shut up shop. Let them walk to Ipswich or Colchester.


Unsure why any one will have had a street party his yard was in the middle of an industrial area and not even directly passing any houses to get to it and most of his motors where away all week . But why any one would want a yard there is another matter as it’s awkward to get into maningtree with weight limits in most directions

You’ve answered your own question with the comments on weight limits. People round there don’t want lorries full stop. The don’t even want to pass them once a month on the 137. Tesco had to buy a 7.5 tonner to service the manningtree express, as one of the residents used to lay down in front of an 18 tonner when it was trying to make deliveries. And our work is mostly day work, so you’d have up to 20 trucks a day in and out on those roads.

Can totally understand why a haulier wouldn’t want to be there don’t but don’t remember any resident issues when I worked a few hundred yards closer to the town than coopers . The top road up at lawford was an issue ( is it long rd ) but I suppose times change