
whats the best fridge for the wagon for size, noise and price and 12 volt or 24 volt which are the best. Looking to buy one just not sure which would be the best.
Have you any web sites that sell them aswell. thanks

One more whats the best TV aerial for the wagon cheers

dont know about fridges but i use a mag mount ominax(spelling) tv ariel no complaints aprart from the price £100+ with mount

dont know about fridges but i use a mag mount ominax(spelling) tv ariel no complaints aprart from the price £100+ with mount

spelling is omnimax but why not get a sattelite system i have one i got from maplins will give me perfect picture down to about bordeaux takes about 10 minutes to set up which is nothing really considering before i used to spend all night moaning about crap picture cost me £50 and its all 12v so may need a dropper

Mate of mine has a fridge (12 v i think), £25 from Netto. Netto/Aldi/Lidl to them from time to time. I think for a simialr one they are about a ton in the truckstops etc… His is three years old and keeps all the lager cool !!

Mate of mine has a fridge (12 v i think), £25 from Netto. Netto/Aldi/Lidl to them from time to time. I think for a simialr one they are about a ton in the truckstops etc… His is three years old and keeps all the lager cool !!

isnt three years old a bit young to be driving ? cannot condone him for the beer as my little one always swipes mine