fun friday

last day on shift, saw me heading into selby for 8 am to load for kiby thore, arrived at 7.50 and was told by the receptionist to pull onto weighbridge and wait for someone to weigh me off.

1 hour 20 minutes later a guy whose passing asks if i have be weighed off yet?, on hearing that i havent he tells me thats because theres a argument going on about who is responsible for weighing vehicles!!, any way once weighed go round to loading point to find i cant get to it because another tanker is tipping, so told to go back onto weighbridge again!!!.

started cleaning out motor and after another 40 minutes i am told to go back round to load. after reversing to the point, and setting up for a top load the operator starts the pump, ‘be about 45 minutes to load’ he tells me, then five minutes later he informs me he has to turn off pump because he’s off to a union meeting!!!. once he has gone i am told by another operator that he isnt even in the union, he went along to see what a union meeting was all about.

just decided to take it on the chin as i was getting demurrage anyhow, still makes you wonder how some companies can operate, with idiots like that :slight_smile: .
kirby thore was totally different, in at 14.50 round to tipping point, tipped paperwork signed and out the gate again for 16.05. back in ellesmere port for 19.45 after washingout tank and fuelling up.

Rank Hovis Selby by chance? :confused:

nope mate clarient :slight_smile:

what a muppet the mgrs of these companies are, dont they relise how much time & money they waste