For Ben

Cardiff West MSA 16.01.07
Sorry Ben but I was unable to get the fleet numbers off the other two trailers as an irate looking driver was approaching fast !!!

also this one

i found it going through my albums. i cant remember when it was taken, it was a few years ago, but it was at leicester forest services northbound, i remember that much (for some reason!!)

thought i would put this back to the top in case you had not seen them ben

ah i did not notice that one :astonished:

@ Kate - Nice photos - Cardiff West MSA, Willi Betz parking together, I know why - Cardiff West MSA are popular place for Willi Betz because there nearby huge BOSCH factory :wink:

@ Euromat - great picture - old actros lowline austrian betz, new number for me! :wink:

Cheers Ben.

Ben,in Kate’s last picture,the middle truck 5452,was originally registered in Belgium and ran out of Genk.
It,and a few others,were sent to Czech Republic and re-registered.

Blimey,I’m beginning to sound like a bit of an anorak :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: