what was the better tipper ford d 750 or Bedford tk or any other 4 wheeler
like to hear your point of view
Hi ,I had a Brand new TK 1964 tipper ok comfy ,But the Trader had a bit more umph but the 750 about the same as the TK ,Cheers Barry
I drove a couple of Bedford TK tippers which were 14 ton gross until the plating law came in. They were quite a popular vehicle with a lot of hauliers because of their handy size and price.
I did drive a Thames Trader occasionally and they seemed OK. I liked the Austin/Morris FF series with the 5.7 underslung engine the best which I drove for six months,it seemed a much stronger lorry than the other two.
Cheers Dave.
I only ever drove one four wheeler tipper loaded (a Sed Ak 200) and only did one load with it. I nearly frightened myself to Death, it certainly didn’t corner like the eight legger’s that I was used to… I guess that overall the TK/KM would have the upper edge on the Ford but I wasn’t a big fan of either to be honest, driver’s would probably prefer the Ford for comfort though. My choice would be a Foden of course, but there was a slight price difference to the other makes mentioned.
I only ever drove one four wheeler tipper loaded (a Sed Ak 200) and only did one load with it. I nearly frightened myself to Death, it certainly didn’t corner like the eight legger’s that I was used to…I guess that overall the TK/KM would have the upper edge on the Ford but I wasn’t a big fan of either to be honest, driver’s would probably prefer the Ford for comfort though. My choice would be a Foden of course, but there was a slight price difference to the other makes mentioned.
Hi Pete,
My regular lorry at C M Philpotts was a Bedford KM with a 466 engine and five speed box with a two speed axle and not much would stay with it. The Ford D1000 with the 360 turbo’s were just coming around,they were pretty good. I drove six wheeler version at 20 ton gross,that went OK.
I also drove Seddon13/4 for a fortnight with a perkins 6354 engine,it was a horrible thing with an offset steering wheel.
Cheers Dave.
Iam not a Bedford fan my grandad was and my uncle had some,but then the mighty fords came v8 Perkins ,360 ford ,and the v8 flying ■■■■■■■ ,good heaters my dad says ,he passed a midland red doing 80 mph one day naked as his clothes were on the heater.
We had a lot of KM’s at the quarry, prior to me working there, and I believe they did OK. Most were sold off to OD’s when the six and eight wheelers came along and I must admit that a lot of the lads replaced them with another Bedford when the time came. Commer were popular as well. There were a few Fords, ‘Mooses’ dad Chris ran one, and an AEC Mercury but Bedford, Leyland and a few Dodge’s seemed the favoured four wheeler’s until a few lads started buying used Foden units that had been stretched to take a tipper body.
Dan Punchard:
Iam not a Bedford fan my grandad was and my uncle had some,but then the mighty fords came v8 Perkins ,360 ford ,and the v8 flying ■■■■■■■ ,good heaters my dad says ,he passed a midland red doing 80 mph one day naked as his clothes were on the heater.
That’s spoiled my supper Dan, a mental picture of Jeff naked on the motorway! They did motor though! Loxleys had mostly a Bedford fleet I seem to recall, pics of their lorries seem non existant?
The Leyland Comet both LAD & Egro cabbed were quite popular with the tipper lads and also the LAD cabbed Dodge with the perkins 6.354 engine and eaton 2 speed axle,I served my apprenticeship on this model from 1962 to 1968 and during this time the 500 series came out around 1966,they were ok aswell.
The Leyland Comet both LAD & Egro cabbed were quite popular with the tipper lads and also the LAD cabbed Dodge with the perkins 6.354 engine and eaton 2 speed axle,I served my apprenticeship on this model from 1962 to 1968 and during this time the 500 series came out around 1966,they were ok aswell.
Hi John,
I drove a 500 series Dodge or K series for S W Brisbane for the last few months I was there, it had the Perkins 6354 engine with a direct drive gearbox. It was a decent lorry for comfort, but had no go in it. I drove a LAD cabbed one for Philpotts with the same engine and a two speed axle. I didn’t like it,as it was to cramped leg room for me. I drove a Commer Maxiload for C W Griffiths which was a nice lorry to drive,probably liked thet one the best of all the regular four wheelers that was assigned to me. The ergo Leyland Comet with the 0.400 engine was a nice lorry, but didn’t have the power that the KM or the Commer had.
Cheers Dave.
Moose, who is the guy with Cyril in the black and white photo? He looks strangely familiar to me somehow but I can’t put a name to him.
Those were the days when tipper work paid good money, can’t see it being like that again.
Ken howard who was with bates and hunt (oil and diesel) sales man for many years
Ken howard who was with bates and hunt (oil and diesel) sales man for many years
Oh right, I wouldn’t have known him. Just looked familiar, that’s all. Thank’s for putting my mind at rest!!!
ford d800,best small tippers we had. tried t.k.s but they were bad to work on ,not having tilt cab.the fords were also stronger built the tk used to flex a lot.