GE 2019

I’m not seeing the large number of posters and billboards about - like we normally do around election time.
This is the first winter election I, for one - have taken part in.

Postal votes can “go missing” rather than “being stuffed with extra ballots” like gets talked about in the media.

The old order of “finding people that don’t vote, and sticking a ballot in on their behalf”, i.e. Proxy Fraudulent Voting - is not the way of it any more.
These days it is far easier just to divert a load of ballots from a strongly polarized area, sending them to the local incinerator plant, where perhaps a strong union has it’s way to “look the other way”, and burn the lot…

No abandoned ballots found at landfill weeks later that way eh?

Of course, getting such antics “past being seen as suspicious activity” practically rules it out for Brexit Party to do to the mainstream - but the other way around?

Stalin on Votes.jpg

That’s it for me, all ready and in place.

“No Change” = I lose.
“Labour do very well or very badly” - I win.
“Libdems do very badly” - I win.
“SNP do very badly” - I win.
“Tories do very badly” - I lose.

“Turnout too low” - We all lose.
“Ballots destroyed” - the only way that I see “Turnout being low”…

The consequences at this election resulting in another hung parliament with “no Brexit Party” at Westminster - are dire indeed.

I suspect that what we might see at this election - are Non-Labour voting Remainers finally deciding to “give their loser’s consent” by reluctantly supporting Boris Johnson’s Tories - because if Boris loses - then a multi-way Remainer coalition will see us divided over Brexit for years to come, whilst the EU carries on laughing at us until the cows come home.
Their budget monies - will be secure into the far future, and the recession we all fear - comes REGARDLESS of us completing Brexit or not, thus proving (too late!) that Brexit never really had anything to do with the economic cycle, other than “sentiment”.

A weak majority for the Conservatives - means we’ll end up leaving on Boris’ rather weak “Oven-Ready Deal”.
A majority of over 100 - might persuade the ERG faction to tell Boris “now go and improve that deal a bit, as we’re no longer prepared to vote for the current one we already voted for beforehand”.

I can also see a fair number of NON-consenting Libdem, SNP, and Plaid Remainers - flocking to LABOUR at a last-ditch attempt to get rid of Boris Johnson, and his Tories…

Perhaps the final result will look something like this: (My final poll prediction)

Conservatives: 330 (taking them back to where Cameron got to in 2015)
Labour: 292 (The sort of persistant Remainer block voting numbers in all our recent Westminster “meaningful votes”)
Libdems: 3 (With Swinson’s Dunbarton seat and others falling to the Tories)
Plaid: 0 (Get wiped out in Wales)
Green: 0 (Lose their single seat to Labour)
SNP: 8 (Lose their seats to a Labour surge)
DUP: 7 (Weakening in NI)
Brexit Party: 0 (Farage went and threw it all away, by alienating would-be Labour Leavers, not happy that he’s helping the Tories keep their seats by standing aside…)
Others: 10

I stand to win four figures, if I get this correct, but lose less than £100 if I’ve bollocksed it all up. That’s the nature of the game though: “Be Right, or pay the consequences of being wrong” - the very acme of “putting my money where my mouth is”

What entitles one to their opinion more than “backing it with one’s hard-earned” - eh? :wink:
The biggest single return of all the different seat numbers that could be had here - are Labour to surge by around 20-30 seats again like they did unexepectedly in the 2017 election.

Thus, I’m supporting Brexit Party’s cause, Voting Conservative, Betting on Labour.

337 allegations of double voting in the last (2017) general election. Whittled down to 5 investigations and just one conviction.

Makes you wonder how rife this is, considering it’s practically impossible to detect.

Nite Owl:
Only one convicted over 2017 'double voting' claims - BBC News

337 allegations of double voting in the last (2017) general election. Whittled down to 5 investigations and just one conviction.

Makes you wonder how rife this is, considering it’s practically impossible to detect.

Obviously not very rife!

The balloting process is well-tested over hundreds of years. The weak points for systematic manipulation are well-known and there are protections in place against it.

People sometimes seize on theoretical or perceived holes, but are not focussing on the real goal of ballot fraud which is for a very small number of people to produce a large systematic bias, and for this large systematic bias not just to remain undetected beforehand but also afterwards.

Double voting requires double registration, and double registration is very easily detected by simply looking for matches in the electoral roll. The roll is publicly available to inspect, and is available in bulk to commercial fraud prevention agencies (who are not just looking for electoral fraud but all kinds).

Next you’ve got identity fraud. Again, the appearance of many unknown names on the roll, with no apparent history anywhere in society, will set off alarm bells. Enrolling the local graveyard will not just flag against the “deads” lists, but may potentially lead to a double registration (and double voting) situation if several ballot fraudsters are trying the same trick without mutual coordination.

It’s also a question of confidence. There may be 100 votes in a constituency which could be fraud, but if the MP is returned with a 10k majority, electoral officers will shrug and express confidence in the ballot.

And you’ve also got to remember the hassles and the stakes involved. To vote multiple times, a person has to invest time and effort, and they risk detection and serious consequences, typically without any immediate return and without their own behaviour having significant influence on the outcome even if it is undetected.

All these things and more add up to quite robust controls over the reliability of electoral balloting.

Whilst everyone gets mis-directed to look out for “double voting” - the real fraud gets to take place right before our eyes…

Known areas that have immense support for a particular candidate “known about in advance” - need only have entire ballot boxes go missing in transit, and then the contents incinerated…

No evidence at landfills to be found… No one is talking at the incinerator plant, as it has a mainstream union, which has a closed-shop tight-lipped attitude to stuff that “disfavours non-Labour candidates” lets say…

If the same conspiracy were to be “the other way around” - then it would involve some private person trying to destroy multiple ballot papers, which they’ve had access to as a local worker…

I like to use Peterborough as an example of how such “destruction” fraud can and is even likely to take place…

Peterborough - expected turnout 72-75% for the all-important by-election that Brexit Party were long odds-on to win, and indeed HAD to win - to give it that so important foothold in parliament for the first time…

Turnout actually comes in at a measly 48%, suggesting the local population “couldn’t give a ■■■■”.

…An area that voted 60/40 Leave in the referendum, and more importantly - has neighborhoods with a rather polzarized vote on the issue.

Any “missing” 24% of the ballots - would be around 9-10k missing ballots, of which some would be for random other candidates, not just Brexit Party votes…

But with a local 60% Leave population split at most between TWO parties, if you counted Brexit Party, and UKIP as those two…
Compared to the remain 40% being split FOUR ways among the Remain parties of Labour, Libdem, Green, and Tory, bearing in mind any Remainer Tory candidate standing against a Brexiteer other is going to NOT be splitting the Leave vote - but rather the REMAIN vote - right? Would Leave-voting Tory voters have really chosen a Remainer Tory hopeful over a solid Brexit Party candidate already well-known in the community??

Of course, this is only a conspiracy theory of mine that happens to fit the numbers, rather than any discernable facts one can put a finger on.

For balance’s sake - I could also argue that the incumbents have been ordering the pollsters to “deliberately report fake poll data” to “get their vote out”…
We’ll know within 24 hours - if this strategy worked, of course…

It worked in 2015 btw…

I would be deeply suspicious of this election “result” - should turnout “apparently” be below 50%, either locally, county-by-county, or of course - Nationally.

Indeed, the main reason I reckon the Referendum result upset so many - was because they didn’t feel the need to rig that vote!

I would be deeply suspicious of this election “result” - should turnout “apparently” be below 50%, either locally, county-by-county, or of course - Nationally.

Indeed, the main reason I reckon the Referendum result upset so many - was because they didn’t feel the need to rig that vote!

Firstly they did rig the Referendum vote the turnout was higher and so was the Leave vote.Simple miscounting,including failure to count,is as effective and obviously easier than ‘losing’ loads of the wrong papers in that regard.It can all also be lost in the same dodgy turnout figure.

If the fact that this is effectively just another EU infiltrated and instigated referendum,along more remain friendly constituency vote lines,just like 2017 was,doesn’t alone make you deeply suspicious,then what does.Boycott is the only answer to such a Soviet style sham.Which,together with the fact that the lying Cons can’t even look after their own heartland Counties preferring to hand them over to Kahn’s GLA rabble,is why I for one destroyed my ballot paper rather than vote for Raab.Nothing suspicious about that.

Any Boycotting of an election in a Democracy - means letting the villains of the piece win every time.

The Left will see the Tories as the villains today, and we conservatives with a small ‘c’ will have seen a winning Labour as the “Nightmare before Christmas” had it gone the other way.

The EU have likely tried to manage things into a "hung parliament " situation - but have failed, because Corbyn was right about one thing: There has been a “tipping point” reached in British Politics, in line with the wider western hemisphere: A tip towards CONSERVATISM as it turns out.

As a Right-of-Centerist who wanted to vote Brexit Party - but couldn’t, - ultimately people like myself have been asked once again to “Put their faith in something you had to hold your nose to vote for”.

Let’s hope that Boris isn’t an EU creature AFTER all then. I’m not entirely convinced he’s not as yet, but thoroughly disappointed that Corbyn couldn’t “do what it said on the tin” in the end, and pick up the Hard Brexit gauntlet, which he had enough bloody time to do FFS.

Perhaps it isn’t the Hard Left that have brought down the Moderate Labour Party - but the other way around! - The Blairites that just would NOT support Corbyn paying for his spending plans with A Labour hard Brexit landing this country with a maximized Brexit Dividend, along with Pariah status internationally, along with a trashed credit rating, so if that Brexit Dividend then got mis-managed, and donked away - we WOULD end up as Venezuela - except they did it with wasted Oil Revnues rather than a income boost of some £18billion per year…

Let’s see if anyone at Westminster - now wants to pick up that OTHER magic money tree - “taking back control” of the Foreign Aid Budget, some £13billion per year of which the UK gets NO benefit from, even less than being in the EU. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :bulb:

Any Boycotting of an election in a Democracy - means letting the villains of the piece win every time.

The Left will see the Tories as the villains today, and we conservatives with a small ‘c’ will have seen a winning Labour as the “Nightmare before Christmas” had it gone the other way.

The EU have likely tried to manage things into a "hung parliament " situation - but have failed, because Corbyn was right about one thing: There has been a “tipping point” reached in British Politics, in line with the wider western hemisphere: A tip towards CONSERVATISM as it turns out.

As a Right-of-Centerist who wanted to vote Brexit Party - but couldn’t, - ultimately people like myself have been asked once again to “Put their faith in something you had to hold your nose to vote for”.

Let’s hope that Boris isn’t an EU creature AFTER all then. I’m not entirely convinced he’s not as yet, but thoroughly disappointed that Corbyn couldn’t “do what it said on the tin” in the end, and pick up the Hard Brexit gauntlet, which he had enough bloody time to do FFS.

Perhaps it isn’t the Hard Left that have brought down the Moderate Labour Party - but the other way around! - The Blairites that just would NOT support Corbyn paying for his spending plans with A Labour hard Brexit landing this country with a maximized Brexit Dividend, along with Pariah status internationally, along with a trashed credit rating, so if that Brexit Dividend then got mis-managed, and donked away - we WOULD end up as Venezuela - except they did it with wasted Oil Revnues rather than a income boost of some £18billion per year…

Let’s see if anyone at Westminster - now wants to pick up that OTHER magic money tree - “taking back control” of the Foreign Aid Budget, some £13billion per year of which the UK gets NO benefit from, even less than being in the EU. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :bulb:

As opposed to the reality of Bojo just picking up where Cameron and May left just as controlled opposition Farage intended,Starmer’s position strengthened,just as controlled opposition Corbyn intended, allied with a rampant SNP.This agenda was always about creating the pretext for a new EU vote with the choice being between Remain or BRINO or a combination of both with the bonus of it being along easier to rig constituency vote lines.It’s obvious that boycott and then refuse to recognise the result of this foregone EU instigated and infiltrated sham and charade was the only realistic option.As it stands you’ve followed all the rest of the sheep in taking part in that and haven’t seen through the magnitude of this fascist coup,now prepare to be shafted by what you’ve voted for.

Perhaps we’ll all see things a bit clearer if we get rid of the real fascists - that of Momentum, Antifa, and of course Extinction Rebellion.

They wish between them to precipitate an economic collapse in this country that once down to venuzeula poverty levels, then ushers in a UK “Moduro” to sort things out, presumably by alienating the world’s most relevant leaders, and spending the rest of your natural life looking over your shoulder for the inevitable fascist assassin, who could be any of around 6.5billion world citizens by that point… Conservatives - will run away and hide, taking their businesses and money with them. You can’t tax what isn’t present any longer.
You won’t see Conservatives moronically protesting on the streets, only for the new far-left leadership to order the brownshirts to open fire. (The armed forces have already been disbanded and/or prosecuted, and only Far Left thuggery - gets to bear arms…)

Perhaps we’ll all see things a bit clearer if we get rid of the real fascists - that of Momentum, Antifa, and of course Extinction Rebellion.

They wish between them to precipitate an economic collapse in this country that once down to venuzeula poverty levels, then ushers in a UK “Moduro” to sort things out, presumably by alienating the world’s most relevant leaders, and spending the rest of your natural life looking over your shoulder for the inevitable fascist assassin, who could be any of around 6.5billion world citizens by that point… Conservatives - will run away and hide, taking their businesses and money with them. You can’t tax what isn’t present any longer.
You won’t see Conservatives moronically protesting on the streets, only for the new far-left leadership to order the brownshirts to open fire. (The armed forces have already been disbanded and/or prosecuted, and only Far Left thuggery - gets to bear arms…)

What you’ve described is more or less Weimar Germany or Bolshevik 1920 Soviet Union.The key point being that at no point did any political party emerge calling for the devolution of Bismark’s Federal zb pile and a return to Germany’s pre 1871 individual sovereign states which would have acted as a fire break regarding what was going on in Germany at least and thereby changed world history until the Soviet Union also imploded.( Nationalism v Federalism/Socialism ).While as we saw in those cases and 1860’s US and 1990 Yugoslavia things can only get much worse before they get better when Federalism wins out over Nationalism.Which is what this sham election was all about in that the EU saw a Nationalist/Secessionist threat spreading across Europe in Brexit and the rest will be history when the Tories reset the clock back to 1979 again.When what we actually needed was to reset it back to 1972 and a Hoey led Labour Party just as we needed a Shore led one then.


I guess we’re going to stay poles apart on simply what we believe of our long-supported parties…

But it’s not all just a matter of impression, you’re referring to the actual records of the parties. On Tories being tough on immigration, the record shows that is a lie. On Tories being better on employment, the record shows that is a lie. On Tories being better on spending or national debt, the record shows that is a lie.
Records of the Parties? Boris Johnson wasn’t PM before, neither was Tony Blair for Labour when he won in 1997. Shouldn’t we judge our newly-elected PM on their own merits, rather than any perceived “lack of them”?

That’s why I’m not bothered about “immigration” as a “security” thing - just the type of immigration that pushes down wages, which we already know happens to be "unskilled work going to non-EU citizens that shouldn’t even be here under EU rules - let alone ours.

So you vote for the party who, this very moment, are engaged in supercharged levels of visa immigration from non-EU countries?
That sounds like the current “Royal Mail Party”, actually! :wink:

At the end of the day, if you don’t believe there is such a thing as the Brexit Dividend - then you are always going to be against Brexit, even after the Brexit DIvidend is gotten, taxes cut, everyone and his dog clearly better off - and STILL Remainers will moan because someone they don’t even know - “has fallen upon hard times because of Brexit”…

By all accounts Tory speculators will be in for a Brexit dividend. It’s not clear anyone else will be.
I’ve been a speculator in my time, and voted Tory more than once too… I’ve never joined the party however, and MY gain from Brexit - isn’t from “speculation” - it will be from a booming future economy with PROPER capitalism taking off. I’m in favour of the LEFT wing version of “Capitalism” actually - the same variety that has made say, a Train Driver’s wages super-high, whilst we HGV drivers unrepresented by any Authority Left “Get our wages pushed down by a flood of driver supply” rather than “immigration” in particular. It isn’t easy to get on the train driver bandwagon. Labour in this lucrative job market is kept deliberately short by the union, and thus wages are sky-high as a result.
I predict the same thing will happen in OTHER blue-collar industries, including our own - post-Brexit.

I don’t give a toss at how rich someone else gets - as long as it is not at my expense.

Serious inequality is always at the expense of the poor. It’s not about doing your neighbour down because he’s a skilled engineer and drives a slightly better car, or because he does a lot of overtime and has a second holiday a year.
If I have two jobs, one is taken straight away, and the other stays vacant because that would-be applicant chooses to stay on the dole - then who’s fault is it that the latter character stays poor?
“Inequality” I would suggest ends when people are no longer encouraged to pretend to be living a hardship lifestyle in order to get those very hardship (aka “Means Tested”) benefits. Ps. I’m motivated to do a lot of hours - by a decent hourly rate. Nothing else. If I was stuck in a minimum wage job with no other work about, I’d no doubt become a minimalist myself, much as I dislike the entire concept…

It’s about those whose trust funds bleed your company dry, and bleed you dry, and whose unearned incomes (which you pay for) are more in a year than your earnings are in a lifetime, and who use that vast wealth to control the economy in their own favour, politics in their own favour, all against your interests. Once again, having been a speculator and worked in the city in my time - ANYONE can be part of that game if they so choose. It’s a tough up-hill battle, as is politics. If you can stand up, and deal with the stress though? You earn every penny - believe me!

Good old fashioned Labour values - but worlds apart from what Labour has become THESE days - with it’s Anti Semitism that started out “hating rich people for being rich”.
It is a fact of life that Jewish Businesspeople - are damned good with money. SAVING it rather than “making” it on the backs of workers.

The anti-semitism smears against Labour rarely state the nature of the alleged anti-semitism. When they do, it almost invariably comes back to some issue concerning the politics of Israel, and nothing whatsoever to do with religious or racial discrimination.

I will add as well, statistics suggest about 80% of the Jewish community are habitual Tories, and even when Labour had a Jewish leader (Ed Miliband) they shunned Labour and deemed him ‘the wrong kind of Jew’ (because of his left-wing politics). The press even smeared his dad (Jewish academic Ralph Miliband, who fled the Nazis and served this country in the Royal Navy) as the “man who hated Britain”.

Ed Milliband - is not a practicing Jew.

Perhaps when Labour ditch this “Anti Faith” stance of theirs, and start backing up other non-left forms of religion such as Judaism and Christianity instead of just Shia Islam - then we might finally have a proper secular establishment in this country, rather than just what happens to look like one. Being Anti Christian and Anti Jew alike - is going to continue “not making labour any friends” and it is a Momentum stance to boot, of course… Meanwhile (for balance here) I’ll point out that Javid is just as much a “Token Fake” on the Tory side this time as Milliband was during his tenure… Boris has deftly batted away the “Islamophobic” label the Left media has attempted to attach to the Conservative Party “by making one his Chancellor”. It seems to have worked. Let’s see if Javid has served his purpose now, and gets routinely discared in the imminent cabinet re-shuffle…

I’m in favour of the LEFT wing version of “Capitalism” actually - the same variety that has made say, a Train Driver’s wages super-high, whilst we HGV drivers unrepresented by any Authority Left “Get our wages pushed down by a flood of driver supply” rather than “immigration” in particular. It isn’t easy to get on the train driver bandwagon. Labour in this lucrative job market is kept deliberately short by the union, and thus wages are sky-high as a result.

With the train drivers I’m led to believe that privatisation has actually increased their wages, although I imagine conditions may have deteriorated. Not least because their training costs are high, the private companies skimp and engage in short-termism. The need to maintain route familiarity also precludes casualisation, and differences in practices with the EU prevent them poaching foreign train drivers. Above all of course, the whole sector stands together and unionise in their common interests. They maintain manning levels, and thus maintain demand for trained drivers, by avoiding excessive overtime.

As for Brexir, you’re preaching to the converted.

If I have two jobs, one is taken straight away, and the other stays vacant because that would-be applicant chooses to stay on the dole - then who’s fault is it that the latter character stays poor?

Do you actually have two jobs? And not just a boss advertising for a new man to replace the incumbent, at lower wages?

It’s about those whose trust funds bleed your company dry, and bleed you dry, and whose unearned incomes (which you pay for) are more in a year than your earnings are in a lifetime, and who use that vast wealth to control the economy in their own favour, politics in their own favour, all against your interests. Once again, having been a speculator and worked in the city in my time - ANYONE can be part of that game if they so choose. It’s a tough up-hill battle, as is politics. If you can stand up, and deal with the stress though? You earn every penny - believe me!

I’m a little confused. Do you have a significant trust fund? The managers of trust funds may earn their wages, largely because of the streess they create for themselves in trying to outdo each other, but that does not mean the capital owner earns his money - and like with the fund manager, even if the owner did earn his money as a result of the struggle, it’s a struggle they create for themselves by fighting amongst themselves, it’s not like coal mining where the difficulties are intrinsic to wrestling with the natural world.

Ed Milliband - is not a practicing Jew.

Wrong type of Jew for you? It’s worth nothing that Orthodox Jews, as a matter of principle, are also opposed to Israel. There is also the complicating factor that you can be Jewish by ethnicity as well as by religious practice - hence the notion of secular Jews.

At any rate, Zionism is basically just right-wing politics particular to the Jewish community. Or to put it another way, these smears are perpetrated by Tory Jews, and they will perpetrate the smears as equally against Jewish people they don’t like (typically Jews considered to be left-wing), as much as against non-Jewish people.

I have a lot of Jewish friends, most of whom hold perfectly ordinary forms of employment, and you’d struggle to tell them from anyone else on the street walking past them.
THAT is how I would praise any “secularism” in our society.
I’ve not got anything against Milliband, don’t get me wrong. My wife voted for him for starters, sold to by his wish to move against “Rip off Britain” in particular in the Energy industry. History actually proved him correct there, whilst I was busy wasting my vote on UKIP in 2015 of course.

By attempting to push this “Zionism=Right Wing=Hate them” agenda, and blatent attempt to appeal to secular Jews (and Christians of course…) which we might call the “non practicing” variety, something that cannot freely be admitted to in Islam - then SURE divisions are clearly apparent between Practicing and Non-Practicing from I would say ALL those faiths other than Islam, where publicly admitting you’re a Apostate is likely to result in a fatwa being placed upon you, e.g. Salmand Rushdi some years ago now.

If I were now to point out that the Conservatives all around Kent (where my set of friends live and work) - gained the backing of such people, mainly from voting Libdem or (like myself) “intending to vote Brexit Party, but unable to”… I should also point out that in THIS part of the world, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, and Sunni Islamics - get along fine. It seems to be an alliance of openly Islamic allied with secular (non-practicing) Jews, Christians, and other faiths - that go around slagging off our current government over pretty much nothing all the time, whilst shying away from any blame we might place upon our local councillors (Labour, been there for many years) as to why no matter how much money central government grants local government - not a lot gets done on behalf of the local population. I live near a Hospital. Parking has become a real bugbear for both attendees, staff, and local residents because of the “spillover” effect. Parking wardens around here go around in threes, and we ran a petition to have “controlled parking” only for it to be hijacked by Labour councillors and made into a moneyspinner. These Labour councillors have yet to step aside when running for parliament, which has brought them disrespect in the local community for “not taking the chance”.

What I’m saying here is that “Risk Takers” are now in the ascendent in our economy, with local Tory candiddates "getting out there, getting noticed, and most of all - getting things done.

There was never any reason why Labour councillors couldn’t develop good reputations for themselves - but alas, squandered their granted money on pumping their own pipe dreams, whilst neglecting local public services… It’s always the “Tories Fault” that the money got wasted at local government level.

Labour - are now seen as the party of “deliberate division” - and it is this particular ongoing strategy of theirs (since these idiots are not losing their council seats as of yet!) - that’ll eventually bring down the entire labour movement.

Momentum - has got to go. Whoever succeeds Corbyn - will have to purge the party OR face electoral oblivion in the years to come.
I don’t suspect for a moment that Momentum will release their grip upon the thoroughly poisoned Labour party though.
There’s one aspect that around Kent in particular - has blocked them from climbing above a critical level of support: If you subtract the practicing from the secular of ALL religious faiths, in particular the ones with “God” in them if you will - you end up with a NEGATIVE number overall. THIS group of people - are the ones united by current Conservative Policy, whilst Momentum continues to peddle their bile at what has now become a “topped out” audience.

The 2017 was the high water mark for Labour, ANY Labour, let alone Corbyn’s “missed opportunities” branch.

He’s had enough chances to become PM by this point, and has dropped the ball each and every time.

Even NOW he continues to hang on, rather than forcing the party to reform with the “short sharp shock” of an INSTANT leadership election.

Tony Blair - happens to be bang on the money here. I say that when I never supported him as PM - something which I actually have in common with Corbyn, oddly enough… :unamused: