Gefco coventry agency

as anyone done any work for gefco coventry on agency just looking for any info

No nothing about agency work there , but have you been to to yard at Coventry ? I’ve been in there once certainly not the easiest place to manoeuvre round or get on a bay !
Prob not the best place if your a newbie :unamused:
Cheers MIke


In wgat way wesk is it bad mate

I do like that his 1stpost and it’s one word ! :grimacing:

There was once an Agency in Hinkley doing it.
A.R.M was it called. Think in Church road 1 or 2 or so

Igloo supply drivers to Gefco. I worked for them 3 years ago and I’m back there now. I’m quite happy there. They don’t go in for a lot of box ticking crap. Some of the loading bays are a bit tight. If they ever get longer trailers it will be a struggle.If you’re looking for a perm job you will have a long wait.