Frys logistics banned

Not long enough. Should be lifetime.

They seem to work exclusively as LIDL subbies between Weston Super Mare and stores in Cornwall. I do think they have cleaned up their act since that accident. They should have taken some kind of punishment at the time, and not been hit with a ban over 2 years after the event.

Drivers have sole responsibility of their driving hours Regardless of what their employers say or tell them to do. Killing cyclist is also the drivers responsibility as they shouldnt drive tired, or driving without due care. We all know cyclist can be a hazard most of the time, but there is no excuse, in fact i would say most accidents can be avoided if drivers used their discretion, drove sensibly, not too fast, and not too close, unfortunately drivers today do not use their ability to drive safely and often think they have the god given right to drive as they please, with disregard for other road users, there are many reasons why they do this either for the bosses pushing hard to complete the days work, or drivers wanting to finish at a said time so they can park up in their favourite place ( depot or overnight parking )

Vosa have a role to play as well in giving drivers excessive hours and pressures such as the 15 hour day with 9 hours off regardless of distance travelled to get home and back to the depot to do it all over again. The dreaded 9 hour daily rest should be a no no in my opinion…as i have always envisaged a 12 on 12 off system, of course there will be drivers who complain they will lose money if their hours were reduced, i would go with safety over money any day, and always feel refreshed for the next days work.

So when would this ban take effect ? Seen a couple about this afternoon. Or is it a ban thats not really a ban ?

for what its worth ,my opinion, 10hrs driving per day , 13hrs max day ,11hrs rest 45hrs weekend break if shortened paid back by week three ,none of this 90hrs per fortnight rubbish everything can be simplified ,you could work 2 out of 3 weekends or if you drove back to base and got back early enough you could work every sat , earnings improve , productivity improved stress less ,simple easy to follow rules if your heldloading tipping you might only drive 6hrs in day ,but thats up to your management to sort out as you can only go up to 13 , thats how it used to be ,much easier

So when would this ban take effect ? Seen a couple about this afternoon. Or is it a ban thats not really a ban ?

Article says they will appeal, so buying a bit more time.

Ah right didnt know you could carry on until the appeal is heard
sounds like they are both cowboys

Drivers have sole responsibility of their driving hours Regardless of what their employers say or tell them to do. Killing cyclist is also the drivers responsibility as they shouldnt drive tired, or driving without due care. We all know cyclist can be a hazard most of the time, but there is no excuse, in fact i would say most accidents can be avoided if drivers used their discretion, drove sensibly, not too fast, and not too close, unfortunately drivers today do not use their ability to drive safely and often think they have the god given right to drive as they please, with disregard for other road users, there are many reasons why they do this either for the bosses pushing hard to complete the days work, or drivers wanting to finish at a said time so they can park up in their favourite place ( depot or overnight parking )

Vosa have a role to play as well in giving drivers excessive hours and pressures such as the 15 hour day with 9 hours off regardless of distance travelled to get home and back to the depot to do it all over again. The dreaded 9 hour daily rest should be a no no in my opinion…as i have always envisaged a 12 on 12 off system, of course there will be drivers who complain they will lose money if their hours were reduced, i would go with safety over money any day, and always feel refreshed for the next days work.

I wonder did eddie stobart have 12 off when he started out■■? I wouldn’t have thought so. Probably more like 2 off, nobody knows the ins and outs of the case, the truck will always be blamed regardless, how did men do one hitters to spain and Italy years ago on a regular basis and not kill anyone??


Drivers have sole responsibility of their driving hours Regardless of what their employers say or tell them to do. Killing cyclist is also the drivers responsibility as they shouldnt drive tired, or driving without due care. We all know cyclist can be a hazard most of the time, but there is no excuse, in fact i would say most accidents can be avoided if drivers used their discretion, drove sensibly, not too fast, and not too close, unfortunately drivers today do not use their ability to drive safely and often think they have the god given right to drive as they please, with disregard for other road users, there are many reasons why they do this either for the bosses pushing hard to complete the days work, or drivers wanting to finish at a said time so they can park up in their favourite place ( depot or overnight parking )

Vosa have a role to play as well in giving drivers excessive hours and pressures such as the 15 hour day with 9 hours off regardless of distance travelled to get home and back to the depot to do it all over again. The dreaded 9 hour daily rest should be a no no in my opinion…as i have always envisaged a 12 on 12 off system, of course there will be drivers who complain they will lose money if their hours were reduced, i would go with safety over money any day, and always feel refreshed for the next days work.

I wonder did eddie stobart have 12 off when he started out■■? I wouldn’t have thought so. Probably more like 2 off, nobody knows the ins and outs of the case, the truck will always be blamed regardless, how did men do one hitters to spain and Italy years ago on a regular basis and not kill anyone??

The past is another country, and as for working all hours that’s where it can stay, in the past. It’s not macho, it’s bloody dangerous and don’t think if the rules were relaxed to let you work all hours, you’d make more money as all that would happen is the hourly rate would go down as all the cowboys would push the rates down even more on the backs of their drivers who will drive all hours regardless of what state they’re in.

I wonder did eddie stobart have 12 off when he started out■■? I wouldn’t have thought so. Probably more like 2 off, nobody knows the ins and outs of the case, the truck will always be blamed regardless, how did men do one hitters to spain and Italy years ago on a regular basis and not kill anyone??

Legally it would’ve been 13hrs off as the old domestic rules were 11hrs max daily duty with 10hrs driving. You could work 7 days a week though.


Drivers have sole responsibility of their driving hours Regardless of what their employers say or tell them to do. Killing cyclist is also the drivers responsibility as they shouldnt drive tired, or driving without due care. We all know cyclist can be a hazard most of the time, but there is no excuse, in fact i would say most accidents can be avoided if drivers used their discretion, drove sensibly, not too fast, and not too close, unfortunately drivers today do not use their ability to drive safely and often think they have the god given right to drive as they please, with disregard for other road users, there are many reasons why they do this either for the bosses pushing hard to complete the days work, or drivers wanting to finish at a said time so they can park up in their favourite place ( depot or overnight parking )

Vosa have a role to play as well in giving drivers excessive hours and pressures such as the 15 hour day with 9 hours off regardless of distance travelled to get home and back to the depot to do it all over again. The dreaded 9 hour daily rest should be a no no in my opinion…as i have always envisaged a 12 on 12 off system, of course there will be drivers who complain they will lose money if their hours were reduced, i would go with safety over money any day, and always feel refreshed for the next days work.

I wonder did eddie stobart have 12 off when he started out■■? I wouldn’t have thought so. Probably more like 2 off, nobody knows the ins and outs of the case, the truck will always be blamed regardless, how did men do one hitters to spain and Italy years ago on a regular basis and not kill anyone??

The rail industry has been a 12 on 12 off, right across the board since the Clapham disaster in 1988 when a fatigued signal tech wired up a signal incorrectly and killed 35 people, 500 were injured. We also have non of that split rest rubbish.

Drivers have sole responsibility of their driving hours Regardless of what their employers say or tell them to do. Killing cyclist is also the drivers responsibility as they shouldnt drive tired, or driving without due care.

That’s why the driver is in jail.

They should have taken some kind of punishment at the time, and not been hit with a ban over 2 years after the event.

The TC can’t take any action until any criminal proceedings have taken place, the driver was convicted last year, but the DVSA may have needed time to prepare a case before it could go to a hearing. These things can sometimes take some time by the time they have been through the courts and any appeals before they get to the TC and two years is by no means the longest.

Licence revoked, by Bell, Sarah Bell. Amazing the driver was allowed to continue in his illegal ways and the business wasn’t halted earlier. Also wondered if corporate manslaughter might have been brought. Seems to me the buck has been passed around: “No joined up investigation, enforcement and regulation” :- … %99-deaths.


Drivers have sole responsibility of their driving hours Regardless of what their employers say or tell them to do. Killing cyclist is also the drivers responsibility as they shouldnt drive tired, or driving without due care. We all know cyclist can be a hazard most of the time, but there is no excuse, in fact i would say most accidents can be avoided if drivers used their discretion, drove sensibly, not too fast, and not too close, unfortunately drivers today do not use their ability to drive safely and often think they have the god given right to drive as they please, with disregard for other road users, there are many reasons why they do this either for the bosses pushing hard to complete the days work, or drivers wanting to finish at a said time so they can park up in their favourite place ( depot or overnight parking )

Vosa have a role to play as well in giving drivers excessive hours and pressures such as the 15 hour day with 9 hours off regardless of distance travelled to get home and back to the depot to do it all over again. The dreaded 9 hour daily rest should be a no no in my opinion…as i have always envisaged a 12 on 12 off system, of course there will be drivers who complain they will lose money if their hours were reduced, i would go with safety over money any day, and always feel refreshed for the next days work.

I wonder did eddie stobart have 12 off when he started out■■? I wouldn’t have thought so. Probably more like 2 off, nobody knows the ins and outs of the case, the truck will always be blamed regardless, how did men do one hitters to spain and Italy years ago on a regular basis and not kill anyone??

1 hitters etc are still on the go though possibly having cards that are easier to fiddle than what we have now helped,and not having speed limiters making you bored silly might account for a lot of that if your doing max miles for max dosh,plus the dangley carrot of trip money works wonders if you want to employ drivers and not agency/Tosco type beancounters with the usual uk workforce attitude of how much can I get paid for doing as little as possible.same as british Leyland and the miners and look what happened to them.hardly surprising that the uk haulage industry is getting kicked to death nowadays by the flipfflop brigade.

4 years porridge seems a bit harsh though the pc cyclist brigade no doubt put the dude in the spotlight.obviously nobody questioned the logic as to why the pair of ■■■■■ were cycling up a dual carriageway and no doubt being a total danger to everyone around them as every truck would be on the limiter going past them.on a road like that,you couldn’t pay most people enough to ride a bike along it.whether its legal or otherwise you can just imagine the hassle of them dithering up the inside lane…frys will do the usual,and just dodge a few bullets,then itl be revillo transport all over again.same as the Glasgow binny…usual waffle,lessons will be learned,and bucks passed tll it fades away.just unfortunate for the poor driver

More unfortunate for the cyclist I’d say

would it not be self inflicted to a certain degree for be stupid enough to ride a bike up a dual carriageway? no doubt with the.( I think its legal because ive seen police motorbike cops doing it,so lets ride 2 abreast for maximum inconveniencing every other road user effect)…same as the nuggets that ride horses,theres places to do it,and roads that it might not be the most sensible place to do or otherwise.suppose you were the driver…nearly 4 years in jail isn’t a very nice culture shock to be having.

You never now but he might like bending over for the soap, and if he was maxing out his hours an more due to the companies insistence it might be that he’s been of the self lube brigade for awhile. Stupid cyclists maybe but they didn’t deserve to die !

You never now but he might like bending over for the soap, and if he was maxing out his hours an more due to the companies insistence it might be that he’s been of the self lube brigade for awhile. Stupid cyclists maybe but they didn’t deserve to die !

this ■■■■ did…no doubt everybodys fault barring his own…

Whatever the rights and wrongs of cycling on a dual carriageway, the driver and the company he worked for seemed to flout the law on drivers hours on a regular basis, so it might of only been a matter of time before something happened. It just happened to be that driver and those cyclists on that day, although by the sounds of it it was also that driver and another person a few weeks later, but not with such horrendous consequences.