Friday 13th a jinx?

So did you ‘survive’ Friday 13th, or do you think it’s just some old ‘superstitious clap-trap’?

I’m not particularly superstitious, however, just in case I avoid walking under ladders and make sure I’m a bit extra aware on a Friday 13th!

In another post Bones tells us about sending his keys on a bit of a ‘jolly’ and Coffeeholic pointed out what date it was!! Was this the Friday 13th jinx?? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

As for me, I survived all day despite having a major deadline to meet and two meetings to drive to. However, last night I bit myself while eating my dinner and woke up with a throbbing mouth ulcer this morning!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

If you had a bad day, tell us all about it!!

Clap trap

No its well dodgy… i would never have made such a mistake on any other day… well thats what ill be telling everyone next week :blush: :blush: :blush:

Be careful in July as there are 2 Friday the 13th,s in July…:wink::wink:

Usually if you say that to someone they say " oh is there?".

Bad luck unless your name is Baker or you are a baker. :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

That’s me sorted. :wink:

Be careful in July as there are 2 Friday the 13th,s in July…:wink::wink:

Thankfully, I didn’t fall for that one and was checking the calender for something else! Ahem :blush: :blush: :blush:

Smacked my nearside light cluster on unit on tight reverse, so, yeah, it’s definately jinxed in IMHO :blush:

only if you have any form of contact with NSH :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I do a lot of work taking lambs to Lloyd Maunder in Willand

LM Press Release

Lloyd Maunder — Closure of Lamb Operations
Friday 13th January 2006 13:16

definitely jinxed
:cry: :cry: :cry:

a load of old guff. you are no more likely to have anything go wrong than any other day. i cannot believe how dim so many truck drivers are. ask the same question of doctors and teachers and see what they say.

we dont deserve to be treated any better, when there are so many ignorant wooden-headed morons attracted to the job.

Harry Monk:
a load of old guff. ask the same question of doctors and teachers and see what they say.

Really?? The following extract is written by a doctor!!

In his research, Dr. Nayha compared the number of traffic deaths that occurred on Friday the 13th with those that occurred on other Fridays. He studied the traffic statistics for 43 Friday the 13ths …

… the risk of getting killed in a traffic accident was 63% HIGHER on Friday the 13th compared with other Fridays!

The rest of this info can be found here.*

*Assuming, that is, that drivers are not too

Harry Monk:
ignorant wooden-headed morons

to follow the link. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

My C+E test was at 13h00 on a Friday the 13th and I passed it with only one minor so I’m quite happy that it’s not jinxed.


My C+E test was at 13h00 on a Friday the 13th and I passed it with only one minor so I’m quite happy that it’s not jinxed.


that just reminded me, I did my C+E on Fri 13th as well ( more than one minor though) :blush:

The wife :angry: :angry: : believes in it so does my eldest daughter but I thinh she has been corrupted by the wife. Me personnaly think it is a load of old … :laughing:

every days a jinx for me :blush: :blush:
its just the depth of crap that difers :wink:

The rest of this info can be found here.*

We scientists call this phenomenon a “self-fulfilling prophesy”