Fully qualified lgv 2

Hi all, im ready to go. I’ve emailed 15 companies and so far no luck.
I’ve only had dqc for a few days so what do I expect. I haven’t gone to any agencies yet,do you think I should? Thanks. I’m in Colchester area.

Nobody can be bothered to reply to Emails, it requires a personal visit by knocking on doors and selling yourself.
There are a few builders merchants in your area to try.
Print some business cards to leave with transport managers, but visit when they have sent their vehicles out.

Hi I agree with Toby.
I sent dozens of emails to companies for work not a single reply. Also emailed agencies and got no replies it was only when I phoned some that I got somewhere. My prob was I had class 2 but no experience. When I called in with the agency they were flat out on the phones booking drivers which I thought was a good sign. Although when I signed up they only got me 7.5t work I assume that they wanted me to build experience before letting me out in class 2. After a few shifts in 7.5t for same company 5 mins from home got offered a job! Will stick it out for a while get as much experience then try for class 2. Hopefully you will be fortunate to get class 2 but you may have to consider starting 7.5 and working up. Look for an agency that only does drivers

Nobody can be bothered to reply to Emails, it requires a personal visit by knocking on doors and selling yourself.
There are a few builders merchants in your area to try.
Print some business cards to leave with transport managers, but visit when they have sent their vehicles out.

^^^^ -This. I’ve been out visiting a few firms handing out CVs and speaking to whoever I can regards work. Called into a firm today and they booked me for interview this Friday there and then, so hopefully something comes out of it. Explained only got little experience but they didn’t seem to mind.

So advice is get out there as well as emails.