Forward facing cameras

We have just had these fitted to our trucks as there has been a few accidents recent. What i’ve noticed is that my own driving has improved or been ajusted as well. Good idea i think it’s added for safety for all

Just about to put them in all of mine !!!

Just about to put them in all of mine !!!

Watch that they are not set too sensitive and record every tiny bump in the road or bad cambers as you could find yourself watching hrs of recording and seeing nothing out of the ordinary, speed humps are a pain for this even if you take them slowly.

set them for infinite recording and not event an infinite

Great idea.Should be made compulsory.They could prevent a lot of accidents which can only be a good thing.

I suppose it is only a matter of time before we have to have signs informing other drivers that a camera is installed on the vehicle. Everywhere seems to have to advertise the fact that they are recording and no doubt we will be included at some point.

One other point, if employers/insurers watched the footage they might realise how many accidents WE avoid each day due to other drivers actions.

I didn’t realise how much time I spent talking to myself until watching roadhawk playback :laughing:

I didn’t realise how much time I spent talking to myself until watching roadhawk playback :laughing:

In this job it’s normally the only intelligent conversation you’ll have all day.


I didn’t realise how much time I spent talking to myself until watching roadhawk playback :laughing:

In this job it’s normally the only intelligent conversation you’ll have all day.

On the plus side you get to know where all the speed humps are!

we have had them fitted in the NHS trucks and there just way to sensitive there going off all the time , although i do think there a good idea :slight_smile: . as for these stupid idiotic green driving systems we have there totally un-thought out and a piece of ■■■■■ !

And what’s the going rate for one of these cameras plus any additional software ?

£175 mine cost with software, i have 2 , one in family car , other goes between the banger for work and with me when driving lorry , on the two private cars with them i get £180 off in total on off both policys (it might change as wife has just got pinged by a camera van at 36 in a 30 zone) they have seen alsorts and loads of nearmisses,

I suppose it is only a matter of time before we have to have signs informing other drivers that a camera is installed on the vehicle. Everywhere seems to have to advertise the fact that they are recording and no doubt we will be included at some point.

One other point, if employers/insurers watched the footage they might realise how many accidents WE avoid each day due to other drivers actions.

Ours have got these signs, bit small and on the side, behind the nearside door, but they are there.

The point about seeing the accidents that are avoided is a fallacy as they only record when tripped and, apart from the potholes/sleeping policeman you need to have an incident to start the recording. Also consider the amount of really boring footage to sift through to get any of use. Edit to add - All the time recording or manual trip, which ours have, would be necessary to get all the near misses.

The shortcoming with forward facing alone is if you are side swiped or hit something with the trailer/rear of vehicle it will not be captured on the recording. I understand that there are all round vision systems available but have no experience of these.

We are having them on our new trucks but front rear middle and back!!! I think they are on a continuous 8 hour loop so it just keeps re writing over itself. Then if you have a bump you just down load the pics…( I think)…

I believe ours are continuously recording.


I suppose it is only a matter of time before we have to have signs informing other drivers that a camera is installed on the vehicle. Everywhere seems to have to advertise the fact that they are recording and no doubt we will be included at some point.

One other point, if employers/insurers watched the footage they might realise how many accidents WE avoid each day due to other drivers actions.

The point about seeing the accidents that are avoided is a fallacy as they only record when tripped and, apart from the potholes/sleeping policeman you need to have an incident to start the recording. Also consider the amount of really boring footage to sift through to get any of use. Edit to add - All the time recording or manual trip, which ours have, would be necessary to get all the near misses.

That is the point, they are only interested in accidents that happen and then we are the villains, they are not interested in the fact that we meet situations all day long and most of the time we avoid the accidents that would have been caused by someone else’s poor driving. If insurers took note of the bad driving then they could adjust premiums accordingly, if the registration number is visible then there is no argument, the policyholder would have to pay. One possibility is that the standard of driving might, and I say might, improve.

Is there a site online that footage is uploaded to for public viewing/shaming? :laughing:

I’m a london bus driver.
We have foward facing cameras and cameras on both sides as well.
Very handy if your not at fault.
Also have a camera on the driver all the time.

The problem is though, if you have an accident that is not your fault, the company will view the cctv for all of your shift, and if you have done anything wrong during the shift, your in the sh*t!!!
Even driving with one hand on the steering wheel is something management will have ‘words’ with you about.

When you have a camera on you all the time, you become very very aware of what you drive like.

Overall, i’d much rather have the cctv than not.

Be careful company’s start putting these in for insurance purposes then over time start to use them to remove unwanted drivers!! my cousin works for a firm that use smart drive so has a camera on the driver/in cab he can’t even scratch his face incase it sets off the record on it.NO Eating/drinking smoking ect basically both hands on wheel unless changing gear, seatbelt at all times and no gesturing of any kind! You get the idea…

These are great if a incident isn’t your fault. And if you happen to make the slightest mistake, much easier to sack you!!

Drive everyday like your on trail or else…