Fuel protest start on Saturday!

The following statement is released on 10th December 2007 at 10:15Hrs

Transaction2007 have decided to release the date and time of protest action earlier than scheduled. This is to enable the motorist and public to better prepare themselves for the coming action.

A date of Saturday 15th December 2007 at 10:00am has been decided for protest action. This date was decided by members as the best possible to enable those who would normally be working during the week to attend. This action will be initiated at a refinery or storage depot somewhere near you. Anyone wishing to support action is requested to make your way there at the allotted time. Transaction again wish to emphasise the importance of legal protesting.

Its on Sky news so if you wish to show support join in its in all our interests and if you don’t want to don’t no arguments or discussion required just wanted to pass the news on. :smiley:

Better get the car filled up sharpish!

petrolprices.com/blog/petrol … ay-86.html

What a load of bovine droppings :angry:

During the 2000 protests we were making good headway until the car drivers blamed the truckers when things started to get tough. Then they turned against us because they couldn’t get any fuel to take the brats to school. Now they want to protest on a Saturday because they dont have to go to work - unbelievable :imp:

They didnt worry when we spent more than a week outside Fawley refinery without any earnings… I didn’t see any reps, taxi drivers, mothers with kids, or anyone else… no doubt they were happy to reap any benefits we may have gained!

Rant over, blood pressure returning to normal :wink:

Reading the Mail this morning the powers that be are apparently threatening to revoke the Driving Licences (it did not specifically say HGV licence) of any lorry driver taking part, and also to bring in the “military”.

During the 2000 protests we were making good headway until the car drivers blamed the truckers when things started to get tough. Then they turned against us because they couldn’t get any fuel to take the brats to school. Now they want to protest on a Saturday because they dont have to go to work - unbelievable :imp:

They didnt worry when we spent more than a week outside Fawley refinery without any earnings… I didn’t see any reps, taxi drivers, mothers with kids, or anyone else… no doubt they were happy to reap any benefits we may have gained!

Spot on.


Edward Teller:
Reading the Mail this morning the powers that be are apparently threatening to revoke the Driving Licences (it did not specifically say HGV licence) of any lorry driver taking part, and also to bring in the “military”.

Curious to know how they can do this if you’ve not broken the law :question:


Stanley Knife:
Curious to know how they can do this if you’ve not broken the law :question:


They make it up as they go along Stan, if these ‘politicians’ had proper jobs in the real world they wouldn’t last five minutes. Where else could they make total cockups, get fired and remain on full pay until another job came up :angry:


Stanley Knife:
Curious to know how they can do this if you’ve not broken the law :question:


They make it up as they go along Stan, if these ‘politicians’ had proper jobs in the real world they wouldn’t last five minutes. Where else could they make total cockups, get fired and remain on full pay until another job came up :angry:

It’s all scare tactics which, in a number of cases, will work.

don’t need blockades, there’s already a shortage in the SW, apparently trouble getting the fuel off a ship somewhere!

no diesel at Shell or BP around Okehampton today :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Why protest at a quiet time of the week? Saturday at 10:00 until when? About half past two (with an hour off for lunch :unamused: ) most probably.

Agree with Fastinger - car drivers supported the protest before until their tank ran dry…then they had the hump!

i wont be protesting more important things to do

Italian truck strikes make UK nervous

13 December 2007
The Italian fuel protests are having a devastating impact on the Italian economy underlining the importance of road transport on the eve of the threatened UK protests planned for this weekend.

A third day of Italian truck strikes has passed with no agreement reached between union leaders and government and a government deadlinefor Tuesday night went unregarded. However two of the main unions have said they will suspend strikes although others have vowed to maintain the roadblocks until Sunday. The strike, which is centred on roads and refineries in Rome, is costing Italy E210m a day. Shops are emptying rapidly and the strike is disrupting food supplies. Retailers are now worried that they will not be able to restock their shelves before Christmas.

Fuel deliveries have been receiving police escorts although consumers have been restricted to E20 purchases. Reuters claims that 80% of fuel stations have run dry. The fuel protests follow a huge transport strike on November 30 which brought all transport modes to a halt in Italy. Prices of diesel on Italian forecourts had gone up by 9.5 cents against the EuroZone average, giving it a price of E1.286/lit against a UK price of just over £1 or E1.446/lit.

i dont think anything will come of the protest tax has to be raised for schools and gov spending ect the haulage companies should just pass the cost on.
money has been found for new truck costs ,the digi tacho,s and of corse the silly wtd , just pay up and get on with it on a positive note it might go to save planet

I wont be bothering with any protest, but I might fuel up Saturday if I can find a few bearded, overpaid nerds blocking any pumps :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

oops :blush: just remembered, I’ve got a beard (but I’m not an overpaid nerd), I’m just too tight to spend money on razor blades :open_mouth:

They make it up as they go along Stan,

Bugger, yeah forgot about that. Isn’t that what politicians call being able to think on ones feet.

if these ‘politicians’ had proper jobs in the real world they wouldn’t last five minutes. Where else could they make total cockups, get fired and remain on full pay until another job came up :angry:

Couldn’t agree more. My base level for anyone wanting to be a politician would be that you must have had a job prior. Not a chairmanship, researcher or committee bod but a proper job.

There’d only be about 5 in Parliament.


Stanley Knife:
[There’d only be about 5 in Parliament.

That many :open_mouth:

Your’e just too nice Stan :wink:

you have got me there i can not think of 5 i can think of 2 sorry mybe one

Edward Teller:
Reading the Mail this morning the powers that be are apparently threatening to revoke the Driving Licences (it did not specifically say HGV licence) of any lorry driver taking part, and also to bring in the “military”.

If it was in the Mail, it isn’t true. I’m surprised they haven’t blamed immigrants, single mothers and speed cameras for the rise in fuel prices.