Fred Dibnah Day

On UK Documentary all day today :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

1 year today since he died :cry: :cry: :cry:


I remember watching his programmes of when he was a steeple jack.

None of your politically correct HSE crap.Just good old fashioned workmanship.



Fred Dibnah was superb. Loved him :frowning: .

Amen to that Rob - the picture of him running like hell with a big grin on his face when he, slightly, misjudged the fall of that chimney, will put a smile on my face for ever when I recall it.

Salut, David.

He was a one off,loved everything he did.

Wish I had known that his documentaries were on all day - that would have got me out of doing the dreaded DIY!

Got a few Fred Dibnah DVDโ€™s for my birthday and they are absolutely brilliant.

The โ€˜Remebering Fred Dibnahโ€™ DVD even has footage of his Funeral. What a spectacle that was with the procession of steam engines.