Freiburg / novara


Still cheaper than driving round going over the Sinplon or using Frejus with ADR. Just don’t get booked on the ‘list’ as I’m sure those (multiple French roofs) at Frieburg don’t like the English.

That nice waitress in the cafe at back of allotments likes me though :wink: :laughing:

For those who use the train why not get your firm ;to
have a account :so that you then get a copy of your
reservation, also when you wish to drive down on a sunday
this can be used when stopped by the police or bag as
you are allowed to travel when there is a driveing ban,
you can confirm this by asking when you book the
ticket via internet and they will explain what you have to
do to get the information required.

You can only use when traveling to train. You can only drive to safe point of parking when unloading from train eg Marlburg services.

NO you can drive a little bit further
i will try to dig out the paragraph and post it
here also the office at FREIBURG
should be able to help you as well,

trty thisLINK

AUSNAHME private vehicle
,yes you need to translate it,but you can go a
distance and if done correctly also get out of
germany , ONE can also apply for a permit to drive
on the days when the ban is in force , you need
to talk with the BAG; PERMITS CAN BE ISSUED
for any length of time for 1 day to a year,

That train saves a lot of driving time etc and in theory you get a 9 hour rest, possibly longer. You’d have to be totally knackered to get a decent sleep though. It’s a rather rough ride, unless things have changed a lot since I last used it, several years ago.
I managed to drive for a half shift, but had to take a 2 hour break instead of a 45, to get some sleep. You’d need 3 hours now, to make a split rest.
Going into Italy isn’t quite so bad, those Italian espressos give you quite a boost :open_mouth: :smiley:

brit pete:
NO you can drive a little bit further
i will try to dig out the paragraph and post it
here also the office at FREIBURG
should be able to help you as well,

It was the bank hol early Nov. Came off train went into autohof (right at lights). Got tax and set off. Both France and Germany were on holiday had been told that you can run out of Germany with train ticket. Went all way up to Karlsruhe over B10 onto A8 and got pulled into lay-by at Kutzoff by BAG. An argument ensued I pulled out mt train ticket and pamphlet on exemption and they went away to their van, came back said they would not fine me as it was not clear how far I could travel from train but must not move until 22.00.

Left me on the lay-by feeling a bit vulnerable; as dusk fell car loads of queers were pulling up and heading for the toilets…nice :open_mouth: :unamused:

I wish I’d stayed at Marlburg with those Michele drivers from Colombo now. I thought.

Anyway those Michele guys said they were not sure about running and stopped at Marlburg where they asked ze Polizei; That if they had come from train could they drive out of Germany he said NO. You can drive up to 100ks to safe parking, consignee or depot.

So I reckon I was a bit of a lucky [zb] not to get fined after going all that way. But not that lucky, another few ks and I’d have been in Lux and on the boat that night.

(Small language edit. If you have to change the spelling of a word to get it past the auto-censor, take that as a hint it isn’t allowed. Simon)

If you do get weekended in Frieburg there is a baghouse called ‘junkers’ behind the hotel ‘Villages’ :wink: :sunglasses:

There’s a walmart and aldis too for any needed supplies.

Anyway those Michele guys said they were not sure about running and stopped at Marlburg where they asked ze Polizei; That if they had come from train could they drive out of Germany he said NO. You can drive up to 100ks to safe parking, consignee or depot.

That document Brit Pete linked to looks like it says 150 km, (in 1a). Although that seems to refer to hafen (port) rather than bahnhof (railway station).
I think Dieseldave is working on an understandable and correct translation for us. Hopefully he’ll get it finished soon. The technicalities of the wording of German law make it quite complicated to translate into proper English. A rough translation just doesn’t cut it, it’s too easy to miss (or mistranslate) a vital word

in Frieburg there is a baghouse

Are you trying to Kill off the job entirely? :laughing: :laughing:
Tell all these UK drivers these things and they’ll flood the Euro job market, driving our wages down even further. :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing:

try THIS


-AS i posted before you can also apply for a ““Permit”” which you will have
to pay for which will allow you to travel, “SUNDAYS”" and also on all
german holidays, this permit can be obtained by all those whose
whose application is excepted and passes the critiria for a permit,
When or if you apply for a permit (1 PER --VEHICLE) it is better to
pay for a year,as it is cheaper and saves reapplying evertime you need
a new short term permits are more expensive,

UPDATE have found this looks a better translation
plus extra information as well-- HERE

brit pete:
try THIS


-AS i posted before you can also apply for a ““Permit”” which you will have
to pay for which will allow you to travel, “SUNDAYS”" and also on all
german holidays, this permit can be obtained by all those whose
whose application is excepted and passes the critiria for a permit,
When or if you apply for a permit (1 PER --VEHICLE) it is better to
pay for a year,as it is cheaper and saves reapplying evertime you need
a new short term permits are more expensive,

UPDATE have found this looks a better translation
plus extra information as well-- HERE

I thought the original point was that you could come off the train on ANY day and run to the border freely.
Then you introduce the fact that a permit might be needed.
Now you’re saying the permit has to be paid for :open_mouth: .

Those links are all to translation services Pete.
Your first one THIS ONE is to a Google translation.
As we have seen on frequent previous occasions, a Google translation is simply not good enough. It’s pretty poor at just translating a conversational post (see posts by Lovelyperson for example). I wouldn’t trust it at all for translating a legal document, especially if I was relying on that document to tell me something like - I could drive to a border legally, on a day when I would expect it not to be legal normally.

AUSNAHME private vehicle

,yes you need to translate it,but you can go a
distance and , if done correctly also get out of
germany , ONE can also apply for a permit to drive
on the days when the ban is in force , you need
to talk with the BAG; PERMITS CAN BE ISSUED
for any length of time for 1 day to a year

-ANOTHER-LINK-SHOWS a correct translation
if you are comeing off the train you are allowed
to travel the distance mentioned, which if carried
correctly can get,you out of germany ,through FRANCE
when their is no driveing ban in FRANCE;
IF you require to get out of germany when the summer
holiday ban is in force AND–OR when any other ban is in force
in GERMANY;ie sundays,bank holidays,

a permit if you can show that you or your customer
requires a permit due tocertain reasons,
AND yes i never said you had to pay for a permit
HOWEVER i posted that one has to talk to the BAG
who would then give you the required information
as to how onewould be able to,get such a permit.
take it for a year as it means you pay roughly
100–300 pounds depending on the permit

i also posted this some time before the other posts
-for those who use the train why not get your firm ;to
have a account :so that you then get a copy of your
reservation, also when you wish to drive down on a sunday
this can be used when stopped by the police or bag as
you are allowed to travel when there is a driveing ban,
you can confirm this by asking when you book the
ticket via internet and they will explain what you have to
do to get the information required.

I’m giving up the will to live :open_mouth:

Simon i have sent you a PM;

brit pete:
NO you can drive a little bit further
i will try to dig out the paragraph and post it
here also the office at FREIBURG
should be able to help you as well,

trty thisLINK

AUSNAHME private vehicle
,yes you need to translate it,but you can go a
distance and if done correctly also get out of
germany , ONE can also apply for a permit to drive
on the days when the ban is in force , you need
to talk with the BAG; PERMITS CAN BE ISSUED
for any length of time for 1 day to a year,

Hi brit pete, I’ve read the link you gave (every word of every paragraph :wink: ) and there’s NO mention of “you can go a distance and if done correctly also get out of Germany.” :confused:

A little read of §4 says that exemption permits come from the Straßenverkehrsbehörden . Is that the same as the BAG?? :sunglasses:

German bank holiday driving ban:
Ferienreiseverordnung (Pete’s Link to original German Regulation.)

Here it is line by line:
§3 [Ausnahmen für private Fahrzeuge]
Exemptions for private vehicles (ie not military or police etc, cos they’re exempted in §2.)

(1) §1 gilt ferner nicht für
(1) Furthermore, §1 [= the details of exactly which roads are subject to the ban] doesn’t apply to

  1. kombinierten Güterverkehr Schiene-Straße vom Versender bis zum nächstgelegenen Verladebahnhof oder vom nächstgelegenen Entladebahnhof bis zum Empfänger,
  2. combined (multi-modal) rail/road goods traffic from the consignor to the the nearest road/rail terminus (for loading onto a train) or from a road/rail teminus (after offloading a truck from the train) to the consignee,

1.akombinierten Güterverkehr Hafen-Straße zwischen Belade- oder Entladestelle und einem innerhalb eines Umkreises von höchstens 150 Kilometern gelegenen Hafen (An- oder Abfuhr),
1.a combined (multi-modal) sea/road goods traffic to/from a consignor/consignee and a port of loading or unloading (to/from a ship) within a radius of 150Km of the port,

  1. Beförderungen von
  2. Movements (the transport) of

a) Frischer Milch und frischen Milcherzeugnissen,
a) fresh milk and fresh milk products,

b) Frischem Fleisch und frischen Fleischerzeugnissen,
b) fresh meat and fresh meat products,

c) Frischen Fisch, lebenden Fisch und frischen Fischerzeugnissen,
c) fresh fish, living fish and fresh fish products,

d) Leichtverderblichem Obst und Gemüse,
d) easily perishable fruit and vegetables,

  1. Leerfahrten, die in Zusammenhang mit Fahrten nach Nummer 2 stehen
  2. Unladen journeys in connection with 2 above

(2) Für alle geladenen Güter sind die vorgeschriebenen Fracht- oder Begleitpapiere mitzuführen und zuständigen Personen auf verlangen zur Prüfung auszuhändigen
(2) The prescribed documentation must be carried for all journeys and handed to authorised officials upon demand for checking.

The part that came to my attention is the part called “1” (without the brackets) in that it doesn’t appear to exempt transit traffic, where the goods aren’t loaded/unloded on/off the truck in Germany. It might be that transit traffic is exempt, but I feel that the Ferienreiseverordnung isn’t specific to “transit” traffic one way or the other. :frowning:

I’ve already compiled a list of German bank holidays, which can be found HERE (Please scroll, check the map, and read carefully. :wink: )

Please be aware that the German bank holiday driving ban is based on religion and so doesn’t always apply nationwide on all the listed days.
Also, even when the ban is in force, it doesn’t apply to all roads.

If anybody knows of an exemption for driving to/from the train, please post the source of the info. :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: @ brit pete: Zitat u. Quelle :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing:

I hope this helps. :smiley:

@dave then why is it that this LINK

  • The combined freight traffic from road-rail shipper to the
    nearest appropriate Verladebahnhof or from the nearest
    suitable Entladebahnhof to recipients, but only up to
    a distance of 200 km,
    I have spoken to the BAG and they confirmed
    the aboveis for ALL rail-users
    here is the telephone no.0049-251–534050

THE ABOVE MEANS you can only drive 200kms towards your
delivery point from the station,this is what Ihave done for the
last 22 years,when i have had a lorry which does not have
aausnahmegenehmigung–permit and
have had no problems,

also I did write that they should ask the BAG as regards
submitting a request for a permit to drive in the summer ban
and they then would have given in english the information
as to what one needs to do,
The BAG also answered as regards a permit
for driveing in those periods when a ban is in place
you are correct it is the strassenvehkers behörde, and this means
you contact which ever Landes-Kreis(county) you will enter when you cross the border,
Mfg, brit-pete

brit pete:
@dave then why is it that this LINK

  • The combined freight traffic from road-rail shipper to the
    nearest appropriate Verladebahnhof or from the nearest
    suitable Entladebahnhof to recipients, but only up to
    a distance of 200 km,
    I have spoken to the BAG and they confirmed
    the aboveis for ALL rail-users
    here is the telephone no.0049-251–534050

THE ABOVE MEANS you can only drive 200kms towards your
delivery point from the station,this is what Ihave done for the
last 22 years,when i have had a lorry which does not have
aausnahmegenehmigung–permit and
have had no problems,

also I did write that they should ask the BAG as regards
submitting a request for a permit to drive in the summer ban
and they then would have given in english the information
as to what one needs to do,
The BAG also answered as regards a permit
for driveing in those periods when a ban is in place
you are correct it is the strassenvehkers behörde, and this means
you contact which ever Landes-Kreis(county) you will enter when you cross the border,
Mfg, brit-pete

Hi brit pete, Thanks for that.
This has now got more interesting, because you and I seem to have uncovered some inconsistency in the German law.:grimacing:

Originally, you quoted and gave a link to §3 of the Ferienreiseverordnung, which I translated above.
I think we can agree that there is NO mention of the 200km exemption in the Ferienreiseverordnung, since you probably read it yourself before quoting it and posting the link. Do we agree up to now??

Next, you provided a link to §30(3) of StVO, which I agree clearly DOES mention the 200km exactly as you said.

StVO §30(3):
An Sonntagen und Feiertagen dürfen in der Zeit von 0 bis 22 Uhr Lastkraftwagen mit einem zulässigen Gesamtgewicht über 7,5 t sowie Anhänger hinter Lastkraftwagen nicht verkehren. Das Verbot gilt nicht für

  1. kombinierten Güterverkehr Schiene-Straße vom Versender bis zum nächstgelegenen geeigneten Verladebahnhof oder vom nächstgelegenen geeigneten Entladebahnhof bis zum Empfänger, jedoch nur bis zu einer Entfernung von 200 km,

My translation of this is the same as the one I gave for the Ferienreiseverordnung apart from the mention of the red part, which I translate as**:** However, only up to a distance of 200km.

Since both “consignor” and “consignee” are mentioned in BOTH pieces of legislation, I’m afraid I still can’t see any exemption for transit traffic to/from the train.

The strange part about this is that the two pices of legislation are clearly worded differently, so IMHO it’s now a legal question as to which takes precedence and whether there’s another, as yet unknown, exemption for transit traffic to/from the train. :confused:

So brit pete, could you ask the nice BAG people to tell us whether there’s a proper quotable exemption for users of the train :question:

It might seem to some that I’m being overly picky here, but I feel that the point is well made by

It was the bank hol early Nov. Came off train went into autohof (right at lights). Got tax and set off. Both France and Germany were on holiday had been told that you can run out of Germany with train ticket. Went all way up to Karlsruhe over B10 onto A8 and got pulled into lay-by at Kutzoff by BAG. An argument ensued I pulled out mt train ticket and pamphlet on exemption and they went away to their van, came back said they would not fine me as it was not clear how far I could travel from train but must not move until 22.00.

Luckily, the BAG didn’t fine him (strange) but they did park him up.
:open_mouth: :laughing: IMHO, It comes to something when the BAG aren’t sure whether to fine somebody :laughing: :open_mouth:
I still feel that there’s a legal point that needs to be cleared up.

Is there a specific exemption from the Sunday / Bank holiday truck driving ban for users of the train in transit :?:

i will be sending a PM,

yes only for users of the train service read the links i sent
it states that you can drive 200kilometers when you leave
the station ,.
DRIVEING to the STATION to load on the TRAIN
a permit is not required when you have a confirmened
reservation on the train and have the FAX from FREIBURG confirmimg
your place on the train
The BAG (has i posted please look at the last post above) confirmened that
ALL vehicles who use the train are exempt restrictions as per
the holiday restrictions regulations
----This means THAT THEY CAN TRAVEL 200kms from the station
from where they entered germany in this case FREIBURG;
so if FRANCE has no DRIVEING-BAN inforce YOU can get out of
germany,and get home.

and here another
-LINK THE 2008 pdf comes out later this year.

brit pete:
i will be sending a PM,

Thanks for that brit pete, Your PM has been received and answered. :wink:

brit pete:
and here another
-LINK THE 2008 pdf comes out later this year.

That’s a good and authoritative link Pete, and it refers to the StVO version, which includes the 200km. :smiley:
It also tells us that we also can’t drive LGVs on Saturdays between July 1 and August 31. :frowning:

So it still leaves me wondering why the 200km bit isn’t mentioned in the Ferienreiseverordnung then. :confused:
There’s still no mention of faxes or train tickets, so I also wonder where are they are mentioned in the law. :confused:

:smiley: Tomorrow, I’m going to phone the number you gave-- that should be fun.:grimacing:

DAVE you need it to show that you do have
a place on the train when a ban is inplace
thats why,
AS for tickets I have never in 22years
seen or been given a ticket,

try this LINK
or try this Tel. +49 761 500031it is the phone no from Freiburg station
they speak english in freiburg, not sure aboutr the bag office though,