Flexible speed limits?

The Government are considering proposals to increase the penalty for speeding to 6 points & £100 fine, although this is for extremely high speed in a restricted zone… say 56 in a 30 which is fair enough.
However they are also talking about anything over 85 on a m/way being in the same category!

Surely it’s time to get rid of this blanket limit & have flexible limits… 85 mph on a motorway @ 4.am can be far safer than 30 mph past a school, yet one is legal & the other isn’t.

I’m in favour of reducing the limit to 20mph past schools etc during certain times but raising it to 40 in the early hours of the morning. Same with M/ways, in bad conditions reduce the limit & increase it during quiet times BUT enforce it… sadly the lack of traffic cops makes this pretty much impossible as the Gov concentrates on easy revenue from scameras.

This legislation is a bit of a joke, since it is already in place to some extent.

If you get pulled doing over 50mph in a 30mph police cant offer you a fixed penality its go to court time. Similar with driving along a motorway once you get caught over 100mph there is no fixed penalty is go to court time.

I think its nonsense, i wouldnt mind so much if the speed limits were realitstic but these days they are far from it in a lot of places. Speed limits are droping all the time. In Kilmarnock i dont think there is any 40mph limits left all are now 30mph. How many dual carriageways were 70mph for years then the last few years suddenly reduced to 50mph for little reason.

telegraph.co.uk/motoring/mai … xml&page=1

here is an interesting article on how speeding, cameras, figures have been twisted by the government.

wont have to tell many people on here it aint really the speed thats the problem with most car drivers, its the tailgating, lack of observation and general reckless driving see everyday on the roads.

I wonder if this new proposed legislation is so they can give out fixed penalty points and fines at higher rates rather than clog up the courts with all the motorists who fit into this category of offender
It would be a win win for the revenue collectors, they get more money in fines, don’t have the expense of court time and of course reduce the need of traffic police as the scamera’s can mop it all up for them

As some of you know, I am a big advocate of sticking to the limits :slight_smile: (I aint no angel - got the 12 points for speeding when in my 20s, pleaded in court etc. :open_mouth: ) but I also agree that the limits should be flexible - :bulb: in this day and age of electronic hardware and software, you would think that a digital flexible system could be used - speed signs controlled by satellites is one idea that comes to mind (pie in the sky, but at least it’s an idea :unamused: )

One other thing gets my goat, maybe it’s just me…, if some-one gets caught for speeding they crow about it - why? - they did it and no-one made them do it - then they crow about where the money goes to that they had to pay! - to my mind, the money comes out of the pocket of the guilty party and goes somewhere - does it matter if it funds an MPs dinner or pays for a new flyover - the money is going to be taken whatever. To me, it’s like saying that ■■■ tax should go the NHS to fund smokers if they have a smoking related prob in the future - it dont happen. All fines and taxes go to the government and if we dont like that then we have the power of the vote to change it - well thats the theory but in practise they all seem to pee in the same pot -there, i’ve had my rant for a bit (still a bit cranky from lack of sleep due to stupid 1am fireworks law last night :angry: )

I just wonder if the people that complain about speed limits are the same ones who are most vocal about the price of fuel?? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


I dont speed when driving trucks, why would i its my job, and plus i get paid by the hour.

To be honest 2007, if your smart, have semi decent observation and a satnav with speed camera POI you can basically do any speed you want.

Used to drive vans and motorbikes courier self employed, back in the 1990’s before all the scameras, taking a risk speeding because lots of cops on the road, much higher chance getting caught.

These days can do any speed you want with little chance of getting caught if you know where the scameras are. Ive been at 9 points but since cameras came in not had a single point since 1997.

Wither you agree or disagree with current speed limits, there is little enforcement apart from cameras. I dont see cars slowing down, going faster if anything.

Biggest problem is now you can use your mobile, drink drive, tailgate, drive without a licence and little chance of getting caught.

My point is governments fixation with speed limits and cameras has ignored everything else and made the roads more dangerous since the 1960’s falling fatalities now its bottomed out and in some years increasing since the 1990’s.

My point is governments fixation with speed limits and cameras has ignored everything else and made the roads more dangerous since the 1960’s falling fatalities now its bottomed out and in some years increasing since the 1990’s.

Excellent point

I just wonder if the people that complain about speed limits are the same ones who are most vocal about the price of fuel?? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


Yeah that makes purrfect sense Catman. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

85 mph on a motorway @ 4.am can be far safer than 30 mph past a school, yet one is legal & the other isn’t.

I don’t think you’re being fair there are you. Speeding past a school where there are lots of variable factors such as kids, other cars, other pedestrians and vehicles parked compared to a tired stressed motorist at an early time in the morning for most drivers.

With the state of todays cars of removing you from the feeling of driving it is all too easy to become complacent on our roads, especially the motorways.

For professional drivers, most are limted. But for commuters they can speed while not paying attention. That’s worse.

Not that I’d accuse you of losing attention of putting your lipstick and mascara on, as I think I’d get critisized as you’re probably a bloke :unamused: :blush: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: but you know what I mean.

It would be nice for drivers to use APPROPRIATE speed at all times instead of adhering to speed limits but how many would - and there lies the problem.
IF ALL drivers will do the above at all times then speed limits, enforcement etc would not be needed - oooh look, a flying pig :laughing:
The Government has a PROPOSAL to do away with all motorway speed limits IF all drivers will keep at least the minimum safe distance at ALL times but it will never get the go-ahead as drivers are there own worst enemy.

What about limiting cars to say 80mph. After all, what do you need to go faster for? It might stop the ridiculous tailgating that must surely cause the majority of accidents on the motorways. :confused:

What about limiting cars to say 80mph. After all, what do you need to go faster for? It might stop the ridiculous tailgating that must surely cause the majority of accidents on the motorways. :confused:

Well, it does not stop many lorries doing it at 56mph :open_mouth: