Fuel Pump Auto Shut Off

I’ve been asked the question by a non truck driver why some of our diesel pump nozzles still have the mechanism that holds the lever in enabled?

My missus used to manage a petrol station although it didn’t have a truck pump, she says it’s an insurance requirement that it be disabled, something to do with driving off while the nozzle is still in the tank.

I use either a tennis ball or a small bolt to hold the lever while I kick the tyres or have a ■■■■, but I’m aware that quite a few pumps still have the mechanism enabled.

Is someone going 'round removing the little screws?

Wedging stuff in the trigger is expressly forbidden at our gaff. The large patches of diesel all over the floor show 2 things. Why it’s banned in the first place and no one really takes much notice.

Our pumps dispense 100 litres a minute. Today I put 92 litres in. Why folk can’t hold the trigger for one minute is baffling. But when you’re not paying for the diesel …

Article in the " Times " at weekend , in some garages they are disconnected because people had been putting the holder in the tank and then going and sitting in the veh and spillages have occurred as aresult, but the other reason is that the cut off valves (especialy on derv pumps ) are failing to work because the new bio fuel is blocking the filters on the pumps , causing a pressure difference and affecting the cut off valve and so spillages are now occurring on a regular basis

It’s all to make our lives harder, go to the US & see how stress free fuelling is…! Ie you can pay by cc @ the pump or cashier a specific amount & the pump will dispense the fuel to the cent while you do other things (auto cut off enabled)…

Yeah , i have always used a piece of wood, specially made and measured, well i was a carpenter once :laughing: i find that to fill up with 400 litres, when the trigger is so damned heavy on my fingers, and in the past, have to let go to rest my fingers, only for the pump to cut out because it thinks i`ve finished. I did hear somewhere that they were going to make it illegal to lock the trigger, suppose thats why so many dont work, but as you all know, you cant trick a trucker, we always find a way around a problem. :laughing:

truckstuff.co.uk/products/fu … ing-device

It’s illegal for petrol pumps to be able to be locked open in the UK and this footage from the US shows why, the explosion was caused by static electricity from the girl’s jumper when she got back into the car.


it’s legal for a diesel pump to be locked open.

Reusable cable tie or CPC card works for me.

Terry T:
Wedging stuff in the trigger is expressly forbidden at our gaff. The large patches of diesel all over the floor show 2 things. Why it’s banned in the first place and no one really takes much notice.

Our pumps dispense 100 litres a minute. Today I put 92 litres in. Why folk can’t hold the trigger for one minute is baffling. But when you’re not paying for the diesel …

Putting 92 litres in from a pump delivering 100l/m on a sunny August day is very different to putting say 900 litres in to 2 tanks from a slower pump at 3 am at -5*C in heavy sleet. Would you expect the driver to stand there holding the gun for 10 - 15 minutes?

you cant trick a trucker, we always find a way around a problem. :laughing:


Putting 92 litres in from a pump delivering 100l/m on a sunny August day is …

Let me stop you there. I was referring to my work. We fill up every day, only have one tank and do fairly short runs compared to many haulage firms. Some days I do less than 50 mile.

And they still can’t hold the trigger in.