Following on from Agency mileage questions

Just a brief question. It’s about the meal allowance, Had a quick look at the HMRC sight, it may be me, but can’t seem to find out when (i.e work times etc.) you can claim the £5 allowance.
I did hear mention that depending on what time you start you can get 2 meal allowances per shift

try here mate,doesn’t give times,just the hours you are away from work place/home,as people have differing start/finish times

jrl driver:
try here mate,doesn’t give times,just the hours you are away from work place/home,as people have differing start/finish times

Cheers jrl, that was very long-winded. :confused: My eyes are still hurting :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
I think the page you mentioned is more for employers rather than employees.

I’m sure I copied & pasted the details from the NOVA website on the other expenses thread :unamused: :unamused:

you mean this 1 pierre :wink:



I’m sure I copied & pasted the details from the NOVA website on the other expenses thread :unamused: :unamused:

Thank-you Pierre, I did read your NOVA post, it’s just somebody told me that it depended on what time you started, i.e you could only caim meal allowance if you worked (drove) through the night than time spent working a normal 08.oo to 18.oo. I’ve read through your post again and think that I’m ok now. :confused: :confused: Well I hope so anyway. :grimacing: