Gaining Class 1 Experience

i have managed to talk my boss into letting me have thursday and every other friday off as long as i get all my work done in the time i am at work,(if not i will have to work until 1800) ,or take it home, for the wife to do as she is good with spreadsheets, and a lot of my work is creating spreadsheets to make our lives easier at work.

i want to do as much work on the weekends as possible so i can gain experience in the class 1 field.

the hours i would be working are as follows

Basically I would be working

Mon — Weds (navy work counted as other work)
0800-1200 other work
1200-1315 break
1315-1530 other work
1530 start weekly rest
(6 ¼ hours per day working)
Off (Weekly Rest)
Available for work 1230 onwards (end of weekly rest)
If I do not work before 1230 I have taken a full 45 hours weekly break but would take rest of day off until Saturday early or late Friday evening (night trunking)
As and when work required
As and when work required

Mon — Weds (navy work counted as other work)
0800-1200 other work
1200-1315 break
1315-1530 other work
Weds 1530 start weekly rest
(6 ¼ hours per day working)
Off (Weekly Rest)
Start work as and when required (reduced weekly rest taken )
If I do not work before 1230 I have taken a full 45 hours weekly break
As and when work required say
As and when work required
any compensation required for this weeks break would be able to be made up from 1530 on monday until 0800 on tuesday (as long as it is not more than 5 1/2 hours) or my boss might let me have wednesday afternoon off, in the following week (week 3) to make up rest hours if i need to.

Same as week one

And so on.

Does that make sense to you? I believe I would no fall foul of the law and be able to gain the experience for my class 1 over the weekends working for companies with maybe a bit of tramping on Friday and Saturday thrown in.

If you can see a problem where i would be outside the WTD (illegal) please let me know.

i have run this past ROG and spent about an hour at work today going through it with my boss, and couldnt see any faults with it but maybe a proffesional eye will see an error somewhere.

what are your thoughts

I have run this past ROG

Oh dear :exclamation: that was probably the first mistake :unamused:

… Putting bulletproof attire on now… :wink: :laughing: :laughing: