For the naughty truckers

Well i realise there are none on this forum…but if you know soneone who cooks their tea on gas stove while watching ■■■■■ dvd, knocking one off with one hand, ordering Very cheap sat nav with other hand, steering with their knees while overtaking in outside lane it seems they now not only have keep one eye on mirror for a unit running bobtail with camera crew leaning out window but now also have to keep an eye out for rigid box truck - seen video on fb today the rigid pulling over a tesco artic on hard shoulder with police motorbike behind.

How long has this been in use?, curious. must missed topic on here about it? I just thought they used tractor units but maybe naughty truckers getting wise.


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Meanwhile… criminals go free :grimacing:

You would have to be blind and stupid and not regularly checking your mirrors to miss this coming `bob tail ’ up along the side of you :open_mouth: :arrow_right:
, but then if your steering wheel is on the opposite side - chances are >
Maybe a rigid wagon is the way forward - lets face it - who takes any notice of them flying around :unamused:


You would have to be blind and stupid and not regularly checking your mirrors to miss this coming `bob tail ’ up along the side of you :open_mouth: :arrow_right:
, but then if your steering wheel is on the opposite side - chances are >
Maybe a rigid wagon is the way forward - lets face it - who takes any notice of them flying around :unamused:

It would appear there are enough blind and stupid truck drivers out there to make it very worthwhile for plod to continue to use trucks like this, regardless of how they’re painted up.

NSPCC police truck, them buggers are taking thinking of the children way to seriously.

They should use tippers, or better still transit tippers with hungry boards. They could have someone in the back, Granny Clampett style with a camera and a clay pipe and no one would bat an eyelid.

From the view that you get from a truck I can’t see why they can’t use these to catch the large number of idiots in cars and vans on the their phones or just driving dangerously. Surely there’s more revenue to the earned from that rather than the odd trucker they catch?