Garmin Dezel

My Garmin is doing my nut in. I do a lot of city work in a 38 toner and when I use my sat nav to find a delivery point it either sends me miles out the way or keeps popping up with warnings about weight limits! The problem is a lot of the time I need to go in to a weight limit to deliver and can do so with access. When I do the potsy thing tells me I am in a restricted area and leaves the wording up over the map so you can’t see it! Is there any way of turning these warnings off so I don’t keep having to touch the screen? Also is there a way of viewing the route before I start like you can on the tomtom? To be honest I am not impressed with it and would go for the tomtom or snooper next time. Any help appreciated

Pretty sure on mine when you enter the postcode it plans the route then puts up a screen saying unavoidable weight restriction with two options underneath stop or accept just touch accept and it will route you through the weight restriction.

Yes mine does that but when you get there it keeps popping up telling me I am in a weight limit! I know I am in an f###ing weight limit just let me see the map!

I bought a bog standard Garmin last year (cos it was cheap in a sale )…biggest waste of money ever :imp:
The last 2 postcodes I put in “could not be recognised”,but my 10 year old Tom Tom hit them straight away :unamused:

I’ve never used the Dezl thing, but have a Garmin Zumo 550 for motorcycling. Generally, it’s absolutely excellent. Have you tried resetting it?

I’d be tempted to take it back to the shop to see if another unit behaves the same. If that doesn’t work, get rid and buy one form much cheaper, and they just work fine. (No, I am not affiliated to them, I just use one and like it!)

It finds post codes ok but not a patch on the tomtom

Use my Garmin for Tramping into the countryside. Sat nav are there for a guide though. Some post codes cover a big area.

Use a map for most trips, only follow it in cities!

Slightly off the topic but does anyone know if Garmin have updated their mapping yet to take into account the 50mph on A roads