Forgot to put my card in!

at work today swapped from an anologue vehicle took my chart out,had my digi card in pocket and completely forgot to insert it in digi vehicle! i swap vehicles daily but this is the first time ive ever forgot to put card in.what should i have done when i got back to the yard? i tried to do a 24hour driver 1 printout but it just said no data so i did a 24hour vehicle this correct? what should i be writing on the back of the printout?

what should i be writing on the back of the printout?

Not a big deal. Whilst I have yet to do it, that day will come. :laughing:

You should have taken two print outs. One to hand in. One to retain.

On the reverse of each make a ‘manual entry’ of the activities carried out, and then endorse it {somewhere} “Forgot to insert card.” And then add your full name and Driving Licence Number (or Driver Card number), and then attach your signature.

Hardly a ‘hanging’ offence. :wink:

Presumably you only need to sign it and make a note of the time you took over the vehicle, the time your shift finished and the fact that you forgot to put your card in as everything else (details of driving / other work / breaks etc) will be on the front of the printout. That’s what I would do, anyway. Then carry it around for as long as you would do an analogue chart (i.e. you need to keep 28 days prior to the current week) and then hand it in to the vehicle’s operator.


Presumably you only need to sign it and make a note of the time you took over the vehicle, the time your shift finished and the fact that you forgot to put your card in as everything else (details of driving / other work / breaks etc) will be on the front of the printout. That’s what I would do, anyway. Then carry it around for as long as you would do an analogue chart (i.e. you need to keep 28 days prior to the current week) and then hand it in to the vehicle’s operator.

That’s exactly what i would do as well, as well as including licence or digi card number.