Found this website and

Surfing and found this site and it gave me an idea, i’ll google these companies, find some contact details and send them my cv, :bulb: unfortunately it wasn’t that easy, can’t find details on hardly any of them, surely there must be more to marketing your logistics company than just having your telephone number on the side if our wagon :question:

There are lists of e-mail addresses for certain groups of companies BUT you have to pay for the lists - I found this out when I was last out of work and wanted to send my CV to companies in certain fields :cry: :cry: :cry:

wincanton now own hanbury davies i believe, although i dont know about the truck sales side of things but you might get the info your looking for from wincantons site.

Wincanton only bought the container side and possibly the logistics work that they did under the trading name of Hanbury Davies. The truck sales side was kept by the present owners and founders and as I’m sure a lot of us know the owners have a long history and successful reputation in the transport game, ‘Russell Davies’, and they wouldn’t have got out of container work if they hadn’t seen the writing on the wall for the UK Transport Industry.
These guys know how to build up a company and make it profitable and then sell it on for £millions :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
It will be very interesting to see if Wincanton can do the same with what they have purchased ■■ I doubt it very much but will wait and see :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Surfing and found this site and it gave me an idea, i’ll google these companies, find some contact details and send them my cv, :bulb: unfortunately it wasn’t that easy, can’t find details on hardly any of them, surely there must be more to marketing your logistics company than just having your telephone number on the side if our wagon :question:

Seems to work ok for them though :smiley: I think you can expect a phone call from Lee Smith very shortly as he arranges to remove your liver as a deposit for a used truck :wink:

A lot of the customers of Hanbury Riverside will be owner drivers working for Hanbury Davis or Wincanton Logistics as they are known