flipped car

i seen a car flip in the air today j23a m1 dont know if any 1 else seen it but there were alot of truck drivers helping out with traffic and the guy…been with me all day and it brought a few tears to my eyes… very scary…my thougts are with the driver and his family


I bet. Old chestnut, I know, their but for the grace of god go I :open_mouth: .

Miraculously all 3 occupants escaped with relatively minor injuries, one was flown to Nottingham QMC with a potential injury and 2 others followed by road.
The car ended up on its roof facing the wrong way on the A453. A testament to modern cars and their safety features!

I was medical ■■■■■■ in the back of an old army Bedford TJ ambulance in the 70s, travelling from RAF(Hosp) Wroughton to the Royal Herbert Hospital in Woolwich, I was leaning through the hatch talking to my driver when we all felt the ambulance lurch, start a slow spin and the back wheel overtook us, bounced over the bonnet and carried on up the M4 without us, brown trouser syndrome time.
Another time, similar trip, I was looking out the back window, to see a car about 200 yards back, suddenly fly up into the air, spin round a few times and land on its roof, as we were carrying patients, and too far ahead, we weren’t able to stop and try to help, having minimal medical kit wouldn’t have been much use either.

Don’t mean to be insensitive, but i can never work out just what it these car drivers actually do to cause these situations on a regular basis??
Testament to the fact that 90% of them have NEVER had a motorway driving lesson.

Don’t mean to be insensitive, but i can never work out just what it these car drivers actually do to cause these situations on a regular basis??
Testament to the fact that 90% of them have NEVER had a motorway driving lesson.

exactly!!! cars dont flip because they want to.it`s all down to the pilot!!


Don’t mean to be insensitive, but i can never work out just what it these car drivers actually do to cause these situations on a regular basis??
Testament to the fact that 90% of them have NEVER had a motorway driving lesson.

exactly!!! cars dont flip because they want to.it`s all down to the pilot!!

Its down to the pilot of a vehicle, not necasarrily down to the pilot of the vehicle that ends up in trouble.

thats true mart.but i cant see anywere here saying another vehicle was involved.

Aye, that is true… but then nowhere does it say another car wasn’t involved :wink: I’ll be honest I was involved on scene with dealing with the driver, the police are investigating whats happened, but I dont know anymore than he hit the central reservation. Why or how he did it I don’t know. I know it makes no difference but I don’t like suggesting blame until the facts are known.

I agree with what you are saying though, cars don’t just crash for no reason, they generally have some assistance!! Which is one of the reasons police always refer to them as “RTC’s” instead of “RTA’s” (road traffic collisions as opposed to accidents.)