Ford Transcontinental FEF 42V

Here is my other half’s latest restored Transcon he has 4 fully restored and a few projects waiting in the wings


nice motor mate.i did read that you had 9 transconti,s are you taking any to gaydon

Yes if you are visiting Gaydon this truck will be there.

Dont tell Chris Hooper (hooperman)

Do you have any problem getting the spares ■■

Lovely truck there mate. I’d love a restored transcon. I’ll be at gaydon next week. look forward to seeing it.

Here is my other half’s latest restored Transcon he has 4 fully restored and a few projects waiting in the wings

Nice :sunglasses: Is he obsessed or just “Transcontimental”? :open_mouth:
Bigger pics next time please Les :sunglasses: :wink: