Four day rolling week?

I might be in the frame for a new job at work, involving four dayshifts on a rolling basis. No nights or nights out.

It’s going to mean going from an hourly rate with overtime and nights out to a fixed salary. It will mean a slight drop in pay for me but nothing I need to worry about.

I know the job (which is easy) and I expect to do just shy of nine hours driving in each shift.

I’ve pretty much done normal ‘tramping’ for the last twenty years so I’ve got a few things to get my head round before I decide to take the job or not.

I would like to know how other TNUK members feel about this kind of shift system and what are the social and legal pitfalls (rather than financial) of doing these shifts on a long term basis?

I look forward to your replies…

Thanks, W

I have read many posts where drivers have done this type of shift and most seem happy with it especially as they can opt to do a few more shifts if that company has them available or do some agency work on top

Just watch your ‘week’ and ‘weekly rest’ rules if doing extra

If you’ve been tramping for the past 20yrs do you even know what a social life is?

I’ve done 4on 4off & would put up with a lot of crap in the job to get on one again, if you no longer need to be out on the pull every Fri & Sat night then it’s a brilliant shift pattern. Me & the missus would often fly out to Rome or Prague for 2days, we knew all the half price nights in the local restaurants, you can go sight seeing almost anywhere midweek & not be jostled by crowds.

I used to love being the only one who could get drunk in my local on a Wednesday night :slight_smile:

4 days off can be a long time if you have no life left in you, but I used to live for it.

if your other half works “normal” monday to friday hours, expect to be left a long list of chores if you get 4 week days off! :laughing:

Presumably you mean 4 on 4 off, brilliant shift pattern, so long as the salary reflects the inclusive weekends and the hours are agreed maxiumum and don’t involve any POA.

Assuming the opportunity is there, and you want it, and the pay is right, can do an extra day a week on overtime when it suits and still have a 3 day off period, blokes at our place on the 4/4 do that when it suits, very lucrative.

I do a rolling week, but not 4/4 and don’t need overtime shifts, i love having time off when everyone else is working, my lady has taken early retirement so we have lots of time together…been out for hours today with the dog chasing rabbits, picked a load of wild hazelnuts, blackberries and apples…blackberry and apple pie later…life’s good, you can stick RDCs, sleeper cabs and parking in MSA’s or stinking laybys where the sun don’t shine.

If you haven’t done these shifts before it might come a bit strange, but give it a couple of months to settle in and all of a sudden it will click… and you’ll be kicking yourself for not doing it years ago.

Agree with all of the above, I’ve done 4 on 4 off and it’s a great shift pattern, a much better work/life balance.

Thanks for the replies so far folks.

Although I still do ‘tramping’ I only do two or three nights away these days and make every effort to get home more often if I can.

I do enjoy the variety of my work and having a truck of my own but I’m not that fussed about losing the nights out or my truck.

Work/life balance is very important to me so I’m more concerned about not seeing the grandkids at weekends (I’ve just ordered the eldest his first trials bike) but I think we can work round that.

When I first heard about the idea this morning I was appalled but now I have thought it through a bit, I’m warming to the idea. So reading the comments on this thread is making me feel even more positive. I shall see how hard my firm has to try to persude me…

I’m still happy to see any more thoughts (positive or negative)

Thanks again, W

You’re getting the same(ish) money for doing less work! No brainer, like has been said, if you’re over a certain age, weekends off aren’t all that anyway.

I love four on four off, you just have to remember that you basically have an eight day week which is in an eight week period. Over that time you will work four three day weeks and four four day weeks (when you put it on the standard fixed week). If you do twelve hour shifts that is four 48 hour weeks and four 36 hour weeks, averaging 42 hours a week. Your salary should be 42 hours a week. If they pay you 48 hours every week (like my old mans firm) then they may expect you to do payback days at their discretion.

Don’t forget , when you book holidays you only need , for example , to book four shifts holiday to have a twelve day break .

Only working half a year :wink:
I would LOVE a 4on 4 off again, I did it years ago and didnt fully appreciate it.
Check a flight return for any Euro city Tues-Fri return :wink: You can easily make the shifts work for you.