Fridge Trailer

Do you wash them Cold or Hot inside.

Think shall be Cold Water only

A lot of the fridges I used to wash out had signs in saying cold wash only

Every trailer we have at work is cleaned with hot water

:stuck_out_tongue: Thats the Issue. The one says “Only Cold” and the other says “Only Hot”
I have not much to do with it yet,but the Waterhose bursted why i coodnt wash my Unit and the Cleaner told me it is as a Driver turned the Temperature of Steamer to 150 Centigrates when he washed the Trailer out. Then i remembered the Trailer i emptied the Day before had a Sticker saying “use only Cold Water”
Now,…When Cold and when Hot ? :grimacing:

The fridges we have never get washed, neither hot or cold.

They need after Milk Spilling cleaned. Warehouse woodnt load them.

Arla wash them out after every run, sour milk stinks! I’ve never seen an Asda trailer washed out ever.

The fridges we have all say cold wash only

wash them cold water only was what i was told when i was on them

The fridges we have never get washed, neither hot or cold.

Arla wash them out after every run, sour milk stinks! I’ve never seen an Asda trailer washed out ever.

I never thought fridges were ever washed out, certainly not tesco ones anyway:lol:

Loading fresh fish then doing a back load of something all together different needs the fridge to be washed out,I.e the blood and guts and stuff and it stinks too.
Can you imagine your cream doughnuts having that slight smell of fresh salmon when you bite into it?
Even worse tasting like one…

Cold wash only.
Hot water buggers up the sealant and as it cools encourages bacteria.
So it’s a cold wash with a proper cleaning agent.
As for the fish smell if it’s boxed correctly there should be no smell the same with meat as the smell from meat is the blood etc being allowed to drip but washed out after every use will stop smells.

Much like the driver that don’t wash from one day to the next


The fridges we have never get washed, neither hot or cold.

Arla wash them out after every run, sour milk stinks! I’ve never seen an Asda trailer washed out ever.

I never thought fridges were ever washed out, certainly not tesco ones anyway:lol:

Washed every 4 weeks and sprayed with an antibacterial solution.

Fresh fish doesn’t make the trl stink?
I beg to differ the ice for some reason tends to melt(God knows why!!)
Then the motion of trl tends to send it over the floor yet again(God knows why!!)
God might have no idea but I do cos it’s my sorry ■■■ who has to clean out the said trailer with suitable detergents to get rid of the stink.

Just pull into a truck wash open the back doors and say crack on boys lol

Washed every 4 weeks and sprayed with an antibacterial solution.

So why do they smell/look like ■■■■ then?

In company where i work now frigers was washad never or may be 1 time 2-3 years ago.When we go to collect cheese in one place ,that drivers must taked brush and simply sweeping .But to many local or foreigh man ignore this.But may be for bad hugiene company can get warning or lost contract in future and after drivers will moaning about bad life.

Arla wash them out after every run, sour milk stinks! I’ve never seen an Asda trailer washed out ever.

Was supposed to be the same at Wisemans, lance next to the bay where the empties were tipped so you can wash it out after. Most drivers didn’t bother though, result being my gag reflex going into overdrive everytime I got in the back of some trailers. One stunk so bad once a manager in a Tesco store made me pull off the bay and tail lift the milk off in the yard :frowning: I would have kicked off in any other circumstance, but I really couldn’t blame him.

When i was on Arla in Ashby i washed them out after every Shift.
You just unloaded the empties,filled up,washed out and dropped Trailer.
Once i washed the Shunter from Top to Toe. washed the Front-Wall,turned around and wush he was drippling wet all over.
Funny that i was angry but no he. :slight_smile: called him out of the Trailer. “Watch what you just did to me” i said. Not sure what he was thinking.Didnt see him that Shift anymore.