FUEL cost comparison site

petrolprices.com/ :laughing:

Hitch, what is the point? We’re all being shafted by sky-high fuel prices, and we’ll all grumble about it in the pub, and pay up as per usual. Myself included because that’s the nature of the Brits.

I was at Stanlow in 2000 and back then we were all up in arms about 80p a litre. 80 PENCE! I’ve just had a look on this site you’re advertising, and the lowest priced Derv in my area is £1.19, WHOOOOOPEEEEEE!!

■■■■ me, if last year someone had told me I would be paying £1.19 to fill up in 2008 I would have laughed my head off.

£1.19 isn’t good, is it? Granted, it’s better than £1.26 (The highest price in my area), but that’s just the point. These price comparison sites and Ben Scammell’s Pipeline Card — if it ever gets off the ground — are simply conditioning us to the fact that the cost of fuel is skyrocketing and encouraging us to accept it.

“Up to 7p a litre off — Wow, cheers Ben, glad it’s not £1.26 then we really would be being ripped off!!

If 80p a litre was bad in 2000 then it stands to reason that £1.19 is crippling now and one of the key factors in pushing this country into recession.

In this life there are now THREE certainties: Death, taxes and high fuel prices in Britain.

Get used to it.

word censor dodge edited out - repton

I read that oil could be (thanks to speculators and city spivs) around $200 per barrel at xmas.

When a barrel is refined you get 20 gallons of petrol, now bear in mind the oil companies creative accounting methods and they will be able to say that each gallon of petrol costs about $8 to refine =£4 per gallon, Not including VAT, retailers profit, transportation etc so how much will it cost at the start of 2009?.

Garage up the road £1.29.9 for diesel :open_mouth:
Anyone who gets fuel from them is feeding their greed .

Garage up the road £1.29.9 for diesel :open_mouth:
Anyone who gets fuel from them is feeding their greed .

saw one in Cornwall yesterday


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Hitch, what is the point? We’re all being shafted by sky-high fuel prices, and we’ll all grumble about it in the pub, and pay up as per usual. Myself included because that’s the nature of the Brits.

word censor dodge edited out - repton

the brits dont have the franchise on paying over the odds i am afraid.
i seen in germany last week diesel at 1.45 euro per ltr.
a little cheaper then the uk but not much and ireland in another thread…1.32.it was 1.23euro 2 weeks ago when i was there.
everyone in europe is paying the over the odds price.
only the americans are still getting it cheap.
who is getting all the money out of this,it cant be just the governments.
theres something going on in europe that we arenot been told about methinks

Denis F:

Garage up the road £1.29.9 for diesel :open_mouth:
Anyone who gets fuel from them is feeding their greed .

saw one in Cornwall yesterday


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Yep, St Ives has one at £1.32

glad I ditched the car for 2 wheels :smiley:

who is getting all the money out of this,it cant be just the governments.
theres something going on in europe that we arenot been told about methinks

When the price of a barrel of Crude Petroleum rises then the government’s take is increased in the form of Value Added Tax.

In very simple terms:
80p per litre = 14p VAT for the government.
£1.00 per litre = 17.5p VAT for the government.
£1.20 per litre = 21p VAT for the government.

This is how the government earns more revenue on a daily basis.

Think about it, 30 Million motorists all buying fuel. This is more productive than raising the base rate of income tax, and that’s not counting fuel duty at around 70-odd percent!!

Like I said, price comparison sites are just allowing us to sleepwalk into ever-escalating fuel costs.

No doubt we’ll all get an email from Ben Spammer telling us he’s not forgotten about us, and that in a few months’ time we might have a card that brings the cost of fuel down to £1.35 a litre.


Just heard on the news: Analysts are predicting the £2.00 litre by the end of the year, the way things are going!!

In the late eighties unleaded was £1.60 a GALLON.

I might as well convert my motor to run on chip-fat.

It might smell a bit, but then so does this government!! :smiling_imp:

In the late eighties unleaded was £1.60 a GALLON.

In recent times, it was cheapest in real terms in 1990 when it cost about £1.83 per gallon. (Which is about £3.40 a gallon in 2008 money or 75p a litre).

See P18 Research Paper 99/111 PDF and Petrol Prices 1983-2008

I’m off to buy an old milk float.

1.32 highest here, :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

At Whitwood Truckstop it’s £1.29 ltr - that’s at a bloody truckstop!!!


I borrowed a horse last Monday (no I’m not joking) to get down to the Jobcentre, not sure about the mpg but it left a nice pile of crap outside the Jobcentre :sunglasses:


the brits dont have the franchise on paying over the odds i am afraid.

The point I’m making greg, is that if we were a bit more like the Froggies, then we might have made the government sit up and take note many years ago, say Autumn 2000.

As things stand, and with the worldwide crisis in the financial markets (I refuse to use the term “credit crunch”) the government cannot afford - as if they ever would - to reduce fuel duty to anything meaningful for our industry.

I’m not bothered about the rest of Europe. We live in the UK, and it’s OUR government that gave us the fuel duty escalator and 80% tax on fuel.

I reckon we’ve probably left it too late for any direct action to have an effect.