GE 2019


Stop pretending that we lose all our worker’s rights if we leave the EU.

If your attitudes are representative of the Tories, then workers have everything to fear from re-electing the Tories to leave the EU.

You post nothing but pages of tirades against the “workshy” because they refuse to work under sweatshop conditions for a pittance, yet presumably as a Tory you’d also be explaining to us that the very reason the pay is low, and must remain low, is because there is already a surfeit of workers able and willing to do those roles, so there isn’t a need for any additional workers of that sort (if there was, then pay would increase). Even among our own number - if less drivers took 50+ hour weeks for <£10ph jobs - we might see some driving-up of wages… As it stands though, wages can only rise on agency - the kind of employment that “nervous full timers” or “non-gamblers” - avoid. Don’t confuse “being workshy” with “turning down low paid jobs”. I don’t think there’s ANYONE among us who’d “choose to be on the dole outright” rather than take a low-paid full time job.

It’s one thing expecting a man to do a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay. If you want him to labour casually on a farm then you’ve got to be prepared to pay him generously - it’s always been the case that men employed in heavy outdoor labour are paid relatively well for it, and casual workers have to be paid more in hourly terms than someone with a steady wage and job security.

It’s another thing entirely to be demanding he work for a pittance then complaining that he refuses. That’s why workers pay for social security, so that they don’t face bosses who demand they slave or die, and they don’t face ruinous competition from those whose heads will otherwise be underwater. Same reason why they pay into strike funds and moderate their financial obligations, so that they aren’t bent over the barrel when they have to strike or are locked out.

And that’s why the Tories keep importing more migrants and they keep attacking social security, because they want your wages, the wages of the man who works, down.
That’s the purpose of remaining in the EU. “To drive down wages, thus helping big businesses, with red tape making the overheads of being a small business - harder to compete with the big boys” It is fair to say that Tory Remainers are exactly the kind of Tory you’ve described there.
What excuse do we give to Labour and Libdem Remainers then? - They would appear to be in favour of those same Tory notions about “Workers” and “Business” - would they not?
Swinson thinks that ZHC workers should be paid a 20% premium. We already ARE aren’t we?
Labour think that ZHC workers should be put on the dole… There’s no way that firms will offer people full time contracts UNLESS they are really CRAPPY ones, of the type that the workshy might be forced to take under the regime I had in mind, that you’ve resoundingly rejected… Thus, I argue that “abolishing ZHC” is one step TOWARDS the “Workhouse Sweatshop” that you and I both seem to be thinking of here…?

It’s one thing to demand that every man does his bit and works to the extent that he can. But workers don’t control their employment. Bosses do. And even the bosses are subject to economic conditions that aren’t entirely under their control. If nobody is to be unemployed against their will, then you have to maintain manning levels and ensure that the available work is shared out equally, and that means exercising self-control over overtime. If you’re not doing that, then you have to accept that many will be unemployed against their will and then have to be carried.

I have nothing against any Labour drive to give everyone in this country a job. What we WON’T get however - is a right to a well-paid job, nor the right to “sit on the dole” out of laziness, rather than physical disability.

It wasn’t the Conservatives who flooded this country with cheap labour from abroad.
If it hadn’t been for Blair’s “open doors” policy in that regard, then we would also have workshy types being rather more compelled to take up farming jobs for instance, by this point.
Thus Labour are the cause of low wages, and Labour are the thing preventing the workshy being forced into jobs, whilst the Consevatives get slagged off for “austerity” which came from Labour’s overspending in the FIRST place.
It was the EU meanwhile who dictated to Osbourne (whom I never liked btw) that “you cannot cut benefits for the workshy - unless you cut benefits evenly, which includes for the disabled”. Like the complete idiot that Osbourne is though - he then does just that - to get showered with derision “because he’s cut benefits for the disabled”…

Once we leave the EU, any future government - will be free to double benefits for the disabled, and remove benefits from the workshy - as they see fit.
Call this a “Tory Hard Brexit” if you like, but it is hardly going to drive wages DOWN any further - is it? If anything, those workshy forced into work - might become a better presence on the shop floor to build better union power there eh? There’s enough workshy people working already in non-medical roles at the NHS for example… THEY seem to have “plenty of rights” that other workers in similar-earning sectors get eh?

All this critique at the Tories for “bringing back Victorian Values” - when Imperialists like myself would LOVE to see that!
We were masters of the world in Victorian times. ANYONE could rise up under their own efforts - to be someone.
Empires and Nations - are not built on the backs of the “needy” - they are built DESPITE the prescence of the Needy, and modern Leftists would argue that it is the “Nation” that is the problem - rather than the “Needy” whom even Christ said “will always be with us”.

The last time a sitting PM lost their seat was Arthur Henderson in the 1931 general election…
1931 United Kingdom general election - Wikipedia
Whilst I can’t see the same thing happening to Corbyn at THIS upcoming election - I would have to be very wary of anyone who thinks that Labour seriously have a chance to do something similar to Boris Johnson…

I’ve already heard rumours that McDonnell is going to get some of his core Labour voters (probably Momentum activists as well.) to go “live with their grans for a few weeks” and thus vote Labour in Uxbridge constituency on the other side of town from Hayes and Harlington seat…
Whilst this increases the chance that Boris Johnson might be toppled from his seat - it should be pointed out that it will also decrease McDonnel’s majority by the number of “flying picket voters” acting in the way described.

That in turn then opens up the possibility, no matter how small - that local predominantly Hindu voters - might decide they’ve had ENOUGH of Labour, and deliver a shock result of turfing McDonnel out of what he thinks is his “Safe seat”… Hehehe…

Boris - has had plenty of opportunity to “stand somewhere else” - but it is possible he is baiting momentum in Uxbridge - to bring exactly that kind of result about!!

Oh I wish!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Since when were electorates allowed to vote in areas outside of their electoral registration ( other than students being able to choose between home or university residence registry ).So you’re saying that anyone in a non BP standing constituency can do a flying vote in a constituency where they are standing in that case ?.While it’s obvious that this whole sham will,as intended,result in a cross party alliance claiming a mandate to Revoke Brexit unless the electorate is bright enough to crash the Turnout figure by boycotting it.



It wasn’t the Conservatives who flooded this country with cheap labour from abroad.

That’s an outright lie and you know it. The reduction in immigration from the EU - attributed by many to Brexit - has been outmatched under the Tories by the surge in non-EU immigration, so that immigration has now reached a record high overall.

And it’s always been the same with the Tories.

If it hadn’t been for Blair’s “open doors” policy in that regard, then we would also have workshy types being rather more compelled to take up farming jobs for instance, by this point.

Why is it always assumed that it is the people actually on the dole who will be working on farms? Once farmers are forced to compete with other employers, it’s just as likely that they might be poaching workers from other jobs, whilst those on the dole will backfill the poached workers in non-farm work.

Thus Labour are the cause of low wages, and Labour are the thing preventing the workshy being forced into jobs, whilst the Consevatives get slagged off for “austerity” which came from Labour’s overspending in the FIRST place.

You really are taking a leaf out of Boris’ playbook on dishonesty, aren’t you? I’m no friend of Blair or New Labour, but it wasn’t their public spending which caused the worldwide failure of private sector banking.

As for the (possibly) implied notion that New Labour should have been running surpluses all those years from 1997 - you know, charging us all 30% of our wages, not for healthcare or social security or other public services and adminstration, but to ‘fix the roof whilst the sun is shining’ - so that when the time came in 2008, they could transfer trillions of taxpayers’ money in one lump sum to the rich who were bankrupted by their own greed and incompetence, I’m afraid is a laughable argument.

All this critique at the Tories for “bringing back Victorian Values” - when Imperialists like myself would LOVE to see that!
We were masters of the world in Victorian times. ANYONE could rise up under their own efforts - to be someone.

What utter, utter cobblers. People like you didn’t master the world in Victorian times - you were bow-legged degenerates barely usable as cannon fodder on foreign battlefields (the Boer War), or worked into the grave at 40-years-old whilst digging railway cuttings. You didn’t even get one-man-one-vote until 1918, and Victoria had been under the ground for over 15 years by then.

Let’s hope the voters reject this swivel-eyed lunacy on 12th December.

I think I will make a new poll in a week to see how opinions have changed.

Espeically since in the month this topic has been running.
Nigle Farage has given Boris way more support than he deserves. (Bit of a gamble here on Nigel’s part I feel)
Liberal Democrats have gone from being flavour of the month to being hated agan thanks to a leader who was at the heart of the coaltion of austerity.
And Jezza who has gone from slightly less hated than before but has also been highly effective at targetting voters with specific policies.
Boris has been very quiet though. I get the impression that Tory HQ want to keep him out of the media as much as possible due to the fear of him saying something stupid and shooting himself in the foot.

Oh I almost forgot TIG, Anna Soubry’s party…
Anyone remember them… Or actually want to vote for them? :grimacing: BYE BYE ANNA.


The last time a sitting PM lost their seat was Arthur Henderson in the 1931 general election…
1931 United Kingdom general election - Wikipedia
Whilst I can’t see the same thing happening to Corbyn at THIS upcoming election - I would have to be very wary of anyone who thinks that Labour seriously have a chance to do something similar to Boris Johnson…

I’ve already heard rumours that McDonnell is going to get some of his core Labour voters (probably Momentum activists as well.) to go “live with their grans for a few weeks” and thus vote Labour in Uxbridge constituency on the other side of town from Hayes and Harlington seat…
Whilst this increases the chance that Boris Johnson might be toppled from his seat - it should be pointed out that it will also decrease McDonnel’s majority by the number of “flying picket voters” acting in the way described.

That in turn then opens up the possibility, no matter how small - that local predominantly Hindu voters - might decide they’ve had ENOUGH of Labour, and deliver a shock result of turfing McDonnel out of what he thinks is his “Safe seat”… Hehehe…

Boris - has had plenty of opportunity to “stand somewhere else” - but it is possible he is baiting momentum in Uxbridge - to bring exactly that kind of result about!!

Oh I wish!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Since when were electorates allowed to vote in areas outside of their electoral registration ( other than students being able to choose between home or university residence registry ).So you’re saying that anyone in a non BP standing constituency can do a flying vote in a constituency where they are standing in that case ?.While it’s obvious that this whole sham will,as intended,result in a cross party alliance claiming a mandate to Revoke Brexit unless the electorate is bright enough to crash the Turnout figure by boycotting it.

No, the process I have described above is indeed electoral fraud, but because people tend to live with relatives nearby, and no ID is produced when turning up to vote - all one has to do to “vote in a different area to where you normally live” - is “live around some neighborhood relative for a few weeks” such as what students routinely do when living with Mum and Dad in say, Sevenoaks but voting in Canterbury having given your university digs as “your home address” when registering to vote.

A vote for Labour - doesn’t go anywhere in Sevenoaks for example, - but concentrated with other “flying student votes” in a University city like Canterbury though? - A massive Tory majority got overturned in 2017… And now presumably the Labour incumbent takes for granted that the same process will let her keep this seat next month…

Why should it though? 30 months on… Some of her ardent supporting voters from 2017 - have now left University, and moved on… New people will have signed up at that same university with it’s digs, and it would be arrogant indeed for ANYONE to take for granted that this “next generation of students” are all Lefties like the last lot were for sure!! :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

I think I will make a new poll in a week to see how opinions have changed.

Espeically since in the month this topic has been running.
Nigle Farage has given Boris way more support than he deserves. (Bit of a gamble here on Nigel’s part I feel)
Liberal Democrats have gone from being flavour of the month to being hated agan thanks to a leader who was at the heart of the coaltion of austerity.
And Jezza who has gone from slightly less hated than before but has also been highly effective at targetting voters with specific policies.
Boris has been very quiet though. I get the impression that Tory HQ want to keep him out of the media as much as possible due to the fear of him saying something stupid and shooting himself in the foot.

Oh I almost forgot TIG, Anna Soubry’s party…
Anyone remember them… Or actually want to vote for them? :grimacing: BYE BYE ANNA.

In the end, anyone with a clear vision of “hope for the future” - is going to vote “not for policies” nor “Brexit yes or no” - but rather "Which party will raise the most money to get ANYTHING DONE. That’s it.

Mainstream Politicians - can all promise the Earth - but if there’s no money - they will ALL be breaking their promises…
SO… We vote for the one who will hurt us the least they DO go ahead and break their promises then…

Right now, Brexiteers are hoping that Boris will end up breaking his promise to implement his “Oven Ready” Deal for example… And be forced to deliver a proper Brexit instead by ending up in coaltion with Farage’s Brexit Party… I can’t vote Brexit party - but the only reason I can think of to reluctantly support Boris Johnson’s Tories at this time - is the ulterior reason I’ve just given. :neutral_face:

Right now, Brexiteers are hoping that Boris will end up breaking his promise to implement his “Oven Ready” Deal for example… And be forced to deliver a proper Brexit instead by ending up in coaltion with Farage’s Brexit Party… I can’t vote Brexit party - but the only reason I can think of to reluctantly support Boris Johnson’s Tories at this time - is the ulterior reason I’ve just given. :neutral_face:

Farage is controlled opposition as much onside with May as BoJo.You can bet that he’s not going to get anywhere near to cancelling out the combination of LibDem and SNP seats and he intends that.

The only hope for any real Brexiteer is that the turnout will be low enough for us to say the same as the remainers did.We refuse to recognise the inevitable result,of a cross party claim of a mandate,to stop Brexit and at least hopefully,unlike those scumbags,with credible grounds.If not just take the nuclear option of refuse to recognise the result anyway regardless of the turnout just as they did.

I think I will make a new poll in a week to see how opinions have changed.

Espeically since in the month this topic has been running.
Nigle Farage has given Boris way more support than he deserves. (Bit of a gamble here on Nigel’s part I feel)
Liberal Democrats have gone from being flavour of the month to being hated agan thanks to a leader who was at the heart of the coaltion of austerity.
And Jezza who has gone from slightly less hated than before but has also been highly effective at targetting voters with specific policies.
Boris has been very quiet though. I get the impression that Tory HQ want to keep him out of the media as much as possible due to the fear of him saying something stupid and shooting himself in the foot.

Oh I almost forgot TIG, Anna Soubry’s party…
Anyone remember them… Or actually want to vote for them? :grimacing: BYE BYE ANNA.

Youre right, Johnson IS quiet. (normally Id we grateful for that) Refused to appear on the Andrew Marr programme? Didnt want to go head to head with other party leaders on C4?
Mrs T would have called him “frit”.

And Rees-Mogg is uncharacteristically absent, too?




It wasn’t the Conservatives who flooded this country with cheap labour from abroad.

That’s an outright lie and you know it. The reduction in immigration from the EU - attributed by many to Brexit - has been outmatched under the Tories by the surge in non-EU immigration, so that immigration has now reached a record high overall.

And it’s always been the same with the Tories.

You are suggesting that the Tories are suddenly NOT “Anti Islamic”… You cannot have it both ways. It is the EU behind Non-EU immigration to the UK going “unchecked” - as the Tories have been unable to stop it, for fear of being branded a rogue state should they crack down on it too hard. Even our current Home Secretary - is going to struggle to close our borders to non-EU migrants at any stage, so far down the line we are at this point. We are hardly shooting the blighters in the sea - are we? To listen to Leftie critics of Preti Patel though - that’s what one would have been expecting her to be about - already!

If it hadn’t been for Blair’s “open doors” policy in that regard, then we would also have workshy types being rather more compelled to take up farming jobs for instance, by this point.

Why is it always assumed that it is the people actually on the dole who will be working on farms? Once farmers are forced to compete with other employers, it’s just as likely that they might be poaching workers from other jobs, whilst those on the dole will backfill the poached workers in non-farm work.
If you live in the Tory-voting Rurals, and you’re a youth with no job nor prospects… You can either work locally on a farm OR you can feign disability OR you can have kids that oddly get diagnosed with mental illness at an early age OR you can get a job in another town/go to university like most youngsters actually do…

Thus Labour are the cause of low wages, and Labour are the thing preventing the workshy being forced into jobs, whilst the Consevatives get slagged off for “austerity” which came from Labour’s overspending in the FIRST place.

You really are taking a leaf out of Boris’ playbook on dishonesty, aren’t you? I’m no friend of Blair or New Labour, but it wasn’t their public spending which caused the worldwide failure of private sector banking. No, it was Labour bailing out the banks rather than throwing them under the bus first chance they got - that made people like me lose faith in Labour as the party of the People instead of the Big Shysters…

As for the (possibly) implied notion that New Labour should have been running surpluses all those years from 1997 - you know, charging us all 30% of our wages, not for healthcare or social security or other public services and adminstration, but to ‘fix the roof whilst the sun is shining’ - so that when the time came in 2008, they could transfer trillions of taxpayers’ money in one lump sum to the rich who were bankrupted by their own greed and incompetence, I’m afraid is a laughable argument.
Record amounts of money were paid out to or on behalf of those people that had contributed little to the UK economy, let alone UK society in the mid-naughties under the Late-Blair government with Brown still as chancellor at that time.
Everything from “Positive Discrimination” “All women shortlists” to “Fast tracked Immigration for likely Labour voters”. The best thing that Labour could have done around 2007 to “fix the roof whilst the sun was still shining” was reducing taxes on worker’s overtime - thus encouraging people to work MORE hours rather than less which was what “tapering off Tax Credits” were already doing by that point… More revenues would then be raised, and conversely less tax credits paid out - because Overtime would have become rather lucrative for many an ordinary worker, even those on minimum wages…

All this critique at the Tories for “bringing back Victorian Values” - when Imperialists like myself would LOVE to see that!
We were masters of the world in Victorian times. ANYONE could rise up under their own efforts - to be someone.

What utter, utter cobblers. People like you didn’t master the world in Victorian times - you were bow-legged degenerates barely usable as cannon fodder on foreign battlefields (the Boer War), or worked into the grave at 40-years-old whilst digging railway cuttings. You didn’t even get one-man-one-vote until 1918, and Victoria had been under the ground for over 15 years by then.

Let’s hope the voters reject this swivel-eyed lunacy on 12th December.

Better let’s hear some actual positive policies from those who’d bring about “backward change” then. The way forward for this country - cannot and must not be as a vassal state to the 4th Reich…
If some other country with nothing in common with this one - wants to rule us, and wants to keep us content - then they need to start by funding US rather than taking our cash, and burdening us with everything that pushes up the cost of living for those already here.

If there’s one thing I’d like to believe that Corbyn has said recently - it is “A great political change is coming”.

Let us agree that “The worst thing that can happen at this election - is parliament stays the SAME.”

The more extreme the shift - the better.
If Labour were to win 500 seats, then we working force folk - would at least find ourselves on the dole with massively increased benefits…
If the Tories won by that much - Boris could tear up his crappy Brexit Deal, and take us out, re-patriating all the cash whilst he’s at it…
Either way, the main group of losers from the “change” - would be those foreigners that have been freeloading in this country for too long already, be they Bankers, Lawyers, or TfL workers…



You are suggesting that the Tories are suddenly NOT “Anti Islamic”… You cannot have it both ways. It is the EU behind Non-EU immigration to the UK going “unchecked” - as the Tories have been unable to stop it, for fear of being branded a rogue state should they crack down on it too hard. Even our current Home Secretary - is going to struggle to close our borders to non-EU migrants at any stage, so far down the line we are at this point. We are hardly shooting the blighters in the sea - are we? To listen to Leftie critics of Preti Patel though - that’s what one would have been expecting her to be about - already!

The Tory party are not “anti-Islamic”. They are the party of business and don’t give a hoot who generates their profits.

And if you call sending back some poor sod with 50 years under his belt here, whilst issuing new work visas like confetti, an example of light touch and deference to EU law, then it’s only your mind that has gone rogue.

If it hadn’t been for Blair’s “open doors” policy in that regard, then we would also have workshy types being rather more compelled to take up farming jobs for instance, by this point.

You mean, the farm bosses would have been compelled to increase wages to the point where they simply attract free labour? There’s only one workshy type and that’s landowners who expect a huge cut of the farmer’s crop without lifting a finger in its production, not the worker who expects a fair wage for an effort.

If you live in the Tory-voting Rurals, and you’re a youth with no job nor prospects… You can either work locally on a farm OR you can feign disability OR you can have kids that oddly get diagnosed with mental illness at an early age OR you can get a job in another town/go to university like most youngsters actually do…

I would have thought the answer for most, like the rest of the working world, was just to travel to work under some sort of combustion-engine method, if there are genuinely jobs available for the youth (which I doubt, given that we have graduates working in sandwich shops).

No, it was Labour bailing out the banks rather than throwing them under the bus first chance they got - that made people like me lose faith in Labour as the party of the People instead of the Big Shysters…

The reality is that they weren’t in a position to allow the banking system to fail without the possibility of causing civil unrest and huge economic dysfunction.

Record amounts of money were paid out to or on behalf of those people that had contributed little to the UK economy, let alone UK society in the mid-naughties under the Late-Blair government with Brown still as chancellor at that time.
Everything from “Positive Discrimination” “All women shortlists” to “Fast tracked Immigration for likely Labour voters”. The best thing that Labour could have done around 2007 to “fix the roof whilst the sun was still shining” was reducing taxes on worker’s overtime - thus encouraging people to work MORE hours rather than less which was what “tapering off Tax Credits” were already doing by that point… More revenues would then be raised, and conversely less tax credits paid out - because Overtime would have become rather lucrative for many an ordinary worker, even those on minimum wages…

All of which is a completely different argument from your earlier suggestion that Labour crashed the global capitalist economy with their public spending. And I don’t think any sensible person in our occupation is calling for more overtime.

I agree with you that immigration should end, but because bosses use it to intensify exploitation of workers, and because it cedes to the bosses the right to determine where people live and to tear settled communities apart, not because immigrants are scroungers (although even that complaint is rich since you confessed to being a would-be blackleg).

The more extreme the shift - the better.
If Labour were to win 500 seats, then we working force folk - would at least find ourselves on the dole with massively increased benefits…
If the Tories won by that much - Boris could tear up his crappy Brexit Deal, and take us out, re-patriating all the cash whilst he’s at it…
Either way, the main group of losers from the “change” - would be those foreigners that have been freeloading in this country for too long already, be they Bankers, Lawyers, or TfL workers…

And this is also a load of cobblers, because Boris has not concealed his intention (and nor has Trump) to use Brexit as an opportunity for a carve-up by American moneymen.

The man doesn’t appear to have a shred of integrity or consistency of principle, whether in public or private life. And I don’t just mean I disagree with his politics. His own family denounce him. His lovers denounce him. Colleagues denounce him. Employers denounce him. Even right-wingers denounce him. And it’s always for the same thing: dishonesty. Deceit.

As for the smear about Labour unemployment, are you forgetting that the last era of handsome Tory majorities was also the era of record post-war unemployment and destruction of our domestic manufacturing capacity? Even today, they dare to crow that unemployment is back down to 1970s levels - what they don’t crow about is that wage growth has been down to 1830s levels, whilst rents and other living costs continue to surge.

Do the Tories actually pay you as a mouthpiece or something? Kelvin Mackenzie in disguise? Because at times your arguments resemble rank disinformation that not even a muddled thinker could conceive by accident.

I guess we’re going to stay poles apart on simply what we believe of our long-supported parties…

I’ve voted Libdem more than I’ve voted Conservative, or anyone else come to that.
The Libdems only lost me - because of Brexit.
The Conservatives would also lose me - if Boris ends up f—ing up Brexit himself.
Labour? - I’ve yet to hear from Corbyn how he’d go about a money-producing LEFT Hard Brexit - which would suit me fine, if he could only grasp that nettle… Scroungers can scrounge as much as they like following such a Brexit - as long as I’m not paying for it out of general taxation any longer! My core Liberal stance continues to be “Live and let Live” in that regard. That’s why I’m not bothered about “immigration” as a “security” thing - just the type of immigration that pushes down wages, which we already know happens to be "unskilled work going to non-EU citizens that shouldn’t even be here under EU rules - let alone ours.

At the end of the day, if you don’t believe there is such a thing as the Brexit Dividend - then you are always going to be against Brexit, even after the Brexit DIvidend is gotten, taxes cut, everyone and his dog clearly better off - and STILL Remainers will moan because someone they don’t even know - “has fallen upon hard times because of Brexit”…

If you don’t believe in such a thing as “Being sold to” - then you are going to be like Scousers and vote for even a Paedo - providing they wear a red rosette.
Elections - are not decided by those who either “vote the same” or “don’t vote at all”.
Elections are decided by “those who can be sold to”. The floating voter.

There’s been plenty of publicity of late where Corbyn is depicted as “Britain Trump” trying to displace Boris from that label, him being Old School Tie, Posh, and all that.
I don’t give a toss at how rich someone else gets - as long as it is not at my expense.
To wish ill upon another “Merely because they are considerably richer than yeu” is so far left as to be nothing more than a 21st century Max Robespierre.
Working people - surely ASPIRE to go up in the world as well as anyone else… Why try and “infect” those higher up the money chain so that we all fall into the diseased pit of poverty?
My only objections to the rich - are when it is from exploiting the workers, and “Not putting anywhere near enough back” into the communities they are located in.
Good old fashioned Labour values - but worlds apart from what Labour has become THESE days - with it’s Anti Semitism that started out “hating rich people for being rich”.
It is a fact of life that Jewish Businesspeople - are damned good with money. SAVING it rather than “making” it on the backs of workers.
Even the Scottish have a reputation for being “tight fisted” at the end of the day - as do Yorkshire Folk.
“Having Money” should NEVER be an embarassment for the aspiring worker.
HOW you make your money?
… I would have to argue that “Lawyer” and “Banker” fall way below “Prostitute” or “Soldier” with regards to “public perceptions” and “sheer reputations”.

I guess we’re going to stay poles apart on simply what we believe of our long-supported parties…

But it’s not all just a matter of impression, you’re referring to the actual records of the parties. On Tories being tough on immigration, the record shows that is a lie. On Tories being better on employment, the record shows that is a lie. On Tories being better on spending or national debt, the record shows that is a lie.

That’s why I’m not bothered about “immigration” as a “security” thing - just the type of immigration that pushes down wages, which we already know happens to be "unskilled work going to non-EU citizens that shouldn’t even be here under EU rules - let alone ours.

So you vote for the party who, this very moment, are engaged in supercharged levels of visa immigration from non-EU countries?

At the end of the day, if you don’t believe there is such a thing as the Brexit Dividend - then you are always going to be against Brexit, even after the Brexit DIvidend is gotten, taxes cut, everyone and his dog clearly better off - and STILL Remainers will moan because someone they don’t even know - “has fallen upon hard times because of Brexit”…

By all accounts Tory speculators will be in for a Brexit dividend. It’s not clear anyone else will be.

I don’t give a toss at how rich someone else gets - as long as it is not at my expense.

Serious inequality is always at the expense of the poor. It’s not about doing your neighbour down because he’s a skilled engineer and drives a slightly better car, or because he does a lot of overtime and has a second holiday a year.

It’s about those whose trust funds bleed your company dry, and bleed you dry, and whose unearned incomes (which you pay for) are more in a year than your earnings are in a lifetime, and who use that vast wealth to control the economy in their own favour, politics in their own favour, all against your interests.

Good old fashioned Labour values - but worlds apart from what Labour has become THESE days - with it’s Anti Semitism that started out “hating rich people for being rich”.
It is a fact of life that Jewish Businesspeople - are damned good with money. SAVING it rather than “making” it on the backs of workers.

The anti-semitism smears against Labour rarely state the nature of the alleged anti-semitism. When they do, it almost invariably comes back to some issue concerning the politics of Israel, and nothing whatsoever to do with religious or racial discrimination.

I will add as well, statistics suggest about 80% of the Jewish community are habitual Tories, and even when Labour had a Jewish leader (Ed Miliband) they shunned Labour and deemed him ‘the wrong kind of Jew’ (because of his left-wing politics). The press even smeared his dad (Jewish academic Ralph Miliband, who fled the Nazis and served this country in the Royal Navy) as the “man who hated Britain”.

In the end, we’ll all vote based on what we believe, rather than what we know of the polticial parties.
Voting - becomes an act of faith then, and “Democracy” continues it’s long trek in replacing “Religion” as the “Opium of the People”.

I’d rather vote for a party based upon what they’ve done rather than ducked.
Based on future intent rather than past sins…

In the end, we’ll all vote based on what we believe, rather than what we know of the polticial parties.
Voting - becomes an act of faith then, and “Democracy” continues it’s long trek in replacing “Religion” as the “Opium of the People”.

I’d rather vote for a party based upon what they’ve done rather than ducked.
Based on future intent rather than past sins…

The trick is still to look at facts when they are available, otherwise beliefs turn into delusions.

And although new management might wash away a party’s past sins, it’s another thing entirely when the sins are current - the example being record-high visa immigration, which is still high under Boris (and certainly not “tens of thousands” in accordance with that hoary old Tory rhetoric! :laughing:)

There ARE no “facts” - only “past sins” though. That’s the problem.

People are looking for reasons to NOT vote for a party.
They get given just the one…

“Vote for me - or the other party gets in”.

That’s what we’ve been force-fed for some years now. :frowning:

I don’t want to vote Tory - because they’ve deliberately failed to implement the hard brexit I voted for.
I don’t want to vote Labour - because Corbyn has not promised to deliver a hard Brexit.
I can’t vote Libdem any longer - because they’ve promised to overturn Brexit.
I can’t “not vote at all” - because I always vote, and still beleive in Democracy.

That means that the one party now starting to improve in the polls - happens to be Corbyn, because he’s “not had a go yet” and therefore represents somewhat of an “unknown quantity”.
He’s also refused to rule out cancelling Brexit himself, which makes me suspect he might be about to deliver a Hard Brexit of his own.

He’ll be needing that money to pay for all his spending plans, of course…

If he tries to raise general taxation, and Labour have less than a full majority - no Labour budget will ever pass the house.
If he tries to borrow his way along - the Bank of England that Labour originally gave independence to - will put a stop to THAT. Osbourne’s pet Carney - is still there, likely to linger like outgoing Bewcow “to sabotage any incoming PM who might try to upset the applecart”.

Thus, Corbyn has refused to rule out certain “political moves” he could and probably WILL make once PM.

I would suggest that THIS is the number one reason that Labour Leave voters have now decided to put more credence in THAT as a “reason to stick with Labour” - since it is clear they have already abandoned Brexit Party, now that Farage has clearly aligned himself to the Conservatives.

What is the point of voting for Brexit Party if you are a Labour voter unless you saw Brexit Party as a chance to unseat a hated Tory?

Can’t do that now - can they?

Thus, Farage’s action to “not stand against incumbent Tories anywhere” - has effectively destroyed his own party’s appeal to Non-Right voters…
Farage has been a damned fool! He should have stood in all 600 seats!!!
The moment he prevented his most ardent supporters from voting for him in Tory-held seats - he threw the election! - DOH!!

At the moment, it defintely looks like Boris is going the same way as May in 2017.

Boris - needs to win a comfortable majority in excess of his Remainer faction to continue now. That would be around the 430 seats area to “Get Brexit Done”.
Can’t see that happening!

Corbyn though? What happens if people smell blood on the Left, and desert SNP, Libdems, and Plaid at once to get behind Labour?

If CORBYN wins a small majority - even of just ONE - then he’ll have a LOT more power at Westminster than Boris would. Who prevents him from voting through any legislation that he likes?
The Blairites in his own party??

Nope. With 326 seats - Corbyn will make every single vote “Whipped” - with the threat to expell any Labour MP who ever votes against him - or abstains come to that.

There IS a chance here that Corbyn WILL become the “Anti Establishment PM” that is now being spoken of.
That would have anyone remotely Right Wing crying in the streets of course, but then again I should be able to scrape by with my outer shell of “Left Wing on Finance Only”.
That is, I would have no trouble “pretending to be hard up” and “against the Tories” - in order to keep my head down for the next 20 years, whilst the Momentum thugs go on the rampage all about me.

I think I’m going to have now two out of the three side bets on this election, on top of the number of small ones I’ve already made (previously posted)

(1) “Labour to win 310 seats or more” - priced at 25/1 right now. @ Baldfred Funny thing is, Labour are 20-1 to win a full majority, so it MUST be easier to “get 310 seats or more” than “a full majority” - surely? - An EXCELLENT value bet this one, whilst the price lasts…
Look under “Labour Seats Total”.

(2) A bet on the Libdems to get less than 10 seats, currently priced at 8-1 which is too short for me seeking a value bet, so I won’t bother here.

(3) SNP to win under 30 seats - 12/1. THAT seems like good value right now as well. Corbyn has denied Scotland a second referendum in 2020 - but has left the door open to one later. This kinda takes the wind out of the SNP’s sails as a one-issue party - don’t it? If Brexit Party stay on Zero - then why not Plaid, Libdems, and SNP as well, - saddling them ALL up as “The reason Parliament is deadlocked”… Corbyn might cause an upset similar to Trump in 2016…
The risk of this is rising, but am I going to go crying in my beer should Corbyn win ourright?

No, I’ll just lie low, as I’ve said.
I didn’t drop dead in 1997 when I voted for Paddy Ashdown’s libdems as my “vote against the hated Tories” at that point.
That first Labour parliament - turned out to be the best years of my life, even though I never voted Labour.

Perhaps the same can now happen with Corbyn… “If I can escape the persecution - I might even benefit from a Labour government again now”.

I’m sick of the lack of action of the so-called Parliamentary Brexiteers these past 3 years.
They’ve HAD their chance, even Boris as of 31st October - to “Break the law, go to jail, and become a national hero for Brexit”.

He ain’t done it!

Time for us all to move on.

I’m no longer scared of Corbyn, Labour, or the future.
I’m sick of stagnation - and that’s it. Stagnation at Westminster, Stagnation in full time work, Stagnation in the Property Market.

Even a CRASH would be better in that it would at least “get things moving again” in this country.

A side effect of Labour’s future attempts to “do away with ZHC” might even force wages up for those already on them - if you think about it:

Say, Labour tell an employer “You must take on an excess of full timers - because you’ll not be allowed to take on agency in the future”.
What employer is going to make such “made-out-of-thin-air” jobs “Decent” in any way?

They’ll ALL be minimum wages with lousy T&Cs on top like “single rate overtime” and “long hours built in”.

Many will simply chuck the jobs in, and if they’ve got the skills - move abroad. Those who cannot will find some way of getting their income down enough to qualify for means tested benefits, and everyone else left - will end up on the sinking agency shift, should they be close enough to retirement to “not need a job for life” any longer.

He’s also refused to rule out cancelling Brexit himself, which makes me suspect he might be about to deliver a Hard Brexit of his own.

I would guess he’s going to dare the EU to challenge his nationalisation plans. If they do, they’ll be finished in the SR. If they fold, then all is well!

“Labour to win 280-289 seats @ 33-1”
is looking interesting, as is
“Labour to win 290-299 seats @ 50-1”
“Labour to win 300-309 seats @ 66-1”

at the time of writing…

This election becomes more like the Grand National - every damned day! :neutral_face:

There’s all kinds of other side bets on that same page as well, so give it a look, all you casual punters out there…
…Just don’t do it at work, 'cos company policy doesn’t let you go to “gambling sites” init! :unamused:

Now that Farage seems to have thrown Brexit Party’s chances away by backing the Tories - we’ll probably see a rather polarized result at this coming election:

What IF…

First, here’s the WORST result I can think of:

Conservatives: 320 (+2)
Labour: 264 (+1)
SNP 37 (+1)
Libdems: 14 (+1)
DUP 8 (-2)
Plaid Cymru 0 (-4)
Sinn Fein 8 (+1)

with everyone else staying the same…

Corbyn - doesn’t go anywhere. Boris - STILL hasn’t got a majority, Swinson - stays on… NI moves further away from the UK… Parliament - as divided as ever.

Here’s the BEST result I can think of:
Conservatives: 325 (+7)
Labour 62 (-200)
Libdems 0 (-12)
SNP 0 (-35)
DUP 17 (+7)
Sinn Fein 0 (-7)
Green 0 (-1)
Plaid 0 (-4)
Brexit Party 245 (+245)

…making Brexit Party the new opposition. Not going to happen though, I guess. Farage has been too weak in his election play, by refusing to put Boris Johnson’s Conservatives at risk by “standing against them in all seats”, which would have encouraged Labour and Libdem voters - not to mention people that “don’t normally bother at all” - to get out and vote for the Upstart party that could and should have removed the mainstream!

Here’s something more realistic, based on this notion I have that “people will desert ALL minor parties, to try and get either of the main two - over the line…”

Conservatives: 330 (+12)
Labour: 294 (+32)
SNP: 8 (-27)
Libdems: 0 (-12)
Greens: 0 (-1)
Plaid: 0 (-4)
DUP 10 (-)
Sinn Fein 7 (-)
Brexit Party 0 (-)

In this scenario, Boris gets his majority - but it is a WEAK one, with over 100 Remainers still in his party.
“His Oven-Ready Deal” - will be reluctantly accepted by the ERG, as “The best we can now get”, and yet will still require a whipped vote to get through the commons. Boris dare not boot anyone else out of the party, with such a fragile majority, so I’d expect the EU to carry on obstructing Brexit at every turn, deterimed to keep the cashflow going to Brussels long after we’ve supposedly left, or even ended the so-called “Transition Period” by this time next year - instead ending up in an “Everlasting Transition Period”, rather akin to “Remaining - without the label”. We’ll all be dead, the the EU goes on - that way. :frowning: :frowning:

Because Labour gained seats - Corbyn - isn’t going anywhere, with Momentum and their Anti-Semitic antics - are here to stay.
The minor parties - got crushed, with them taking the blame for the “Divisions” in society. The Libdems have had a pretty bad week this week… Next week - it’ll be the SNP’s turn for being busted, I suggest.

Since “Labour to win 300-309 seats” is currently priced at 66-1, I think I’ll have a tenner on that, along with the 290-299 range @ 40’s - just in case…

I cannot see in any shape or form how SNP, Libdems, Plaid, and Sinn Fein get to advance at this election.

I also think there is a Labour surge coming, as happened in the 2017 election, which I successfully predicted then of course. I hope I’m wrong, but the two week’s wages up for grabs - will soften the blow for me if I’m not.

I wouldn’t expect many people to agree with my outlook here, but I’d be interested to hear from any “optimistic Labour supporters” who might see where I’m coming from here… ?

Ive just laughed out loud! On The World At One the ex-R.E. teacher of Jo Swinson was recalling an essay of hers, not verbatim, but:
There are many things we are unsure of, how the world was created, why the dinosaurs died out, why the Tories still get elected…