Fuel - not a rant but just a thought

Has anybody thought of avoiding BP and Esso for the fuel ? Use another supplier.

Esso and BP ( think they are now One company) are the biggest suppliers and if you boycott them then , well its supply and demand scenario isnt it ? If nobody is buyin then they will have to lower their prices ? Surely…#

Just a thought

It may well be “the other fuel supplier” buys the fuel from a BP/Esso refinery.
Plus, these BIG oilers make the most of their money on oil exploration. Refining it into fuel and selling it to wide public does not make that much, partly because running cost of petrol station is very high. One article I read claims that it actually makes less money than processing crude oil into various chemicals that are then sold to other factories for further processing.

Its gone up again today, $135 per barrell, unbeliveable, I really cant see many people keepin their businesses goin at this rate, includin my brother.

Its rising daily now , all because stock traders see it as a better commodity to invest in!!!Thus pushin the price up!

"Oil prices hit a record high above $135 a barrel on Thursday, having rocketed by more than $4 a barrel on Wednesday.

US light, sweet crude for July delivery reached $135.09, taking its gain for the year so far above 40%."

40 % !!! Only half way through the year an people are lucky to get a 3% increase PA in their wages!

It is indeed supply & demand, stop using and they would change tack but as you surely know well, the chance of getting any large number of people to see this and then act all at one time seems an impossible dream.

The other part of the problem (for us in particular) is the massive tax gathering by h.m. robbers that goes on via fuel, it pays never to forget that most of the time they make way more per gallon than the oil companies do.

saw this yesterday

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: