Genuine thankyou to the Andy Lee driver last night

I would just like to say thanks to the Andy Lee driver that was delivering to the Bedford Tesco last night.

I was delivering shelving for a shop fit and had a 10pm slot. I got the at 8 so just parked up in the lay by round the back.
The other driver turned up too so we had a chat for a bit and went to ask where they had the fitters deliveries. It turned out that the delivery would be through the front doors and they were keeping the shop open! :open_mouth:
I got into the carpark at 10pm, dodging the shoppers who seemed to think the carpark was a race course and opened the curtains. I then got this response, “Oh, haven’t you got a moffett!” I had 4 double pallets and 2 euro pallets on.

At this point I noticed the Andy Lee driver turning into the car park. I stopped the traffic for him, he was in an artic but I was only in an 18t so he took up much more room getting in. He parked up and walked over to my truck with me. I got the 2 euro pallets off with the tail lift and went to find the fitters to ask them what they wanted to do with the double ones. Walking away I heard, “Come on mate, I’ll take em off for you with the moffett.” He then proceeds to take all my pallets off and drops them at the front of the store, where the two fitters have to double pump truck them in.

So I just wanted to say that if your on here mate, your a saviour and i owe you a pint :sunglasses: It was looking like a handball job and at ■■■■■■■ of a job too.
It’s nice to know that there are still decent people out there who are willing to give you a hand.

P.S. Can someone turn the photo round, my iPad likes to add photos on their side :blush:

Good lad :smiley: not all of us turn a blind eye to another driver who is struggling or needs some help :smiley:

Great to know the old trucker commarardery is still around.

P.S. Can someone turn the photo round, my iPad likes to add photos on their side :blush:

No probs :slight_smile:

Great to know the old trucker commarardery is still around.

P.S. Can someone turn the photo round, my iPad likes to add photos on their side :blush:

No probs :slight_smile:



Not only helpful but a pretty cool looking truck to boot.


Great to know the old trucker commarardery is still around.

P.S. Can someone turn the photo round, my iPad likes to add photos on their side :blush:

No probs :slight_smile:



:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Proof that there is still some decent drivers about. I spent way too many years in 7.5t vehicles and never had the benefit of anything more than a pump truck, people like this guy are life savers.

Slightly o/t Will, but I was having this problem posting pics from my I pad. The answer is to take the pics with the pad “sideways” using your right thumb. I’m not sure that makes sense but try it and you’ll see that that is the only way to get pics the right way from an I pad. Hth.

Great to know the old trucker commarardery is still around.

P.S. Can someone turn the photo round, my iPad likes to add photos on their side :blush:

No probs :slight_smile:


I nearly spat my drink out when I read that :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: definitely brightened the day up :laughing:

the maoster:
Slightly o/t Will, but I was having this problem posting pics from my I pad. The answer is to take the pics with the pad “sideways” using your right thumb. I’m not sure that makes sense but try it and you’ll see that that is the only way to get pics the right way from an I pad. Hth.

Thanks for that, I’ll give it a go :sunglasses:

Doing my head in trying to figure out why it was doing it!

Great to know the old trucker commarardery is still around.

P.S. Can someone turn the photo round, my iPad likes to add photos on their side :blush:

No probs :slight_smile:


Thanks! Just sprayed beer all over my laptop :laughing:

Well done that man…nice wheels too.

Great to know the old trucker commarardery is still around.

P.S. Can someone turn the photo round, my iPad likes to add photos on their side :blush:

No probs :slight_smile:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: