Fog Lights


and if front fogs are correctly adjusted, what harm do they do ?

No harm at all in the fog! the clue for the use of these lights is in the name FOG!
What winds me up even more are the idiots that drive on the motorway or dual carrigeway at night on main beam even when traffic is going the other way

Mr Average in his tin box can’t see oncoming headlights thanks to the central barrier, sure they can see the glow but not the bulbs so assume it’s safe to turn on every last bulb they have fitted, fine if you are sat 4 foot above the road but a major pain in the arris for anyone sitting high in a cab and heading the other way. Anything like the A90 with all the uppy downy bits at night is literally a headache after a short time.

and if front fogs are correctly adjusted, what harm do they do ?

No harm as such,but you commit an offence if you use them in any other conditions other than what the Highway Code says.It will attract points to your licence too if plod decides to prosecute you for their mis-use.

A professional driver will switch his fog lights on in poor visibility when he cannot see headlights behind him. The moment he sees headlights he will switch them off. Consequently he will often be switching his fog lights on and off throughout his journey.

Express Pete:
A professional driver will switch his fog lights on in poor visibility when he cannot see headlights behind him. The moment he sees headlights he will switch them off. Consequently he will often be switching his fog lights on and off throughout his journey.

Yes, but a great number of drivers don’t have the aptitude for the job even simple tasks are a challenge, it has always been the case and always will be we will just have to get used to it. If you can’t see the road without using them slow down or have your eyes tested.

Only ■■■■■■■ use foglights! :laughing:

i have my front fog/driving lights on soon as starts to get dark or bad weather. mp3 headlights are ■■■■■ so lower fog driving lights on so idiot car drivers can see front end of truck when they cut me up or pull in and slow down infront. As for rear fog light never used it

whats a bigger matter is the idiots who dont put lights on when heavy spray or thick fog

I use my front fogs mainly due to the headlamps being so ■■■■ crap (Scania), gives a bit more visability, then when the day light comes up a bit i switch the headlamps off and leave the fogs on just so other trucks can see well when i flash them in.

Madguy :imp:

I use my front fogs mainly due to the headlamps being so ■■■■ crap (Scania), gives a bit more visability, then when the day light comes up a bit i switch the headlamps off and leave the fogs on just so other trucks can see well when i flash them in.

Madguy :imp:

exactly, me too !

I use mine most day and they r yellow :grimacing:

All these people moaning about front fog lights obviously don’t have them and are just jealous of those who do. I bet they don’t have arm-rests either. Losers.

For rear fogs, I have a simple rule. If I can see the vehicle in front and he hasn’t go his fog light(s) on, why would I need mine?
Obviously this is at a safe distance :wink:



the headlight’s on my car are like candle’s, so i use the front fog’s at night on main beam, does help a lot and i ha adjusted the aim’s of all of the front light’s and put uprated bulb’s in them as well.

but i hate people using them with side light’s only, why, you can’t see [zb] on sidelight’s and front fog’s…

Is this an attempt for the most unnecessary apostrophes in a single post?! LOL

Front fogs shouldnt come on with main beam.
Whats an apossstrafey?

That’s what I was going to say.

The whole point of a fog light (front) is that it’s BELOW the fog and doesn’t reflect back, which main beam does - hence, if you flick to main beam it should switch the fogs off.

Maybe you have Driving Lamps and not Fog Lamps?

Anybody who has their front fogs on when it’s not foggy is greeted with my main beam. [zb] s

IME front fogs +good visibility +wet roads =dazzle. i do 1k’s of miles in a small van and it drives me mad. its forking dangerous and is one of the things i think police should hand out points for more often.

Anybody who has their front fogs on when it’s not foggy is greeted with my main beam. [zb]s

Epic fail.

You sir, are a bit silly. Surely they’ll just reciprocate and give you some mainbeam (plus fog lights) back in your face? Lose lose situation for you, silly billy. And Dieseldave is gonna have your pants down for that auto-censor dodge.

I hope this helps.

:wink: :grimacing: .dd.