
Hey guys
I’m looking at going freelance at some point in the future and looking to you guys for some help and advice. I want to get as much info and lay the groundwork before I put all the bits in place. Looking at my class 1 the start of the new year and taking it from there. I’m in no great rush as I want to do it right and get as much info as possible. Would love to hear from guys doing this already and hopefully learn from them.
Thank in advance

Do you mean freelance as in buy/rent your own truck? If so you may want to look at the owner/driver sub-forum as they will most likely be able to help you more.


Maybe at some point but right now I’m more interested in subbing direct with companies and cutting out the agencies…

If your thinking to freelance tmypu need to start on agency to get your experience in first otherwise you’ll fall flat on your face with the 2 years experience bit on most companies insurance policies sorry if this puts a hole in you boat but it needs saying before you go and spend a lot of money on your hgv. Unfortunately if your just starting out there not going to pay top moneys newly qualified driver. This job is all about experience most of it practical not just in a classroom. You need to to know what your doing. And that is where agencies come in

Freelance? They move Cherry Pickers, Forklifts, Scissor Lifts and such forth around… … :wink:

Been on rigids for bout 12 years so not new to driving, though would be with artics

And I did say I was looking to lay the groundwork so I may well have the experience by the time I eventually do it. I’m in no rush hence the reason I’m looking for advice from you guys

You’ll still need agency tbh

I figure they’d still be needed somewhere in there, but would be more beneficial to cut them out and work directly for companies, charging a bit more for our own overheads but not charging what the agencies charge.

Basically similar to being am o/d but using their equipment. …subbing yourself without the vehicle and therefor no need for CPC or O license.

Yes I understand that it’s what I do. How ever you will need agency work to get you going and to get your class 1 experience up to a level that they are happy to pay you rather than an agency . Most agencies get in the door by charging a flay day rate and insisting the drivers have accident damage insurance this works for larger firms you’ll need to get on with smaller to medium firms. And you’ll need a customer based to ie at least 3-5 companies

When the time comes how do I go about approaching these firms?

And what would be the best way to sell my services to these guys?

there was a lad on youtube who posted a few vids about how he done it think he called himself rockgod.

Got a pile of videos on there, gonna need to look through them to find the right one. Rockgod 23!

Well firstly your going tobe starting a bussiness so treat it as that

That’s precisely what I’m planning right now. Making a list of things I need to her in place beforehand. Then when I got everything in place finding the moment to do it. First thing is my class 1 at the start of the year (assuming I pass), I know an accountant I can have a chat with for the cost of a couple pints to start with. I already been making enquiries bout a national CPC. Need to find out more bout insurance and I also need a very simple, easy and effective way to keep accounts.

National cpc. Insurance are buying a truck now

Long way off from buying a truck

Then what insurance are you looking at and why would you need a cpc I don’t think you can do just a national one these days