Foreign Legion recruits go to truck school

I had a look at their recruitment website,part of their training is one week at truck school.

I feel like I’ve been in the Foreign Legion if I’ve been away all week…

Myself and my ‘Monkey Hanger’ mate Mick almost joined the FFL during one of our drunken escapades!
We were young and silly, unlike now, now we are just old and stupid!

Laurel and Hardy joined up ,and got lost in the desert.

Laurel and Hardy joined up ,and got lost in the desert.

We were quite possibly stupider than L & H!? Basically all I can remember was a 5’ 4" square German Sgt Major, with no-neck and shaved head plying us with beer and telling us what a good life the Legion was, and how boys like us would be very welcome! Yeah right! Fresh meat more like! Though we do remember coming to with our pockets stuffed with application forms! Should have kept one as proof! Wondered why the bar was called ‘Le Bar Legionaires’? DOH! It was in the Old Port in Marseilles, which was one of the FFL’s R & R towns, smart uniforms though!!
‘Crazytrucker’ (even Crazier then!)

You become a French citizen after you have served for the country.Dont reckon my chances with a fight with one of them,think my windpipe would be ripped out.

I was in Marseilles about three years ago with an ex-legionaire mate of mine, and we had a great time. Don’t know about legionaires ripping your windpipe out though, more likely to rip you a new ■■■■■■■■!

Our ships team played 2REP at Rugby in Djibouti. Proper run ashore!