
Just got from a friends funeral who drowned last week. I got a lot of abuse from his relatives about my floral tribute in the shape of a lifejacket. But as I told everyone “it’s what he would have wanted!”


D’oh :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:lol: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

the maoster:
Just got from a friends funeral who drowned last week. I got a lot of abuse from his relatives about my floral tribute in the shape of a lifejacket. But as I told everyone “it’s what he would have wanted!”

preferably a real one before the accident.


the maoster:
Just got from a friends funeral who drowned last week. I got a lot of abuse from his relatives about my floral tribute in the shape of a lifejacket. But as I told everyone “it’s what he would have wanted!”

preferably a real one before the accident.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


the maoster:
Just got from a friends funeral who drowned last week. I got a lot of abuse from his relatives about my floral tribute in the shape of a lifejacket. But as I told everyone “it’s what he would have wanted!”

preferably a real one before the accident.

Please treat the above as a lesson in stating the obvious

Tipper Tom:


the maoster:
Just got from a friends funeral who drowned last week. I got a lot of abuse from his relatives about my floral tribute in the shape of a lifejacket. But as I told everyone “it’s what he would have wanted!”

preferably a real one before the accident.

Please treat the above as a lesson in stating the obvious

Will Mr Sheen remove the snot from my I pad with no future problems?

the maoster:

Tipper Tom:


the maoster:
Just got from a friends funeral who drowned last week. I got a lot of abuse from his relatives about my floral tribute in the shape of a lifejacket. But as I told everyone “it’s what he would have wanted!”

preferably a real one before the accident.

Please treat the above as a lesson in stating the obvious

Will Mr Sheen remove the snot from my I pad with no future problems?

Mr Sheen shine umpteen things clean. But I prolly wouldn’t use it on an iPad you’re better off just running it under the tap. Oh and blow your nose

Tipper Tom:


the maoster:
Just got from a friends funeral who drowned last week. I got a lot of abuse from his relatives about my floral tribute in the shape of a lifejacket. But as I told everyone “it’s what he would have wanted!”

preferably a real one before the accident.

Please treat the above as a lesson in stating the obvious

It was ‘obviously’ not ‘obvious’ to the deceased prior to his demise :unamused: :wink:


Tipper Tom:


the maoster:
Just got from a friends funeral who drowned last week. I got a lot of abuse from his relatives about my floral tribute in the shape of a lifejacket. But as I told everyone “it’s what he would have wanted!”

preferably a real one before the accident.

Please treat the above as a lesson in stating the obvious

It was ‘obviously’ not ‘obvious’ to the deceased prior to his demise :unamused: :wink:

Or he obviously realised it would of helped him but was drowning and therefore unable to find, beg borrow steal or knit a life jacket. This is of course assuming he even existed in the first which if course he didn’t

I’m scared of water … I wear a life jacket while having a bath :wink: