Flying debris accident

Chinese bus driver a hero. … 517385098/

that could be any of us. ■■■■ thats scary…

Maby people will give the load security thread abit more respect

RIP driver

Now, that’s what you call a professional driver

Now, that’s what you call a professional driver

^ + 1 :frowning: :frowning:

Shocking poor chat didn’t look that badly injured.

impressive bloke

Despite fatal wounds he had the presence of mind to park up,put the hazards on and advise his passengers not to stray onto the carriageway! RIP.

Is there a link for iPhone users? if I use the link it just goes to aol homepage.

This has always been a deep fear of mine for some reason, even though I 've tried to reason with myself that it’s unlikely and totally random, I don’t know why…it’s always plagued my mind. This… and kids throwing somehting off a bridge to hit my cab

Jimmi’s right in his post, that could be any of us as we’re on the road more often than most. :frowning:

But anyway, that’s a real professional driver, and an exemplary bloke putting others’ safety in front of his own.

Poor sod.

R,I,P Driver.

Knowing you saved peoples lives you deserve the utmost respect.

Madguy :smiling_imp:

R,I,P Driver.

Knowing you saved peoples lives you deserve the utmost respect.

Madguy :smiling_imp:

^ +1

I guess that’s the guys instincts kicking in. Protect his passengers, protect other road users, then sort yourself out (if you can)

RIP drive.