Foreign Drivers

I’ve just finished reading an article In a Dutch transport magazine (Truckstar) regarding Foreign drivers.
The article was mainly aimed at the amount of Eastern block drivers now working for Dutch companies.
We do have a simular problem here in Belgium aswell (The last transport company I worked for had 6 Polish drivers there when I left.It now has 25 Polish drivers there now).

Are there many UK companies employing Eastern block drivers ■■

Do you work with Eastern block drivers ■■

What’s your view on the subject ■■

All coments welcome…


I’ve just finished reading an article In a Dutch transport magazine (Truckstar) regarding Foreign drivers.
The article was mainly aimed at the amount of Eastern block drivers now working for Dutch companies.
We do have a simular problem here in Belgium aswell (The last transport company I worked for had 6 Polish drivers there when I left.It now has 25 Polish drivers there now).

Are there many UK companies employing Eastern block drivers ■■


Do you work with Eastern block drivers ■■

Yes, one permanent driver originally from Poland who has been there about the same time I have. Just recently bought his own place after renting for a while and is pretty settled here. Also several of the regular agency drivers are from Eastern Europe.

What’s your view on the subject ■■

They are only doing what British drivers did for years, and plenty still do.

Yes I am working for Van de Poel in Belgium at the moment and on my induction day, there was me and 10 Romanians at the table, getting our Free work boots and overalls, they have about 20 Romanians at the moment.


The issue has never bothered me. One thing that does annoy me was at HSF and occasionally here you’d get British drivers moaning about ‘Poles taking our jobs’ all the while conveniently forgetting that by those standards we were taking a Dutchmans or Irishmans job. Brits have worked all over Europe, we are in no place to whinge about others doing the same.

I’ve just finished reading an article In a Dutch transport magazine (Truckstar) regarding Foreign drivers.
The article was mainly aimed at the amount of Eastern block drivers now working for Dutch companies.
We do have a simular problem here in Belgium aswell (The last transport company I worked for had 6 Polish drivers there when I left.It now has 25 Polish drivers there now).

Are there many UK companies employing Eastern block drivers ■■

Do you work with Eastern block drivers ■■

What’s your view on the subject ■■

All coments welcome…


they [poles] only took the jobs that brits wouldnt,i remember years ago we couldnt get drivers for love nor money,all the agency drivers wouldnt go full time as they said they wouldnt work for the wages ,so firm had no alternative other than to take on poles etc.
now all i ever hear is agency drivers roaring there eyes out the poles have took there work[the work not so long ago they didnt want :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: ],
one was even roaring they took his JOB, :laughing: :laughing: ,if brits were being chucked out of a job to be replaced by poles fair enough,but thats not the case,there just took the jobs brits wouldnt do,now times are hard all the agency bods want them kicking out so they can have them :unamused: :unamused: ,then when things pick up they wont want them again.zb that,those poles have done the job for years,why should they be kicked out of it ,when it suits a brit to do it


.How I wonder have all these foreign drivers done with the driver CPC I bet they have all passed it easy .People say well we go over there ,yes but not in the numbers that come here and we do not have all the help with the lingo as we give them.Sorry to say it can not go on , I think there are to many people trying to live here now, you are looking at a yugoslavia 50 years down the line…were doooooomed .Here we go they only do jobs the British will not do, give it a rest who dug the coal built the ships ,aircraft, bridges and fight in two world wars, farmed the land ,if you take your anti British glasses off there were some lousy jobs over the years and truck driver was one of them all done well before the poles and the rest of them had were benifit Britain was…tell you what I feel alot better for that thanks trucknet

.How I wonder have all these foreign drivers done with the driver CPC I bet they have all passed it easy .People say well we go over there ,yes but not in the numbers that come here and we do not have all the help with the lingo as we give them.Sorry to say it can not go on , I think there are to many people trying to live here now, you are looking at a yugoslavia 50 years down the line…were doooooomed .Here we go they only do jobs the British will not do, give it a rest who dug the coal built the ships ,aircraft, bridges and fight in two world wars, farmed the land ,if you take your anti British glasses off there were some lousy jobs over the years and truck driver was one of them all done well before the poles and the rest of them had were benifit Britain was…tell you what I feel alot better for that thanks trucknet

FACT,corby could not get drivers,there were adverts everywhere,they asked the agency to go full time,they wouldnt,i know my mates were asked,so they took on poles,the agency drivers couldnt give a ■■■■ then,let them have the jobs,were not working for that,now you and your mates are roaring it cant go on,theyve took our work,our jobs,zb off you wouldnt do those jobs 4/5 years ago,you wouldnt do them now if times wernt hard,then when things pick up you wont want them again,so why should the poles at OUR PLACE be kicked out when it zb suits you :question: ,zb that theyve done them jobs for years,if youd wanted them you should of took them when they were avaliable,not start roaring about it 4/5 years later :unamused: :unamused:

3 of the posters on this thread work for foreign companies :laughing:

Anyone else see the irony?

They are only doing what British drivers did for years, and plenty still do.

Guilty as charged.

That’s why I find it impossible to complain about Foreign Drivers in British Trucks.

Is it me or do British Drivers who have worked for Foreign Firms or have done more than the odd trip in Europe tend to be more open minded on this subject?


they should all go back. they keep our wages down,and will do twice as much as us and most bosses would rather employ one of them than you, if the bosses didnt employ them they wouldnt be here what money they do earn goes back home they have there own car here and ride round in them they dont have to tax or mot them.but most of you will never see that your wages will not go up while they will do your job for a lot less and a lot quicker.

We have I think 48 drivers at our depot and only one polish driver.

they should all go back. they keep our wages down,and will do twice as much as us and most bosses would rather employ one of them than you, if the bosses didnt employ them they wouldnt be here what money they do earn goes back home they have there own car here and ride round in them they dont have to tax or mot them.but most of you will never see that your wages will not go up while they will do your job for a lot less and a lot quicker.

It’s not just the foreigners doing that, not all of Stobarts drivers are foreign so it’s not just the Poles willing to work for crap money.

they should all go back. they keep our wages down,and will do twice as much as us and most bosses would rather employ one of them than you, if the bosses didnt employ them they wouldnt be here what money they do earn goes back home they have there own car here and ride round in them they dont have to tax or mot them.but most of you will never see that your wages will not go up while they will do your job for a lot less and a lot quicker.

Learn a bit about economics instead of reading Sunday mirror sports pages and then speak about economics and salary increases.


they should all go back. they keep our wages down,and will do twice as much as us and most bosses would rather employ one of them than you, if the bosses didnt employ them they wouldnt be here what money they do earn goes back home they have there own car here and ride round in them they dont have to tax or mot them.but most of you will never see that your wages will not go up while they will do your job for a lot less and a lot quicker.

Learn a bit about economics instead of reading Sunday mirror sports pages and then speak about economics and salary increases.

tut tut never presume dont read papers and definatley not the sport pages

they should all go back. they keep our wages down,and will do twice as much as us and most bosses would rather employ one of them than you, if the bosses didnt employ them they wouldnt be here what money they do earn goes back home they have there own car here and ride round in them they dont have to tax or mot them.but most of you will never see that your wages will not go up while they will do your job for a lot less and a lot quicker.

The 2 reasons why the job is totally ■■■■■■ in the UK
Some of the UK drivers try to hang the job out and in the end shoot their selves in the foot.
Money could go up if you did the job a bit quicker not to hang it out and ■■■■ it total up.
Defiantly a mentality problem…
Don’t know but found always the drivers who worked outside their country (regardless which nationality, being it British, Scottish’s, Polish, Hungarian) worked always a bit harder than when they worked in their own country.
Most people don’t move to another country just to hang it out, they come to make some money.
UK drivers have always been employed all over the world, British Builder went with ten thousands of them to Germany when the wall came down.
British work in Dubai, Hong Kong, Bahrain etc.
You may expect that other people come here.

they should all go back. they keep our wages down,and will do twice as much as us and most bosses would rather employ one of them than you, if the bosses didnt employ them they wouldnt be here what money they do earn goes back home they have there own car here and ride round in them they dont have to tax or mot them.but most of you will never see that your wages will not go up while they will do your job for a lot less and a lot quicker.

The Polish guy at our place is on the same wages as us and does the work no quicker than any other driver. He drives a UK registered car and a couple of moths ago bought a flat in Hemel.

as a brit working for a foreign firm it would be highly hypocritical of me to slag off the eastern europeans for taking work out of their respective countries.
however what really annoys me with them is,
why they are willing to work for low wages rather than what the locals work for thus lowering the wages for everybody :imp:
why they insist on wearing flipflops with socks and tracksuit bottoms :unamused:
why they refuse to shower even when they are free :imp:
why they drive so bloody slowly especially when there is a no overtaking ban on :imp: :imp:
apart from that we have 2 ukranians and an estonian working with us and they seem to work like us

I darent say anything against Eastern Europeans, my threads get moved and all the soft, lilly livered brits call me a racist :unamused:

I live in a 12 mile radius of Boston…I am [zb] right off with these low paid, ignorant pigs.
I was working for a company that is 70% Polish/Easyern European…I could not stand to be treated the way in which they are, so I left.
Essentially, because I would not stand to be treated like a peice of meat, at the employers beck and call, I was forced out of my job. It is disgraceful, not only do they bring down the rate for the job, they also bring down the humanity/respect, AS THEY ARE WILLING TO BE TREATED LIKE DOGS.

This thread will be moved or deleted, as the sponsor of this forum is in cahoots with the firms/press/govt. that wants this awful situation to continue.

they should all go back. they keep our wages down,and will do twice as much as us and most bosses would rather employ one of them than you, if the bosses didnt employ them they wouldnt be here what money they do earn goes back home they have there own car here and ride round in them they dont have to tax or mot them.but most of you will never see that your wages will not go up while they will do your job for a lot less and a lot quicker.

and who started this trend ■■?

yes the Brits

Brit brickies flooding Germany working for less than then Germans
Brit drivers could be found in nearly all Dutch companies a few years ago nearly all working for far less than what a Dutchman would

and now that things are the other way round you have nothing to do but whine like little spoilt kids who have had their toys taken away

one word sums it up


FACT,corby could not get drivers,there were adverts everywhere,they asked the agency to go full time,they wouldnt,i know my mates were asked,so they took on poles,the agency drivers couldnt give a [zb] then,let them have the jobs,were not working for that,now you and your mates are roaring it cant go on,theyve took our work,our jobs,zb off you wouldnt do those jobs 4/5 years ago,you wouldnt do them now if times wernt hard,then when things pick up you wont want them again,so why should the poles at OUR PLACE be kicked out when it zb suits you :question: ,zb that theyve done them jobs for years,if youd wanted them you should of took them when they were avaliable,not start roaring about it 4/5 years later :unamused: :unamused:
If i owned the firm the first to be [zb] off …would have been the agengy guys who turned the full time job ,on the basis of if you dont wanna work here full time …then ■■■■ off somewhere else