Fuel Cards

I just wanted opinions on which fuel cards people use. I no most cards, give or take abit have the same prices but im wanting to organise maybe 2 or 3 cards for myself. I want the free ones, where you dont pay if you dont use them, but there doesnt seem to be many of them type any more. Most want £12 - £25 a year off you if you dont use them, I no £1 a month isnt much but why should you pay them £1 for you not useing their card cause they have a high price that month, its the principal :slight_smile:

Thanks for any help given.

I have just got rid of my Shell card for charging even when you don’t use it. Have gone now to Fuel Genie much better deal… :sunglasses:

do you use that for trucks? as it just seems to be tesco and morrisons. I was looking at the bigger ones, which you can use in lots of places, but maybe the smaller companies are offering better deals. Whats their prices like?

We find forecourt fuels to be the best rates wise and we use fuelcard co, forecourt and the keyfuels thing for small fleets.
But the fuel card co. has just put us on some RHA scheme, so will see if that can compare with forecourt fuels rates.

I had a quick look at the forecourt fuels site, they seem quite good. Il give them a ring.

Fuel Genie did not work out so now back to the best deal of all…Shop around and the use credit card… :sunglasses:

Fuel Genie did not work out so now back to the best deal of all…Shop around and the use credit card… :sunglasses:

Credit card might be the cheapest option, even better if you can find a credit card with some kind of reward scheme. Weve gone up 3p in the last two weeks :imp: