gantry signs

Like so many of us poor souls i’ve had to endure for years the endless nationwide roadworks,i unfortunately live close to the M1 stretch btwn J28 and J32,what gets my back up is Highways England as its now called tell us they are improving the network with smart motorways and installing gantries,but why as they dont use the existing ones for their intended purpose such as congestion btwn 30 and 31 for instance,but only to give us useless info,you know the ones,so save all our taxpayers money and keep us guessing…DISGRUNTLED.

I have been on that stretch every day for weeks it seems and I hate it. Everytime work gives me Leeds or Sheffield I die a little more.

I have been on that stretch every day for weeks it seems and I hate it. Everytime work gives me Leeds or Sheffield I die a little more.

Is it the roadworks or Leeds and especially Sheffield that make you die a little more,both those places do it for me :laughing:

I was coming down the M1 sb just past Lutterworth and the information board said M6 toll road clear :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

volvo keef:
I was coming down the M1 sb just past Lutterworth and the information board said M6 toll road clear :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

If you’ve worked nights you’d recognise why they’ve done that as its not uncommon to end up driving in that direction heading north from London after diverting around one of the many wonderful M1 closures they have there.

Been running up and down the M1 in the roadworks and there is one sign what sticks out and it says, You’ll not always see us.
Makes me laugh that one lol :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

As someone who is usually travelling along a fairly-deserted M6 J6-10 during the early hours, it’s infuriating when the variable speed limit flashes up 50mph for one gantry for absolutely no apparent reason. So like sheep, we all slow down to 50, not knowing whether the cameras will be live or not, then speed back up again to find there is absolutely no reason to have slowed down. No congestion, no accident, no workers in the road, no adverse weather, no animals in the road, no oncoming vehicles, no stranded vehicles, no pedestrians in the road, no UFO’s hovering overhead, absolutely nothing. And this has started happening more frequently. Is there someone sat in a Highways England control room just having a laugh at us?

Sprinter Si:
As someone who is usually travelling along a fairly-deserted M6 J6-10 during the early hours, it’s infuriating when the variable speed limit flashes up 50mph for one gantry for absolutely no apparent reason. So like sheep, we all slow down to 50, not knowing whether the cameras will be live or not, then speed back up again to find there is absolutely no reason to have slowed down. No congestion, no accident, no workers in the road, no adverse weather, no animals in the road, no oncoming vehicles, no stranded vehicles, no pedestrians in the road, no UFO’s hovering overhead, absolutely nothing. And this has started happening more frequently. Is there someone sat in a Highways England control room just having a laugh at us?

I have thought exactly the same they might be laughing but we’re not!

Notice this on our trips back home. Sodding annoying just in the car for a few weeks at a time.

I saw one last week- an overturned car picture in an orange triangle. Never saw an overturned car though

Had it again last night in the early hours on the M42 near Birmingham Airport, first gantry 50mph, then 60mph, then 40mph, back up to 50 mph (make your minds up!), signs saying 'Congestion, slow down". Of course there was no congestion. Highways Agency risk creating a ‘cry wolf’ situation with these gantries, if they keep slowing people down for no reason then people will just start ignoring them.

Absolutely Sprinter Si! Loads of them are wrong, roadworks where there’s none, ‘incidents’, ‘accidents’, ‘queue ahead’ - (on the M5 at 3am■■?) the 50mph is rife isn’t it? Thing is, we’ve all got so used to ignoring them, that when they’re spot on & nobody’s slowed down, aren’t they just asking for trouble?

Sprinter Si:
As someone who is usually travelling along a fairly-deserted M6 J6-10 during the early hours, it’s infuriating when the variable speed limit flashes up 50mph for one gantry for absolutely no apparent reason. So like sheep, we all slow down to 50, not knowing whether the cameras will be live or not, then speed back up again to find there is absolutely no reason to have slowed down. No congestion, no accident, no workers in the road, no adverse weather, no animals in the road, no oncoming vehicles, no stranded vehicles, no pedestrians in the road, no UFO’s hovering overhead, absolutely nothing. And this has started happening more frequently. Is there someone sat in a Highways England control room just having a laugh at us?

Just a warning that lorries are dawdling along at fifty.

Sprinter Si:
Had it again last night in the early hours on the M42 near Birmingham Airport, first gantry 50mph, then 60mph, then 40mph, back up to 50 mph (make your minds up!), signs saying 'Congestion, slow down". Of course there was no congestion. Highways Agency risk creating a ‘cry wolf’ situation with these gantries, if they keep slowing people down for no reason then people will just start ignoring them.

One night I had the M42 ones go from 60mph at one gantry to 30mph on the next. Of course the second one had cameras on it. Luckily I wasn’t loaded.
I’ve started checking now and it appears that the majority of gantries that show a reduction in speed limit (over the previous sign) have cameras attached. Makes me question the motives behind them.

Tootling down the M6 south earlier before j15 I was informed "New Dart tag in operation " thanks for that lol :laughing:

Stupid bloody matrix signs as you get to where the M5 joins the M6 at J8 “congestion 40mph” it wouldn’t be congested if you turned the signs off and let everyone carry on but alas they have to cater for the stupid and incapable again :smiling_imp:

Bring back the yellow fog lights nailed to a fence post.

Tootling down the M6 south earlier before j15 I was informed "New Dart tag in operation " thanks for that lol :laughing:

Stupid bloody matrix signs as you get to where the M5 joins the M6 at J8 “congestion 40mph” it wouldn’t be congested if you turned the signs off and let everyone carry on but alas they have to cater for the stupid and incapable again :smiling_imp:

I was in Northumberland last week, and the matrix on the A1 kept spouting off about the Dartford Crossing (over 4 bloody hours away) & nothing about the problems around Newcastle

Can’t wait until this ‘managed motorway’ buffoonery is unleashed on the rest of the M6 and the M60.