Fox News

…Have just shot themselves in the foot for the second time in a month.

First they cough up nearly $800m to Dominion to settle a case that fox couldn’t have lost had it gone to court, where the burden of proof would have been upon the Plaintiff to prove that their machines DON’T switch votes (anyone who’s impounded a single unaltered machine - has the proof otherwise!)
Fox SETTLES instead? - They’ve done this because the Deep State has ordered them to. Simples.
It’s like “If you don’t kill yourself, I’ll torture you to death”. You’d only then commit suicide if you feared pain rather than “Death” which happens to us all in the end anyways…

Fox clearly feared “Pain” in this analogy.

Tucker Carlson, THE voice of Fox - has been unceremoniously escorted from the building, not even being required to work his notice.
They may offer him some kind of Severance package, but I suspect it’ll come with a “non-disclousure agreement” attached, which Tucker will likely throw in FOX’s faces.
FOX might even lie in that he’s “signed one”, when he hasn’t, thinking they can shut him up quickly after hes gone, and attempt to wrest his follower base away from him. Fat chance!

The only thing this guy has done - is produce expose’ after expose’ on deep state machinations around the world, and I continue to scratch my head as to why the Left hate him so much.
He’s been a lot more impartial than most other media people out there, and has always given as good as he gets in terms of criticism.

He also shows his viewers any proof, and yet Lefties just slag him off, don’t watch his shows, and then say “without any shred of proof” when it was broadcast in the actual programme…

By getting Fox to settle in this manner, people will now believe that Dominion machines MUST be 100% Legit, or otherwise Fox wouldn’t have settled, they’d have fought the case in open court - right?

Wrong. Courts are a place where PROOF gets put on the table for both sides.
Proof that Tucker’s claims were entirely legit, and warranted a supreme court investigation - is the LAST thing the Deep State want!
So you lean on the Murdoch empire instead, which has to make you chuckle that the old Australian fossil fears a painful death more than he fears death itself at HIS age FFS…

The Left and Right are going to have to come together one day to defeat the 2nd international industrialized murder outfit that the deep state has become around the world today. (The “1st” was the original ■■■■ Regime, of course…)

But alas, for the time being - the Left gloat over Tucker being gone, not realizing that like Obi Wan - he becomes more powerful than they could possibly imagine now.

Who’s got all that January 6th video footage after all?

Even releasing some of THAT on Tucker’s Fox programme - got cries of derision from the haters out there, not realizing that they dispute actual truth put before them, and are quite happy to accept any “hearsay” lie that has already killed so many millions around the world - on the “say so” of anyone who is the enemy of what’s good and right in the world.

This isn’t a battle of “Right and Left” but simply “Right and WRONG” by this point.

We’re heading for the world’s first global revolution - Do you really think you’ll have any part in the world coming, as it stands?

Don’t let “I’m Alright Jack” thoughts - hinder your very life from still existing by the end of this decade.
This isn’t “Politics” - is about everyone’s own humanity itself.


Following the dismissal of Tucker Carlson from Fox News (for committing blatent Journalism) - Carlson’s betting odds have come in from 1000/1 last week to 14/1 BID to be Donald Trump’s Running Mate in the 2024 election… :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I didn’t notice anything similar happen to Don Lemon though, who’s not even quoted at 1000/1 to be anything to do with “Democrat Nominees” next year…

There’s only one “King of Cable News” out there - and it aint Don. :smiling_imp:

I’m still awaiting someone to tell me why Carlson is such a hated figure, whereas with Don Lemon - it’s a whole lot easier.

How do you like a guy who walks upto you in a bar, puts his hand down the front of your trousers and pants, and grabs your ■■■■?
…Even if that place happens to be a Gay Bar?

“Oooh - It’s because of the lies”…

Question One:
“Give an example of a Donald Trump Lie, or a Tucker Carlson Lie. No cut-offs, no edited video - no hearsay stuff - just the facts from what’s on the internet video please…”

Question Two:
“Tell us how much you like what Don Lemon or Joe Biden has done for you personally in the past 2 years.”
Must be you that is pleased, not someone you’ve been told to support that you’ve never actually met, or even know really exists btw

The battle is now between good and evil.
Sadly evil has the money and no shortage of buyable useful Judas’ with their palms upturned prepared to do anything so long as the 30 pieces keep rolling in.

Tucker’s revelatory speech to the Heritage Foundation was probably the straw that broke the camels back.

One possible solution - is to bring the powers of the righteous to bear, and freeze the assets of the wealthy evil around the world.

Looking at how little effect even the deep state have had on Putin’s de-nazification of Ukraine though?

I wonder if they would miss their money - if they got hacked out of every penny of it?

I don’t trust “Crypto” - which seems like just another way for Evil to exert control over people.

We’ve been led to believe we’re about to have “hyper-inflation” - and “we should spend all our cash NOW - lest it not buy a box of matches come next week”…

Nope. Not buying that. 2023 is nothing like 1923…

All we have to do to get out of this, and restore peace to the world is stop those ruling us from waging foreign hostilities in our name, and then taking our cash to pay reparations for the same damage THEY caused later.

Personally, I reckon we’re heading for a deflationary crash, the very opposite of “Hyperinflation” - which ties in with what happened in America last century, instead of Hyperinflation there.

During a deflationary crash, everyone who didn’t even realize they had their entire savings at risk - loses it all due to THEFT by GOVERNMENT, rather than “gambled on the stock market and lost”…

The Nadir of the Depression - wasn’t caused by the Wall Street Crash, but the Government’s bad reaction to it.

First, Hoover was bought down, and replaced by a regime that took away one’s right to own solid assets like Gold.
A Banking Mortatorium meant that people with savings they thought were NOT at risk - were duly lost, and any assets outside of “cash” - confiscated in the name of What exactly? America still had to face a Dust Bowl, and “nothing to fear but fear itself” - whilst the rise of the Nazis in Germany - can directly be attributed to deep state damage to the Western Economies following the decadent 1920’s which we echo again right now with “not seeing reason” among us all.

During “Deflation”, Money becames worth MORE - but by this point - only the criminal elements were left that were “of means”…
Welcome, Gangster America.
Same places as today: Chicago, New York City, Phildelphia, Miami, etc etc.

In this country today we see older folk taking out so-called “Equity Release Loans” - which can result in the end in one’s home that they’d originally already paid the mortgage off on now REPOSSESSED once interest rates rise enough so that one cannot afford the minimum “interest only” payment.

If you want a “fixed rate” affair, then you are looking at paying a premium FOR it.

Perhaps the Unions of the world will realize they’ve been had even more than conservative voters have been - supprting a government that loots us ALL in the name of High Power Elites that number no more than 1% of us all, and that’s including their “Entourages”…

A future “Alliance of Anti-Deep State Autocratic Leaders” - may be the way out of all this too, but first we’ve got to get such people in position, and our best hope lies across the pond in that regard.
We’ve nowhere NEAR it here, alas.

They paid cos theres zero evidence the election was rigged. Why else would they pay?

Trump or Biden 2024?

Who’s your money on?

They paid cos theres zero evidence the election was rigged. Why else would they pay?

The evidence the 2020 election was rigged amounts to over 160,000 seperate pieces of evidence (much of it physical, with artifacts) that would have created such a large scandal that the entire US establishment would likely be taken down over it.
That could not be countenenced, so Tucker was duly “Sacrificied” along with the drop-in-a-bucket (To Murdoch) so-called “Out-of-court” settlement that no one EVER admits liability to, even and if they are 100% guilty and 100% going to lose should the case reach court.
The Optic that creates is exactly your question above: “Why would someone settle if they couldn’t lose if it went to court?”
I’ve given you an answer as to why. Here’s another one to back up the first:

Fox could not possibly have lost had the cast gone to court, as the burden of proof is upon the plaintiff, Dominion Voting Machines to Prove their devices are not riggable in any way, at the factory level.

(1) You cannot prove a negative
(2) Any confiscated machine in the hands of Maga Republicans would serve as absolute proof that the machines ARE rigged, with MagRep also having their case prepared to prove Dominion machines were rigged, how they were programmed to switch the appropriate number of votes required, how they broke electoral law by being connected to the internet during the election itself, when tabulation devices are required to tabulate on a private network - for the very reason that they can be re-programmed remotely via an internet connection and/or a plug-in EPROM with the “switch one in three votes” software on that. This chip can then be inserted and removed so anyone later seizing the dominion tabulator device itself - apparently finds nothing amiss…

…Assuming no one ever got hold of an unadjusted machine with the plug-in slot vacant, and the seperate plug-in EPROM. Smoking Gun here is “Plug and Socket”.

This would have been the case put forward to the Supreme Court - but was disallowed, because the Left-leaning justices - are either turning a blind eye to the plot here, or they are in on it.

“American Establishment Integrity” has been upheld by breaking just about every check and balance in the US constitution by doing this…
Meanwhile, the Leftist Media accuse Trump of everything that they, themselves are trying to do TO Trump…
Trump was overthrown in January 2021, with the help of Trump-hating Republicans like Mike Pence stabbing Trump in the back, Mitch McConnel refusing to push for more evidence (unlike what McCarthy has now done…) and of course the justices refusing to admit the whole stack of evidence that would easily have been enouogh to bring a case to answer, if not prove outright what was amiss.

Also note, that in the last 24 hours - the first batch of evidence put forward by Trump that the “Russian Collusion” story was a made-up Witch Hunt HOAX, which is going to open another similar can-of-worms in it’s own right. It may well be the case that the West has been taken into steep economic decline by waging proxy war against Russia with the “Sanctions” clearly blowing up in Western faces… WE are the ones about to lose our homes WE are the ones who cannot afford to buy food, and WE are the ones who still get blocked from “Inflation Based” pay awards just as we need such the most!

“Oh, that’s not the West stupidity against Putin” the idiots chant - "That’s the fault of Brexit! - Wot? The collapse in American infrastructure too? The instability in the entire western hemisphere now? All because of Brexit? Get the f— out of here!

I appreciate that the Left badly want Trump in jail, and badly want Biden to stop being such an idiot in office - but the damage is already done, by denying actual damning evidence one way, whilst repeating constant lies about “Trump’s Lies” on mainstream Media.

One of “Trump’s Lies” apparently, is that he declares the 2020 election rigged, the dominion voting machines - running malignant code, and the intelligence Agencies breaking with Constitution and taking sides in this whole affair.

How come Dominion didn’t take Trump to court for “Libel”? - Because he wouldn’t settle for one, he’d bring all that evidence into open court for two, and it would be impossible to put Trump away based on his telling the Truth, the first batch of which has now been verified in the past 48 hours… “There was no Russian collusion - it was a set-up to interfere with the 2016 election”. Trump is vindicated, which means he didn’t lie from the start.
Now it is for people like Adam Schiff, James Comey, and others who went along with the Hoax against Trump to either “double down” and risk a civil war in America, or accept that someone else misled them - and back out, and deny it was them - whilst they still can. I reckon the DNC will likely “Sacrifice” a high player in this rotten affair, and it might not necessarily be Biden, although he remains favourite to have this scandal “die with him” of course…

There is a limit to how many times you can push a lie on mainstream media, and expect the gullible public to believe it.
In this case, the “Big Lie” isn’t anything Trump said at all, but instead everything said about Trump.

Trump has proven to be the most anti-establishment World Leader we’ve ever seen, perhaps since Abraham Lincoln, who too - was hated for his policies (during his life and presidency), and ultimately was assassinated after pushing through the Emancipation the very acme of Anti Racist policy rollout…
Maybe Trump will end up the same way, but not, I suspect, before he’s back in the whitehouse a second time, and an “Institutional Inquisition” may well take place as a consequence…

Trump’s big move that everyone missed was P-K4 which was “I endorse Kevin McCarthy for Speaker” to which even Trump supporters thought at the time WTF is Trump playing at? - McCarthy is the enemy of Maga surely?

Oh how the DNC must now regret not firing all weapons at incoming McCarthy whilst they could, the usual claptrap lies and spin they did, such as to Justice Brett Kavanagh when he was up for being appointed to the Supreme Court during Trump’s presidency…

Trump or Biden 2024?

Who’s your money on?

Bookmakers were leaned on to pay out on Joe Biden backers in 2020.
Betfair were at first very hesitant to pay out on Biden, as there was even at that early point - a lot of doubt around that the election results were entirely Legit, them taking so long to get in, etc. The US election of 2020 - failed even the benchmark “Election Watchers” criteria set by the international community! No WONDER people now refer to America as “Just another Banana Republic” now.

Betfar eventually paid out after a number of days, after presumably being offered some guarantee that they wouldn’t be required to pay out on both results, and lose over a billion of their money in doing so.
They would have been assured that the result cannot and will not ever be reversed, even if Trump gets back into the Whitehouse in 2024. He won’t be getting back in via a overturned election result, not ever.

With that guarantee, Biden backers who only ever got odds of 1/2 on (poor odds for Sleepy Joe really, even if he did “Win” in the end) - got paid out.

Trump’s odds - were never good value neither, only around 5-1 against. The best value bet with regards to the 2016 election was “Hilary to win the popular vote, but lose in the electoral college” at 16/1 odds - which duly happened.

In this country, a similar “value bet” in our 2015 election was that “David Cameron continues as Prime Minister - without the Libdem coalition” (i.e. the Tories win an outright majority) - at odds of 10/1 against… Cameron won 330 seats, a slim majority - but good enough for the 10/1 backers to get promptly paid…

Election results were completed, tabulated, and all results called to emplace the next government within 24 hours of the election.
After the 2016 Brexit referendum though?

The Deep State - won’t ever leave “Democracy” to chance again. “Outsider” results - can no longer happen, all the while the western-worldwide rig remains in place. It isn’t just America affected, it is ALL of the Western Nations that have “Elections” supposedly free and fair, but strangely going “just” against the unwanted incumbent, as soon as software tabulators are routinely allowed to be in closed rooms, connected to the internet, and not stood over by armed soldiers of that country’s armed forces…

Let’s see what happens in this so-called up-and-coming “Turkish Runoff” - although I understand that Erdogan has already instigated an investigation as to why his expected vote tally - didn’t get him over the line in the first round, apparently with more people voting for him than last time, but THIS time around - his vote tally is strangely a much lower percentage that denies him an outright win in the first round…

The Deep State want his opponent in power, I suspect because they want to order Turkey to attack Russian Black Sea targets, as a price to be paid for remaining in NATO… Erdogan - doesn’t give a toss if Turkey remains in NATO or not, and has thus far sidestepped any attempt to become NATO’s front line in WWIII - NOT the attitude that is safe to take with The Deep State gunning for you these days… Look at what happened to poor old Imran Khan after he did a Grain deal with Putin’s Russia… :open_mouth:

Some of my observations:

Fox news, although founded by Rupert Murdoch is largely run by his sons, both of whom are on the left. Fox news has no hope, proven by Tuckers exit.

I happen to believe the 2020 election was rigged, voter fraud on an industrial scale, rules changed in certain states to continue counting after the rest of the nation officially ‘stopped’. The list goes on. but rather than dwell on the past, Biden is currently president. I do however look forward to the future with interest to see how things pan out.

The only ‘major’ network left for conservatives is Newsmax. Will that too go the way of fake news CNN and Fox News? I hope not. I hope the likes of the DailyWire and Valuetainment continue to grow.


They paid cos theres zero evidence the election was rigged. Why else would they pay?

The evidence the 2020 election was rigged amounts to over 160,000 seperate pieces of evidence (much of it physical, with artifacts) that would have created such a large scandal that the entire US establishment would likely be taken down over it.
That could not be countenenced, so Tucker was duly “Sacrificied” along with the drop-in-a-bucket (To Murdoch) so-called “Out-of-court” settlement that no one EVER admits liability to, even and if they are 100% guilty and 100% going to lose should the case reach court.
The Optic that creates is exactly your question above: “Why would someone settle if they couldn’t lose if it went to court?”
I’ve given you an answer as to why. Here’s another one to back up the first:

Fox could not possibly have lost had the cast gone to court, as the burden of proof is upon the plaintiff, Dominion Voting Machines to Prove their devices are not riggable in any way, at the factory level.

(1) You cannot prove a negative
(2) Any confiscated machine in the hands of Maga Republicans would serve as absolute proof that the machines ARE rigged, with MagRep also having their case prepared to prove Dominion machines were rigged, how they were programmed to switch the appropriate number of votes required, how they broke electoral law by being connected to the internet during the election itself, when tabulation devices are required to tabulate on a private network - for the very reason that they can be re-programmed remotely via an internet connection and/or a plug-in EPROM with the “switch one in three votes” software on that. This chip can then be inserted and removed so anyone later seizing the dominion tabulator device itself - apparently finds nothing amiss…

…Assuming no one ever got hold of an unadjusted machine with the plug-in slot vacant, and the seperate plug-in EPROM. Smoking Gun here is “Plug and Socket”.

This would have been the case put forward to the Supreme Court - but was disallowed, because the Left-leaning justices - are either turning a blind eye to the plot here, or they are in on it.

“American Establishment Integrity” has been upheld by breaking just about every check and balance in the US constitution by doing this…
Meanwhile, the Leftist Media accuse Trump of everything that they, themselves are trying to do TO Trump…
Trump was overthrown in January 2021, with the help of Trump-hating Republicans like Mike Pence stabbing Trump in the back, Mitch McConnel refusing to push for more evidence (unlike what McCarthy has now done…) and of course the justices refusing to admit the whole stack of evidence that would easily have been enouogh to bring a case to answer, if not prove outright what was amiss.

Donald Trump hails John Durham report slamming FBI over Russian collusion probe | Daily Mail Online
Also note, that in the last 24 hours - the first batch of evidence put forward by Trump that the “Russian Collusion” story was a made-up Witch Hunt HOAX, which is going to open another similar can-of-worms in it’s own right. It may well be the case that the West has been taken into steep economic decline by waging proxy war against Russia with the “Sanctions” clearly blowing up in Western faces… WE are the ones about to lose our homes WE are the ones who cannot afford to buy food, and WE are the ones who still get blocked from “Inflation Based” pay awards just as we need such the most!

“Oh, that’s not the West stupidity against Putin” the idiots chant - "That’s the fault of Brexit! - Wot? The collapse in American infrastructure too? The instability in the entire western hemisphere now? All because of Brexit? Get the f— out of here!

I appreciate that the Left badly want Trump in jail, and badly want Biden to stop being such an idiot in office - but the damage is already done, by denying actual damning evidence one way, whilst repeating constant lies about “Trump’s Lies” on mainstream Media.

One of “Trump’s Lies” apparently, is that he declares the 2020 election rigged, the dominion voting machines - running malignant code, and the intelligence Agencies breaking with Constitution and taking sides in this whole affair.

How come Dominion didn’t take Trump to court for “Libel”? - Because he wouldn’t settle for one, he’d bring all that evidence into open court for two, and it would be impossible to put Trump away based on his telling the Truth, the first batch of which has now been verified in the past 48 hours… “There was no Russian collusion - it was a set-up to interfere with the 2016 election”. Trump is vindicated, which means he didn’t lie from the start.
Now it is for people like Adam Schiff, James Comey, and others who went along with the Hoax against Trump to either “double down” and risk a civil war in America, or accept that someone else misled them - and back out, and deny it was them - whilst they still can. I reckon the DNC will likely “Sacrifice” a high player in this rotten affair, and it might not necessarily be Biden, although he remains favourite to have this scandal “die with him” of course…

There is a limit to how many times you can push a lie on mainstream media, and expect the gullible public to believe it.
In this case, the “Big Lie” isn’t anything Trump said at all, but instead everything said about Trump.

Trump has proven to be the most anti-establishment World Leader we’ve ever seen, perhaps since Abraham Lincoln, who too - was hated for his policies (during his life and presidency), and ultimately was assassinated after pushing through the Emancipation the very acme of Anti Racist policy rollout…
Maybe Trump will end up the same way, but not, I suspect, before he’s back in the whitehouse a second time, and an “Institutional Inquisition” may well take place as a consequence…

Trump’s big move that everyone missed was P-K4 which was “I endorse Kevin McCarthy for Speaker” to which even Trump supporters thought at the time WTF is Trump playing at? - McCarthy is the enemy of Maga surely?

Oh how the DNC must now regret not firing all weapons at incoming McCarthy whilst they could, the usual claptrap lies and spin they did, such as to Justice Brett Kavanagh when he was up for being appointed to the Supreme Court during Trump’s presidency…

But the only time they “cheated” was in states Trump lost. If Trump won in a particular state there was no cheating in that state? That’s a strong coincidence isn’t it.

And if we’re going to make claims that have absolutely no proof - why not say Trump cheated? He might have only got 50 million votes in reality. There’s just as much evidence for Trump cheating than as for Biden cheating.

Btw, Trump said the election was rigged on electipn day - long before they “found” any evidence for it. (Have you seen any of this “evidence” or are you taking trusting the word of Trump?)

Trump is a ■■■■■ who cant admit he lost - end of story. Rupert Murdoch isn’t the type of guy to pay out $800 million for fear of offending “the deep state” - he knew the reality was Trump got his ■■■ handed to him - just like all the polls for the 12 months prior to the election said he would

There was also substantial evidence of cheating in Wyoming, Alaska, and Montana - states which were safely going to stay red BUT would have looked good if the huge Republican majorities in those states - got sharply reduced, which would back up the notion that Trump managed to poll more than any other incumbent president in History, and yet still mananged to magically lose with such a high vote tally.

Cheating in states that didn’t flip - didn’t get any news coverage though, even from Right-leaning outlets.

I’ve given examples of three red states where cheating was also evident.
Here’s 3 blue states (for balance) which also had cheating in full play, and in plain site.

The most reckless one of these was Virginia where the poll count intially favoured Trump ahead by a huge margin, making it look like a faux “Red Wave” incoming. The result wasn’t called however, despite Trump being ahead by such a six figure margin… On and on went the count, until Biden was slightly ahead, and at that exact point - couting of the remaining 12% of votes was STOPPED, despite the votes splitting 50/50 at that point - that would have given the result back to Trump, had the count continued to 100%. It was called for Biden early then. “before all the votes were counted”.

Nevada - People visiting Las Vegas were permitted to vote, their votes going on blue tickets. This is both illegal, and conspiracy to defraud. Evidence was gathered as this was actually taking place, but that video evidence showing such “ballot harvesting” from TOURISTS no less - was disallowed, and the media puts out “…With no evidence whatsoever” to Trump’s “Claims” that extensive cheating occured.

Arizona - The count goes on and on again, like in Virginia until the Blues are slightly ahead, and at that point Fox News calls it, despite it clearly not all being in yet… The media aided and abetted the fraudulent “result” there as well, and in plain sight. Rinse and repeat for the governership and senate elections…

All the cheaters need do is await that moment when the big count of in-person Red votes peters out around 2am (because they’ve actually finished counting the large vote tally by that point…) at which point the “counting” is strangely paused for a long while, hours in fact - and when the counting resumes again, there is a sudden spike upwards in counted Blue votes, as if every “late” vote counted after a certain time was 100% for Democrats which is a statistical impossibility.
They needed to pause the live count on our screens, until the final red tally “to beat” was known, around about 2-3am local time on election results morning…

If you recall, the Media laughed and joked about Trump saying “Keep Counting!” in places like Virginia whilst saying “Stop the Count!” in places like Arizona. He wasn’t trying to rig anything there, just make sure that extra ballots couldn’t be introduced after the final Red vote tally had already been tabulated seperately.

Imagine what that would look like in say, the Tote Betting Pools, where a 20-1 horse wins, the Tote Dividend initially looks like paying over 100/1, and the owners “seed” that market with their own tickets after the result is know so that the Dividend only pays 20/1 instead of 100/1 as per the actual poll divided by the actual number of winning tickets sold before the off. It is blatent FRAUD - but the owners get away with it - because they own the system!!

The Democrats in the 2020 election needed to be aided by renegade, so-called “RINO” republicans to keep the Law off their backs, the “Watchers” out of the rooms, and anyone challenging extra votes being inserted and other “meddling” - gets escorted from the building.

Trump, being an amateur and outsider - didn’t have access to the voting infrastructure to pull such a widespread fraud on so many fronts - perfectly coordinated as it only could be done with the joint efforts of incumbent Anti-Trump Republicans as well as the expected offenders - the Democrats. The Media stating the lie that there was “no evidence” when there is over 160,000 similar bits of evidence of which the link above is but one of.

I realize that the Left want to believe very badly that Trump lost fair and square, but we’re paying over the entire western hemisphere the consequences of a Pro Ukrainian administration taking over the Whitehouse with the Industrial Military Complex’s support in tow.

“Stolen Elections - have Disasterous Consequences”.

Or does anyone think that Energy prices going through the roof, below-inflation pay settlements, rising food prices, failing infrastructure and de-stablized world peace - is all the fault of anyone OTHER than Biden’s America?

NOT “Brexit” - because that wouldn’t affect anything outside of Britain - RIght?
NOT “Trump” - he’s not been president for over 2 years already.

The final piece of evidence is that the turnout for the 2020 election was not published for MONTHS after.
“Because you’ve got to decide which votes count, and which need to be disallowed. Too high a turnout - would imply extra votes have been included, too low - would make people ask who the extra people not eligible to vote in 2016 are that have been arbitrarily added for the 2020 election rolls”

Statistically, Trump CANNOT get more votes than Obama, and the highest poll ever for an incumbent President AND LOSE unless there have been around 12million “extras” added to electoral rolls, which strangely cannot be tracked down to real, living people…

These extra 12million on electoral rolls were said to be “People given Citizenship” by the Democrats. What? - 12m in four years■■? No WONDER the Republicans are so against further immigration, if that is to be taken seriously - right?

In actual fact, the 12million consisted in the main part of:

(1) Tourists voting (Illegal)
(2) Out-of-cachement voting (Iegal, IF you didn’t vote in any other state you also have a residence in, and a vote there)
(3) Ballot Stuffing (See “2000 Mules” for how this works - Link here) 2,000 Mules Will Blow The Lid Off of A Massive Nationwide Criminal RICO Conspiracy

(4) Union-Run incinerator plants receiving off-book paper ballots to be destroyed hours after the election has taken place - all for Republican candidates (same number destroyed as later created electronically by dominion voting machines to match the fabricated Democrat poll tally, hence keeping the overall “turnout” figures much the same)

(5) Entire ballot boxes being lost in areas known to be strong Republican voting areas. It doesn’t matter if they are “found” later, as the box also contains a fair number of Democrat ballots, making the apparent “fraud” look more like an honest mistake has occured… But these particular ballot boxes nonetheless contain a 2 to 1 split of Red to Blue votes on average…

(6) Dead People who are known in advance “not to be voting” (because they are dead!) - but previously voted Democrat - have their ballot “harvested” and included in the final count. No one notices, because no one else “lost” their vote as a consequence. Victimless Crime?

(7) Democrat voters who don’t like Biden, but cannot bring themselves to vote at ALL in the 2020 election. If it is known in advance that they will “not be voting” - then Democrat activists can vote in their stead, using

(8) duplicate ballots, many of which were provided to the same address, and also released into evidence.

(9) Election watchers “got rid of” from scenes of crimes committed “Fire Drills” or “flooding” or even “Shooter in the building” - would clear out everyone except Security and Fraudsters pretty quickly… This, however - works best in states that have a Blue legislature in control of the polling offices counting the votes, states often branded as “Battlefield States”.

(10) Electors - are supposed to be non-partisan, but they were threatened with Jail if they did NOT endorse the fraudulent result. What would you do if you’d seen enough evidence to convince you that skullduggery had taken place, but threatened with jail if you didn’t uphold the fraudulent result? Maricoba County, Arizona - one of many crime scenes of this nature.

A fraud put together over multiple fronts over months and years rather than days and weeks.
The Covid Lockdown - also enabled this “New System” for pre-arranging election outcomes - to be rolled out throughout the entire Western so-called “Democracies” which are now anything but.

No longer a “Conspiracy Theory” - but proven fact - and yet there are still people who don’t want to be told the truth, because it isn’t what they want to hear…

Keep an eye on Turkey for the next incoming “tampered with” result…
The electoral roll is already seen to be too high for the population climb since the last election in Turkey…
Erdogan has started an investigation, but can he complete it in time before the “run off” once again, just about runs him over by a small margin, just as was the election against Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil did…

…seems like a lot of people to be called the “Minority” now - doesn’t it?

In a stolen election, this losing “Minority” actually creates the first Opposition MAJORITY if you think about it…
What a powerful potential thing that “Tyranny of the Opposition” may turn out to be as the compromised democratic system - continues to be touted as “Robust and secure” by the Western mainstream media…

They’ll be telling us next that it isn’t possible to steal money from people’s bank accounts! :open_mouth:

Trump said the election was rigged ON ELECTION NIGHT - when he had absolutely no evidence of any rigging. See the problem you’ve got? All the debunked evidence you’ve listed wasn’t there on election night - yet Trump still claimed it was rigged. Why? Because he was lying. It’s that simple.

And all the polls before the election said Trump would lose - were they all faked too? See if all the polls had Trump down for a landslide and he got beaten it might be suspicious. But the polls said all the previous year that he would lose and he lost. Simples.

Why not take this “evidence” to a judge?

Trump said the 2016 election would be rigged too - but when he won he said it was ok. Funny that isn’t it. He only says its rigged when he loses.

Trump said the election was rigged ON ELECTION NIGHT - when he had absolutely no evidence of any rigging. See the problem you’ve got? He only suspected on election night itself, and clearly underestimated the sheer scale of it. Only the Media said “Debunked” because the evidence and individual cases - didn’t get put before a court. All the debunked evidence you’ve listed wasn’t there on election night - yet Trump still claimed it was rigged. Why? Because he was lying. It’s that simple. The 160,000 items of evidence was collated across Christmas 2020, and again put to the Supreme Court to stop the inaugoration in January 2021, but no dice. The “Protest” needed to be re-labelled as a “Riot” and “InsurrectioN” when it was anything but. Again, useful idiot Media were happy to do as they were told by the fraudulent establishment, and make it all about Trump being the only villain of this piece. No President or leader in HISTORY has been subject to such a campaign against them - But why? The Durham report of the past few days - shows that the “Evidence” thus presented - is anything BUT “Debunked” of course, but under one’s 1st ammendment rights - Everyone has the right to express themselves how they wish, and if people still don’t believe differently by this point, and debunk the lies THEY have been told by their own side - then what hope is there for Humanity, let alone future “Democracy”?

And all the polls before the election said Trump would lose - were they all faked too? See If all the polls had Trump down for a landslide and he got beaten it might be suspicious. But the polls said all the previous year that he would lose and he lost. Simples. The Media tried to state ahead of the election that it was “Neck and Neck” when Trump was actually safely home in all the states he originally carried. This would have made it diffficult to put the rigged result through that Trump was to lose every single battlefield state AND fail to take any of the Blue “Marginal” ones like Nevada. Again, if the incoming “Blue Wave” were THAT much of a Tsunami to do - it would have swept away over 100 republican congress seats, and at least a dozen senators with it… But ballot papers stating “Biden” - had no other marks on them, despite lots of local elections and their candididates also being on the same ballot… Odd that, but no one on the Left seems to want to call “Foul” here. The Liberal Left establishment were behind this democracy atrocity, that has compromised that system worldwide now. “Democracy” - simply doesn’t work anymore. Why have not the incumbent Democrats done away with the Electoral College that saw Trump elected in 2016 - if they hate it so much? Where’s the ongoing pressure to do it since?

Why not take this “evidence” to a judge?
It was taken to various judges, but vetoed by partisan-acting judges in due course.
Trump said the 2016 election would be rigged too - but when he won he said it was ok. Funny that isn’t it. He only says its rigged when he loses.

He said it would be rigged, yes - and he would accept the result “If I win” - which he did, so he accepted the result. He told the truth. End of.

The election was rigged for election night, which Trump spoke about weeks ahead of the election. He was aware of some cheating infrastructure that had already been put in place, but figured that it would only be happening in the battlefield states, nowhere else and that the Democrats would be doing it on their own, which would also limit the cheating put in place to the states with Blue legislation locally.

What swept over him on election night was the early votes favouring Trump, but all getting run over by a count for mail-in Blue votes going on for as long as it needed to - to overtake the already-in red vote tally.
In blue states trying to flip to Red with the incoming Vote tally (the other way around here, a Blue incumbent to beat with mail-in ballots…)
The vote was kept going ONLY until Democrats were slightly ahead on what started out as an early lead for Republicans, and called early when that act in itself - is the very fraud that TRUMP got accused of “interfering” in places like Georgia. If you call a result “early” and assume the remaining votes coming in are going to split an unreasonable amount way away from 50/50 - then you’ve committed fraud by calling it early…

No one cared though, because hatred for Trump indeed has deranged people to the point they really really think that Biden, and what Biden has done to the entire world since - (let alone before, which was supressed, don’t forget…) - is OK because he’s standing against Trump…

I reckon you’ll see Trump hating “Never Republican” voters - voting for DeSantis in the primaries, to try and get Desantis to be the winner there, so Biden can then be replaced in the Democrat primaries by the real power behind the throne…

The Democrats have no option but to keep their “incoming flak heat sink” candidate in place - all the while Trump still exists on planet Earth, however.

A lot of this was “Gotten away with” by most people being by choice “Low information voters”.

If you get told a lie early, you believe the lie, or at least believe the lie will be hard to get past - then you get back to your life, and stop worrying about politics for another election cycle.
The incoming damage since the election though? - People are now about to have their houses repossessed on both sides of the pond. THey strangely didn’t even get ill from a disease they were told in 2020 would “kill granny”, but the economy at home has been sacrificed in favour for dubious targets for that wasted money overseas.
It doesn’t matter if you believe there are Nazis in Ukraine or not. It doesn’t matter if you believe Russia or Orange Man Bad or not.
What matters to most people - is their lives are now turning to crap, as a direct and indirect consequence of the globalist “new democrat control system” put in place during the Covid lockdown, and one must surely think by this point - “Was that the real reason FOR the lockdown”?

A big baby trying to save face after losing - thats all there is to it.

A big baby trying to save face after losing - thats all there is to it.

You’re entitled to your opinion, of course…

It is a world away from mine of course, and I suspect there are a growing number of citizens all over the western world that lean more towards what their sensibilities tell them, rather than what their TDS does.

The main reason for private citizens anywhere “to hate Trump” - is that they’ve been told to, and like hard-of-thinking folk everywhere - cannot be bothered to look a bit deeper into what continues to grab so many column inches of headlines since 2016- the same as Brexit, of course…

Some liberals that voted against things like Trump and Brexit in the past - have seen the damage caused by them being stopped in their tracks, and must wonder “Was it worth it? - The price we had to pay to stop something so many people voted FOR?”


A big baby trying to save face after losing - thats all there is to it.

You’re entitled to your opinion, of course…

It is a world away from mine of course, and I suspect there are a growing number of citizens all over the western world that lean more towards what their sensibilities tell them, rather than what their TDS does.

The main reason for private citizens anywhere “to hate Trump” - is that they’ve been told to, and like hard-of-thinking folk everywhere - cannot be bothered to look a bit deeper into what continues to grab so many column inches of headlines since 2016- the same as Brexit, of course…

Some liberals that voted against things like Trump and Brexit in the past - have seen the damage caused by them being stopped in their tracks, and must wonder “Was it worth it? - The price we had to pay to stop something so many people voted FOR?”

It’s not an opinion - the votes were counted just like they’ve been counted for 200 years and Trump lost. That’s fact.

The reason I dislike Trump - and this disqualifies him from being fit for office - is because he lost and keeps lying about it. And if he ever got in again he would make himself Fuhrer and all his fanatical cult worshippers would be with him.

Apart from the debate here winseer could you tell me if you really believe 2020 was rigged? If you could pick one thing in life you are certain of then its Trump won in 2020?



A big baby trying to save face after losing - thats all there is to it.

You’re entitled to your opinion, of course…

It is a world away from mine of course, and I suspect there are a growing number of citizens all over the western world that lean more towards what their sensibilities tell them, rather than what their TDS does.

The main reason for private citizens anywhere “to hate Trump” - is that they’ve been told to, and like hard-of-thinking folk everywhere - cannot be bothered to look a bit deeper into what continues to grab so many column inches of headlines since 2016- the same as Brexit, of course…

Some liberals that voted against things like Trump and Brexit in the past - have seen the damage caused by them being stopped in their tracks, and must wonder “Was it worth it? - The price we had to pay to stop something so many people voted FOR?”

It’s not an opinion - the votes were counted just like they’ve been counted for 200 years and Trump lost. That’s fact.

The reason I dislike Trump - and this disqualifies him from being fit for office - is because he lost and keeps lying about it. And if he ever got in again he would make himself Fuhrer and all his fanatical cult worshippers would be with him.

Apart from the debate here winseer could you tell me if you really believe 2020 was rigged? If you could pick one thing in life you are certain of then its Trump won in 2020?

Trump won, but not by enough to be immune from the ballot stuffing, and data manipulation that has already been proven to have taken place.
The GOP are currently trying to get these machines removed from the entire electoral system, or the same old thing is going to happen at EVERY election from now on. The system has also been used to great effect in Brazil already too, where a convicted criminal gangster gets to beat the Right Wing Bolsonaro that the Left are happy to break and compromise the entire democratic voting system to get rid of. Once in power next time - we’ll never have a government of the Right ever again in the majority. Tories will be forced to be Liberals, and the Far Left will be forced to accept a ruling class of Champagn Socialists - so won’t be really happy neither.
What do you get though - should you one day soon, get your own way?

FACT - Vote Tabulation Machines - are riggable in the same way the Tote for racecourses have been. the Racing Tote now has regular incidents where the owners “Seed” the pool with extra bets after time - to bring down what would otherwise be a monster dividend - back in line with SP, and make a few quid on the side in the process, as we’d all like a fiver or so on a 50/1 winner every time one pops up - wouldn’t we?
I’m surprised, frankly that my local MP Tracey Crouch hasn’t come down like a ton of bricks on the way the betting markets are run these days, rather than the lousy way they encourage people who cannot afford to lose - to bet more, and punters having a good run of it (ie. winning on a regular basis…) - to bet rather less.

Dominion’s case against Fox - would be impossible for them to win in court, because they’d have to prove the machines were impossible to rig, and it is in fact impossible to prove a negative… ANY negative.

By getting Fox to settle “out of court” - Dominion have effectively got a public endorsement FROM Fox that their machines are Bona Fide, deflecting any court case, which would have torn the plaintiff’s case here to shreds - HAD it got that far. I suspect no money will actually change hands at all, and the big scalp that Dominion and the corrupt Democrats have got out of all this - is Tucker Carlson being busted out of his job, one of the few news anchors who actually showed you proof on his program, not that anyone with TDS was interested in proven facts shown on live TV of course…
You don’t “Debunk” anything with unproven testimony and outright lies. Who enforces though?

All eyes are on Kevin McCarthy now to not buckle under to Biden’s trickery in getting the debt ceiling raised… Raising the ceiling will cause the current upward slope of interest rate rises to turn into a rapid rise, similar to the ERM debacle in 1992 in the UK where rates went upto 15% in a day, and over 4m people lost their homes, never to get a mortgage again… This “Default” spoken of, isn’t the default of the national debt, it is merely that certain branches of government won’t be paid, effectively putting them on unpaid furlough. Personally, I don’t think this is a bad thing, and if nothing else - gets rid of all the moneygrubbers that are only walking the corridors of power - to freeload taxpayer’s money accordingly…

The correct response to the government over this - I frankly suggest would have been a Guillotine being set up where the Cenotaph is - Maybe even the Far Left and Far Right might have something in common for the real way to get rid of corruption in high places - once and for all?
Our parliament once topped a King of England - but no King, not even “topped loads” Henry VIII got to take 10 inches off the height of a single member of the parliament of the day…

That’s what is wrong with our world today: People don’t believe hard evidence anymore, don’t trust the courts to admit evidence properly, and we ALL end up ducking and diving outrageous laws that are fully implemented when they cost the public money, but totally side-stepped if any evidence should attempt to send a member of the ruling class to jail…

Look at the Witch Hunt currently going on against Suella Bravermann as well: The Deep State are clearly gunning for her, and won’t be satisfied until another scalp has been taken… Yet they don’t pressure Keir Starmer to implement any flagship labour policies, just “Bully the Tories”…

Not very inspiring for the rest of us who’ll also be going “Not my government!” the moment the boot is on the other (but still wrong) foot in two years time…

I maintain that Sunak is trying to smooth a passage for Keir Starmer to become PM in a coalition that will compromise our sovereignty, let alone as much Brexit that has already been done at this point, around 30% in my estimations…

Actions speak louder than words though.
If the Left continue to troll the passive Right on a street-by-street level, then once the Right have lost their stuff - they might then become a bit more unruly among themselves, just as the Left of politics has been rather more militant than anyone Right of Karl Marx for some time already.

“Go home and starve!” - isn’t something many people in this country will take lying down, regardless of their personal politics, I reckon…

America faces a fall akin to the Fall of Rome - if we’re not careful. A dark age would follow, and civilization could easily die back 1000 years in the process… Not good, regardless of who you are.

Trump or Biden 2024?

Who’s your money on?

Biden is only there as “Straw Candidate” because the real power behind the throne here - doesn’t want to be up against Trump.
Should Trump be gone however, then Biden will be swiftly removed with the 25th ammendment, and at long last the “Man of Sin” can be revealed.

Every week some new and entirely made-up barb is stuck into Trump - and yet he stays standing… Pretty impressive for an amateur really…

All this stops - should he throw in the towel, and watch the hyppocrites sing Trump’s praises as a “Reformer” posthumously…

Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness - might mean bugger-all to Godless types, but it is THE biggest evil that the Right fights today, and not just in politics…

Starter question for five:

What weapons trashed Bakhmut.?

“Pyoutin” - there is no one by that name.
“Pootin” - is the correct way to pronounce the leader of Russia’s name, and you can always tell “who bought the lies” and “who didn’t” - by how they pronounce a name that is difficult to get wrong - except by ignorance of course.

Ukraine - cannot admit to have lost Bakhmut some time ago, otherwise it wouldn’t make sense that the narrative says it has been relentlessly shelled during what would have been the Russian Occupation… State that “We’ve not lost Bakhmut yet!” though - and the world feels sorry for the current ruined state of the city, believing automatically whatever misleading statements mixed with pictorial facts that can be put to the remote west, not even with a war correspondant on the ground during rather than after the action that ruined the city.

Likely? - Russians took Bakhmut at least six weeks ago, Ukraine have been shelling it to drive them out. Loads of collateral damage of course, but Bakhmut has a high percentage of Ethnic Russians living there, whom Azov militia are sworn to continue mass-murdering.

Bonus for Five:
WHY are the West supporting Azov actual Nationalist Socialists against a world leader who’s ally is now cranking up our interest rate rapidly…?
Putin says he wants to De-Nazify Ukraine… West says “There are no Nazis in Ukraine to be removed”. Azov actually call themselves Nazis, and have tattoos and insignia to match…

So Putin goes to war over nothing then? No one has been killed, it’s all an illusion?

Pull the other one!

What are Ukraine’s objectives? - Defeat Russia NOT “Save Ukraine”.

There are not enough nukes among the combined nuclear powers - to destroy every town and village in Russia. Ergo, Ukraine cannot be saved without a negotiated Settlement.
Talks are going on at an African Summit - but don’t hold your breath.
Zelensky is under strict instructions not to do any deals with Putin whatsoever, even a deal that involves Russian Withdrawal in exchange that Ukraine hands over the Azovs for a “Nuremburg” style set of Trials…

Who gets to enforce their version of events first?
…Answers on a postcard for that one the, 'cos I’m buggered if I know what’s going to happen next.
Ukraine cannot win this war if Russia still exists.
Russia cannot win this war all the while NATO still exists.
All the while the war goes on and on - interest rates, food prices, and of course energy prices - are likely to keep on rising.

“Prolonging” this war then - happens to be the greatest Evil our world has faced in our modern age.
No one need take sides - the war needs to be stopped by encouraging both sides to come to the table, “no strings”.

Let the Liberals be part of Europe, let the Ethnic Russians be a province of Russia once more.

There is zero chance that Putin intends an invasion of western Europe, but in 1939 it would have been considered a zero chance that America would in the future - invade Europe OR Japan.
In the end, the expected losses for invading Japan - were thought to be so high, that it justified first phosphorus-bombing Tokyo, and then the two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Clearly the lessons have NOT been learned, despite Biden being there this very week…




A big baby trying to save face after losing - thats all there is to it.

You’re entitled to your opinion, of course…

It is a world away from mine of course, and I suspect there are a growing number of citizens all over the western world that lean more towards what their sensibilities tell them, rather than what their TDS does.

The main reason for private citizens anywhere “to hate Trump” - is that they’ve been told to, and like hard-of-thinking folk everywhere - cannot be bothered to look a bit deeper into what continues to grab so many column inches of headlines since 2016- the same as Brexit, of course…

Some liberals that voted against things like Trump and Brexit in the past - have seen the damage caused by them being stopped in their tracks, and must wonder “Was it worth it? - The price we had to pay to stop something so many people voted FOR?”

It’s not an opinion - the votes were counted just like they’ve been counted for 200 years and Trump lost. That’s fact.

The reason I dislike Trump - and this disqualifies him from being fit for office - is because he lost and keeps lying about it. And if he ever got in again he would make himself Fuhrer and all his fanatical cult worshippers would be with him.

Apart from the debate here winseer could you tell me if you really believe 2020 was rigged? If you could pick one thing in life you are certain of then its Trump won in 2020?

Trump won, but not by enough to be immune from the ballot stuffing, and data manipulation that has already been proven to have taken place.
The GOP are currently trying to get these machines removed from the entire electoral system, or the same old thing is going to happen at EVERY election from now on. The system has also been used to great effect in Brazil already too, where a convicted criminal gangster gets to beat the Right Wing Bolsonaro that the Left are happy to break and compromise the entire democratic voting system to get rid of. Once in power next time - we’ll never have a government of the Right ever again in the majority. Tories will be forced to be Liberals, and the Far Left will be forced to accept a ruling class of Champagn Socialists - so won’t be really happy neither.
What do you get though - should you one day soon, get your own way?

FACT - Vote Tabulation Machines - are riggable in the same way the Tote for racecourses have been. the Racing Tote now has regular incidents where the owners “Seed” the pool with extra bets after time - to bring down what would otherwise be a monster dividend - back in line with SP, and make a few quid on the side in the process, as we’d all like a fiver or so on a 50/1 winner every time one pops up - wouldn’t we?
I’m surprised, frankly that my local MP Tracey Crouch hasn’t come down like a ton of bricks on the way the betting markets are run these days, rather than the lousy way they encourage people who cannot afford to lose - to bet more, and punters having a good run of it (ie. winning on a regular basis…) - to bet rather less.

Dominion’s case against Fox - would be impossible for them to win in court, because they’d have to prove the machines were impossible to rig, and it is in fact impossible to prove a negative… ANY negative.

By getting Fox to settle “out of court” - Dominion have effectively got a public endorsement FROM Fox that their machines are Bona Fide, deflecting any court case, which would have torn the plaintiff’s case here to shreds - HAD it got that far. I suspect no money will actually change hands at all, and the big scalp that Dominion and the corrupt Democrats have got out of all this - is Tucker Carlson being busted out of his job, one of the few news anchors who actually showed you proof on his program, not that anyone with TDS was interested in proven facts shown on live TV of course…
You don’t “Debunk” anything with unproven testimony and outright lies. Who enforces though?

All eyes are on Kevin McCarthy now to not buckle under to Biden’s trickery in getting the debt ceiling raised… Raising the ceiling will cause the current upward slope of interest rate rises to turn into a rapid rise, similar to the ERM debacle in 1992 in the UK where rates went upto 15% in a day, and over 4m people lost their homes, never to get a mortgage again… This “Default” spoken of, isn’t the default of the national debt, it is merely that certain branches of government won’t be paid, effectively putting them on unpaid furlough. Personally, I don’t think this is a bad thing, and if nothing else - gets rid of all the moneygrubbers that are only walking the corridors of power - to freeload taxpayer’s money accordingly…

The correct response to the government over this - I frankly suggest would have been a Guillotine being set up where the Cenotaph is - Maybe even the Far Left and Far Right might have something in common for the real way to get rid of corruption in high places - once and for all?
Our parliament once topped a King of England - but no King, not even “topped loads” Henry VIII got to take 10 inches off the height of a single member of the parliament of the day…

That’s what is wrong with our world today: People don’t believe hard evidence anymore, don’t trust the courts to admit evidence properly, and we ALL end up ducking and diving outrageous laws that are fully implemented when they cost the public money, but totally side-stepped if any evidence should attempt to send a member of the ruling class to jail…

Look at the Witch Hunt currently going on against Suella Bravermann as well: The Deep State are clearly gunning for her, and won’t be satisfied until another scalp has been taken… Yet they don’t pressure Keir Starmer to implement any flagship labour policies, just “Bully the Tories”…

Not very inspiring for the rest of us who’ll also be going “Not my government!” the moment the boot is on the other (but still wrong) foot in two years time…

I maintain that Sunak is trying to smooth a passage for Keir Starmer to become PM in a coalition that will compromise our sovereignty, let alone as much Brexit that has already been done at this point, around 30% in my estimations…

Actions speak louder than words though.
If the Left continue to troll the passive Right on a street-by-street level, then once the Right have lost their stuff - they might then become a bit more unruly among themselves, just as the Left of politics has been rather more militant than anyone Right of Karl Marx for some time already.

“Go home and starve!” - isn’t something many people in this country will take lying down, regardless of their personal politics, I reckon…

America faces a fall akin to the Fall of Rome - if we’re not careful. A dark age would follow, and civilization could easily die back 1000 years in the process… Not good, regardless of who you are.

So you believe Trump won with 100% certainty while every case he tried got thrown out as nonsense? Any idea why they didnt take the house and senate with big majorities? If they were really rigging the electiom why hamstring themselves with the senate/house beimg republican or evenly split?

Is it just a belief like a cult? That Trump must be right regardless of any evidence? Even Bill Barr said it was BS

One other Trump lie - he says he finished the border wall “but for a few miles” - so how are all the migrants getting in then!

How strange it is that those who don’t believe in God, also don’t believe in the Deep State, and their corrupt everyday practices… But even stranger than that is the way that those same people think that anyone who does believe in pretty much anything at all - becomes a “Cult” if I understand you correctly?

So big question on from that is "What DOES the Left of Politics believe in, desire, and want to achieve once in power… Or is power ‘the ends rather than the means’, which makes Orwell bang on the money in his book 1984?

We don’t get to vote for either Biden or Trump in this country, 'cos we’re not Americans.
Thing is though, what America does - affects us here in Britain.
If Trump had stayed in office, built his wall, carried on making Liberals cry et al - What harm would that have done us here in the UK compared to the harm already done by Biden taking us into proxy war with Russia, pulling out of Afghanistan, and delivering precisely what meanwhile on the Leftist Wish List?

Is there an upside AT ALL to voting for Left-leaning parties?

It can’t be about “Lies” - as we already know all politicians without exception have done it, even Trump.
Trump’s speech upsets people left-leaning, be it true, false, or just him trolling.
Biden on the other hand, seems to be loved by millions, even if he’s actively putting people out of work, raising everyone’s taxes, refusing to do any good to American communities anywhere, and all in the name of “benefits not tomorrow, but for those you’ll never meet”, which is a sure-fire way of pocketing all that cash that supposedly goes to places like Third World Charities, Ukraine, The lastest BLM mansion for it’s orgianizers, or even DNC War Chest funds openly…

Or are the Left going to suggest that saying “Biden told the truth” here is actually another of Trump’s Lies…?

Bit of a paradox this one actually… Watch the video, and then try and call it “Fake” - cos it ain’t. Lips fully in sync, hands don’t actually obscure the mouth during the talking, etc. “Verified Video Clip” then.
Compare that to this more recent one of Anderson Cooper’s faked declaration regarding Trump’s recent “Town Hall” debate, where the MC attempts to barrage Trump out with a load of already debunked Lies, to which the Trump-leaning Audience barrage her out with their amusement at Trump’s straight-up replies…

Do people think that Trump is an ‘dishonest truth-teller’, whilst Biden is an ‘honest liar’?

…Or is it the exact opposite?
…Or something in between?
… Or even both at the same time?

I look forward to Trump electrifying politics some more from January 2025…
The only way they are going to stop him now - is to assassinate him like they did their own most popular president, JFK…

Do that though, and there’ll likely be the shortest Civil War in History where Trump voters, nearly all of them owning a firearm - take back their country by force in about 6 seconds, shooting every gloating leftie nearest them, following any assassination attempt - let alone if it is successful
For the time being though, the Right remain a sleeping Giant around the world… Not yet quite ■■■■■■ off enough to openly revolt against the regime that has brought them to utter ruin in the first two years after such a stolen election as was 2020’s…
Now observe the GOP continue to punch above it’s weight with their tiny majority in the Congress…

The real acid test for “Third-In-Line McCarthy” is when they tell him that his family is forfeit unless he falls back in line, and lets Biden have his own way with the Debt Ceiling issue.
Even if McCarthy buckles under, I wouldn’t trust the Democrats to arrange his own demise shortly after, and then try to blame “Disgruntled MAGA persons” from doing that.
I can’t see such “Faux Flag Throwdowns” placating the by-this-point furious GOP voters, however.
Bear in mind too, that despite all the deliberate sabotage going on around America’s infrastructure currently in progress (You do know about that - Right?) The so-called “Flyover States” as VP Cackles calls them - happen to grow most of the food, provide most of the transport, and form the personnel of most of the armed services… What hope do a few thousand Left-Leaning polititians and Media people have against tens of millions of ■■■■■■■■■■ Americans, denied their democratic rights to elect a president of their choice, rather than the choice only of the Corrupt Policitians themselves?

There is no way you can convince anyone Right of Karl Marx in America that Biden presents a better future for America than a 2nd (belated) term for Trump, if Biden’s first 8 years as Corrupt VP to Obama’s peace-killing mission was, not to mention the huge and unprescedented damage done during Biden’s first two years as President, which the Media still try to blame the woes on Trump FFS…

“The downturn is caused by Trump cutting taxes for ordinary working people. He shouldn’t have done that. Our economic decline currently in progress is 100% Trump’s fault, and Biden has done a fantastic job keeping America afloat, and needs to increase the debt ceiling to keep up his great work” as the mainstream media likes to bang on and on about…

It is high time that sensible people, even those on the Left - woke up to realize that Trump isn’t their enemy, and they should really stop listening to the Champagne Socialists who say he is.
Keir Starmer in this country - will NOT make you better off, if you vote for him. There may well be a persecution of Right-leaning people, and a future Labour government will say “Sorry bud, we’d have liked to do something for those that voted for us, but we simply cannot afford it, at least until we have 500+ seats in Parliament. Be brave during our 5-year tenure, then come back and vote for us again in 2029”. If you don’t like “Jam Tomorrow” Union deals - then you won’t like a future Labour party for the same reason, regardless of who leads it…

If Trump isn’t serving president in October 2028 - we’ll either be all dead, or speaking Manderin by that point. “Poor” or “Speaking Russian”? - Nope. That’s the future for the past Champagne Socialists, not the moral majority who’ll either submit to CCP Rule, or die resisting them. :frowning:

It remains to be seen who best will lead us still alive into the 2030’s.
Plenty of people said Boris was “Britain Trump” - but he sadly wasn’t the moment he took us into Ukraine to support the wrong side…
Boris thinks he’s another “Churchill” and “Ukraine” was his “Churchillian Moment”.
Yeh, the bit where Churchill said “I’d do a pact with the Devil to beat Germany in this war”…

There isn’t a spoon long enough on this planet to sup with the devil with - and get out of it unscathed.

Churchill at least took our country to fight against the ■■■■ Maurauding Murderers with their multiple bioweapons labs, draining our treasuries of cash needed back home, and likely syphoning off billions for their own pockets too… Tory Corruption, and corrupt politicians all over the world on both sides of politics too…

…Or do people really believe that the Russians have just shelled-to-bits a town they’ve occupied for some time now… ?

During WWII there was no footage on Pathe News Reels of the damage our bombers did to Germany, but plenty of footage showing damage done to UK targets.
The reason isn’t so much “Propaganda” but simply we LIVE at the targets depicted on the news reels. The opportunity for “Propaganda” simply wasn’t there.

"London Calling. Germans bombed London today. We took zero casualties having shot down all the aircraft successfully. Meanwhile, we have some pathe footage (taken in the East End) that shows how much damage our bombers have done to German Cities, that you cannot verify by going there to look…Take our word for it, this war will only last a few weeks, we’re winning!

Propaganda of 2023 is nothing like the Propaganda of the 1940’s.

Putin is about to die, and the war will end.
Putin won’t be able to capture anything.
(and when Putin’s troops make some progress…)
Putin won’t be able to hold anything.

There’s not much left of Bakhmut city, with it now seemingly deserted of it’s former 100k population.
Makes no sense at all that Russia would occupy it, and then shell themselves during their own occupation…

Oh wait… Are there any reports from the ground saying differently?

Only the banned ones.
Why were such reports “Banned” again?
Note: The above link - isn’t to anything we’re forbidden to look at, btw.
Where’s the outrage here that we CAN be banned from ‘looking at stuff’, whilst we’re at it?!
I suspect the “answer” to such a question - will be along the same answer lines as why we never seem to send a politician to jail for Lying, Being a Paedo, Being a Mass Murderer, or even being allowed to stand in a paid post when they are already fabuously wealthy… Just think: They could have stopped Trump YEARS ago by simply banning millionaires from holding high office!