
anyone drive through any big puddles today, passing stranded cars and such like :sunglasses:
i was in sheffield today, drove through a couple on blackburn road that were 3 or 4 foot high.
i needed to do a left turn and go under a 13 ft high bridge that was in a dip but when i seen that the water was around 10 foot high i decided to give that a miss.

I was well impressed with the supra driver at rotherham who tried and failes to turn his car into a boat in front of me today :laughing: :laughing:
he stopped in the middle and got a free car wash as i went through the 3-4 ft high water :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
why are these people so stupid as to attept theese things and the hold the rest of us up :question:

got caught in the brum downpour which shut both of warick services,and just missed the one which happened on the m42 early this morning,still doing 60 in the rain with (at times) 5 yds visability.
but it was forcast if i remember right?

leemingbar a1 nil point to the nice lady in the even nicer bmw that surfed it straight in to a hedge theres always one that trys to be diffrent

Nothing today, but the M25 was awash yesterday afternoon between J25 & J26 with several inches of water teeming down the hill where the crawler lane is.

If you were travelling down the M1south today,about 8am-9am,between J33 and J32,and saw that Honda S200 that was totalled in the middle of the carriageway,and the Bedfords artic parked on the hard shoulder about 100 yards in front of him…

THAT WAS ME. :smiley:

What had happened was,I was in the middle lane,passing someone,and this guy in the Honda passed me,and then lost it big style,and doing a pirouette in front of me.It was like Come Dancing. (Do you know some people can actually do that. :laughing: :laughing: ) He would certainly have got full marks by the judges for a dance move like that.

Poor guy must have had a real brown trouser moment. :laughing: :laughing:


did,nt see it mate, it was around 10.45 when i was there going north. just slow moving traffic as it normally is around there.

Had to turn around on A59 near Blubberhouses after a landslide closed the road, what a day only took 7hours to get from Birtley to Burnley :imp: so for a nice easy day turned out to be a real nightmare.

If you were travelling down the M1south today,about 8am-9am,between J33 and J32,and saw that Honda S200 that was totalled in the middle of the carriageway,and the Bedfords artic parked on the hard shoulder about 100 yards in front of him…

THAT WAS ME. :smiley:

What had happened was,I was in the middle lane,passing someone,and this guy in the Honda passed me,and then lost it big style,and doing a pirouette in front of me.It was like Come Dancing. (Do you know some people can actually do that. :laughing: :laughing: ) He would certainly have got full marks by the judges for a dance move like that.

Poor guy must have had a real brown trouser moment. :laughing: :laughing:


i come off the m1 north onto the m18 and noticed theres was no traffic for a while on the southbound side :laughing: . i managed to avoid othe isle of sheffield and chesterfield today but a couple of our lads were back late :laughing: :laughing:


i saw a lovely nearly new beemer on the embankment at the side of the m69, just before i got there i noticed the big puddle in the outside lane of the motorway then the damage to the centre reservation followed by the stones and tyre marks going back across the motorway leading to the torn up grass of the embankment and the nice shiny (and slightly damaged) beemer.

perhaps somebody should integrate the expression aquaplaning into the driving test with an explanation of what it is and how it happens.

Aquaplaning: an occurrence where a large amount of water disperses the tyre to tarmac ratio of a travelling vehicle removing the properties of the gravitational hold of the earth.

mark croft:
got caught in the brum downpour which shut both of warick services,and just missed the one which happened on the m42 early this morning,still doing 60 in the rain with (at times) 5 yds visability.
but it was forcast if i remember right?

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: …You were doing 60mph in the pouring rain with 5 yards visibility!!!

i saw a lovely nearly new beemer on the embankment at the side of the m69, just before i got there i noticed the big puddle in the outside lane of the motorway then the damage to the centre reservation followed by the stones and tyre marks going back across the motorway leading to the torn up grass of the embankment and the nice shiny (and slightly damaged) beemer.

perhaps somebody should integrate the expression aquaplaning into the driving test with an explanation of what it is and how it happens.

Aquaplaning: an occurrence where a large amount of water disperses the tyre to tarmac ratio of a travelling vehicle removing the properties of the gravitational hold of the earth.

Wrong, Aquaplaning is a good way of cleaning the dirt from your alloy wheels.

Nice quiet trip up to Newcastle.
No hassle, no problems - missed all the…erm…fun! :smiley:

Stanley, so did I. Left Sheffield at 6.10 am and got back at 19.45 pm picked up a load of scrap at Blaydon. Heard about the A1 being closed just as i was turning into Durham services to use the loo and pick up a coffee. Work phoned me to warn me bout the cosure so I took the A689 and came down the A19. Nice quiet drive the road was dry and no rain. Then I got to Wakefield on the M1 and I started wondering how good a lightening conductor a container full of scrap metal was. cause there was plenty of lightening and torrentail rain.

Been on a beach all week … no rain where wifey and I was :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


if i remember right everyone one was doing 60, :open_mouth: yes not clever i know but the hassle of changing lanes,near misses,as far more danger to it?.
given the choice 40 would have been better.