Bugger, have to make Great Yarmouth to Norwich on Monday for my first ever Class 2 job interview :frowning:

Its not just us thats in the mire.
France prices are Euro 1.44 per litre which is 1.17 per litre in pounds sterling!
We will not make a difference by staging a protest!

For more info

Evening News 24 Article about Fuel Protest

Sorry, not clever enough to do short links

:laughing: :laughing:

Edited to shorten that link :smiley: . Simon

Surely better for all lorry drivers to stay at home for a few days rather than block roads? If EVERYONE withdrew their labour that would be far more effective.

Its another “please sir, can i strike tomorrow!” No way on this earth thats going to work because they will answer, " yes you can strike and have 400 lorries tramping around, but just do it oer there out of the way"

I like the idea LankyTim. Unfortunately, as with striking…theres still bills to be payed!!

I recieved the following text message this evening.

I am organising a fuel price protest next monday 12th at 8am on the A47 at Norwich. If you are interested in taking part give me a shout & forward this text 2 any other hauliers who would join us. Gary Cooper. 07977078861.

You think it would start at 12.00 noon with Gary Cooper wouldn’t you :unamused:

High noon you mean? :laughing:

I recieved the following text message this evening.

I am organising a fuel price protest next monday 12th at 8am on the A47 at Norwich. If you are interested in taking part give me a shout & forward this text 2 any other hauliers who would join us. Gary Cooper. 07977078861.

So did this prove to be a success or was it another load of hot air with excuses such as

i’m sorry to say i won’t be on the protest, after much consideration i can’t afford to spoil my 2 year relationship with Bartrums although i fully agree with what the plan is.


40 lorrys turned up…
goto the bbc news pages and the norwich area.


Shame there wasn’t the turnout expected.

I dont think these rolling protests can be effective anymore. I am in agreeance with everyone else, the only real way is a week without these vehicles on the road.

Lets face it, it’ll not happen because while one person is willing to stay home for a week, there’s always going to be someone who would do his job while they are off.

And lets all be straight about it, who can really afford to have time off?

Its all sounding self perpetuating,drivers won’t take ex amount of days off can’t afford to,bosses won’t because someone else will do their work.When the Bosses go under we all go under.
Who will do the work if your company goes bust ? Eastern Europeans thats who and are we gonna work for them on those rates or less i didn’t think so

Unless the Bosses and the Drivers work together
All of the Above are to Blame when none of the Above have a Job or Business

Unity is Strenght and this problem is a direct result of Globalisation

Thats my Rant Thanx for reading it

I read about the protest in the daily express

They wont listen, they dont care if we all end up on the dole- perhaps thats what the general public and the government want?

Fair play for organising all of this but until everyone sticks together and forces the economy to grind to a halt nobody will give a ■■■■. Strangle the country, any truck that moves gets burnt. Thats what the French would do! probably…

glen johnson is trying to get something going call or text 07738854981

dai…Area would help for most.

You all do it in the wrong places and the wrong way so it will never work.
the only way to do it right is to [zb]up the country and can be done by blocking one road and at one point and thats the m25 at dartford xing and i dont mean a go slow, but a blockade of it, you do that and london comes to a stop.
you do it anywhere else in the country and its just a waste time :exclamation: :wink:

auto censor dodge removed, please read HERE…Denis F

if we blockade the crossing we will get done for it…why not just stop at the toll booth and refuse to pay…and that every single booth that will soon make the trafic stack up…must be done at rush hour to be very effectif

if we blockade the crossing we will get done for it…why not just stop at the toll booth and refuse to pay…and that every single booth that will soon make the trafic stack up…must be done at rush hour to be very effectif

And stopping and not paying is not a form of blockade and you have just said why it won’t work because you will get done for it, well if you all did it and stuck to it they cant nick every haulage co can they.
you have to look to france to see how to do a blockade and bring the place to a stop…
Just a few of you doing it will get you nowhere its all or nothing…

glen is near ipswich