flamin pikeys

have any of you been into reading services on the westbound m4 this week? theres approx 15 ■■■■■ ( or maybe i should call them travellers…hmmm…nope :laughing: ) caravans taking up half of the lorry park :open_mouth: a touch inconvenient if i do say so myself,baring in mind the lorry park isnt that spacious to start with.luckily i didnt need to park there.i was just wondering,how many of them do you think have paid the 20 odd quid a day to park there,and how many have been clamped if they havent? they`ve also parked on the grass next to the lorry park.■■■■■■,i flammin hate ■■■■■■ :imp:

Complete and utter scum of the earth, how much diesel have they pinched as well■■? Barstewards

we luv em

ellies dad:
we luv em

And refer to them affectionately as ‘Knackers’ !!!

ellies dad:
we luv em

feel free to offer them a spot in your garden then :laughing: :laughing:


ellies dad:
we luv em

And refer to them affectionately as ‘Knackers’ !!!

we do indeed.

What angers me most about the goings on with the Do-as-you-Likey’s is the police attitude.
When they steal something and take it back to their camp it then becomes a ‘No Go’ area as far as the local plod are concerned.
One of our neighbours is a gardener and has a rather expensive trailer he uses in his business. He always chains it up at night and puts the lock on the gate.
Well needless to say they took it regardless of the precautiions and the fact that his missus was yelling out of the window at them and even gave chase in her car.
When the police eventually arrived my neighbour was informed that he had just better phone his insurance poeple as the police wont go to the camp (where she had chased them to and seen them take it in - laughing at her as they did) as it was a No Go area for police :open_mouth:
So basically they can do what they like and take what they want with no come back - and they know it.
Why do we pay for the Police if they wont do anything to help I wonder.

Argh ■■■■■■!

Back in my recovery days, we got a call from plod, can we meet them at certain road as we need to collect a car thats been involved in a crime but its on the ■■■■■ site.
So off we go two of us for a change needed to hold hands! LOL Gets there and officer says we are just waiting for back up lads, theres already 2 vans and 3 cars on scene. More arrive and grand plan is told to us. Right lads that cars going first then you follow it and rest of us are right behind you.
Terrific sounds fun(not), so off we set panda car one sets off but what we were failed to be told was that Michael Shumacher was the driver! By the time we got to bottom of the lane the car had turned into site we were 150/200 yards behind! As we turned in all hell broke loose, mainly from the ■■■■■ women and kids the men didnt get too involved. We pulled up near said vehicle and ■■■■■■ and plod were everywhere, we stayed in the truck! Main plod came over said he was going to ask for the keys to make life easy. Some time later he had them so engage PTO, power out slide bed, when down we get out truck, plod drives it on me and mate put ■■■■■■■■ each side then get out of there chased by 30 ■■■■■■ shouting abuse!
About three weeks later the ■■■■■ whose car it was was cleared of all charges and was allowed his car back, guess what muggins had the delightful job of returning it, but there as nice as pie in that circumstance!
But bloody scum of the earth the lot of em! :smiling_imp:

Yep was in there yeaterday lunchtime.

All on Irish plates. (07-C-xxxx and so on).

Had helluva job to weave my lorry between the vans, caravans, piles of rubbish, washing lines, gas cylinders and so on.

Place looks a right state!!.


ellies dad:
we luv em

And refer to them affectionately as ‘Knackers’ !!!

Thought they were affectionatly know as
“DIRTY knackers” :smiley:


Did Georges have pigs on ?


Denis F:
Did Georges have pigs on ?


Sure did.

I saw them because he had to pull across the front of my motor and reverse good-side into that space. As you can see, he couldn’t drive through from behind. :imp:

You know them Denis?? From down your way I believe. :wink:


Denis F:
Did Georges have pigs on ?


Sure did.

hope he counted them when he left :wink:

You know them Denis?? From down your way I believe. :wink:

only know them vaguely :wink: they’re from the other end of Somerset and do mainly pigs so don’t meet them very often


There was an incident in Enfield a couple of years back where the police were clearing a load of illigaly pitched ■■■■■■ from a playing field.
When they got moving a kiddy around five years old fell off the back of the pick up and was killed under the wheels.
All hell broke loose and the police where blamed for the death of the child as they had made them move. :unamused:
Whast made me angry that time was that the police had to apologise.
I feel they should have prosecuted the parents for not having the child in a suitable seat and belted in as they would anybody else - but there is one rule for them and another for the rest of us.

:smiling_imp: Typical Minging ■■■■■■, the place will take a fair chunk of rate-payers money to set straight again once they`ve finally knicked all they can…sorry I meant got bored with the view…and moved on :wink:

:smiling_imp: if a truck outstayed it`s welcome by so much as a minute the clampers would be on it like a rash…but ■■■■■ homes, not a chance of a clamp :exclamation:

why do they get away with the litter problem. wherever they go the garbge left around their site is horrendous. It is too easy thefor council to trap some poor woman who’s child has dropped a sausage roll, but won’t face the ■■■■■ with a fixed penalty notice in their hand. Having said that , a trip around some of the laybys which are turned into outdoor recycling sites by some drivers would not come amiss!

This is funny this thread. It sort of makes you look inward and ask, what is so really bad about ■■■■■■, ■■■■■, Knackers or Gypsies or what ever you like to call them?
They steal diesel? Well i’ve seen more drivers steal diesel off their bosses than i’ve seen ■■■■■ steal diesel.
They don’t tax their cars and they run on cherry? Doh !!! We’re all complaining about ‘over taxation’. Looks to me like they are doing something proactive about it !! (and also see above for cheaper anti tax fuel measures!!!)
They steal goods off lorries? The biggest culprits for stealing goods off lorries are actually, erm…lorry drivers !!!
They leave rubbish everywhere? Only need to take a lookin an average inner city area the day after the bins have been emptied to see how much trash ‘residents’ leave weekly to see that this is no different from anyone else.
You could go on about other stuff too, it seems to me that they do stuff that we would all like to do. Only difference is they do it and live on their own wits and don’t follow the herd like the rest of us !!!
Oh ! and they don’t go complaing to any sort of ‘authority’ about any one, they usually sort the beef out themselves . :wink:

This is funny this thread. It sort of makes you look inward and ask, what is so really bad about ■■■■■■, ■■■■■, Knackers or Gypsies or what ever you like to call them?
They steal diesel? Well i’ve seen more drivers steal diesel off their bosses than i’ve seen ■■■■■ steal diesel.
They don’t tax their cars and they run on cherry? Doh !!! We’re all complaining about ‘over taxation’. Looks to me like they are doing something proactive about it !! (and also see above for cheaper anti tax fuel measures!!!)
They steal goods off lorries? The biggest culprits for stealing goods off lorries are actually, erm…lorry drivers !!!
They leave rubbish everywhere? Only need to take a lookin an average inner city area the day after the bins have been emptied to see how much trash ‘residents’ leave weekly to see that this is no different from anyone else.
You could go on about other stuff too, it seems to me that they do stuff that we would all like to do. Only difference is they do it and live on their own wits and don’t follow the herd like the rest of us !!!
Oh ! and they don’t go complaing to any sort of ‘authority’ about any one, they usually sort the beef out themselves . :wink:

I take your point Mike, and twenty years of experience has taught me never to park anywhere near ■■■■■■ or other truck drivers…

■■■■■■, ■■■■■, Knackers or Gypsies or what ever you like to call them?

I like calling them “Diddycoys”. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Still, I suppose we shouldn’t. Ethnic group and all that.

Are these the same crowd that were camped on the spare ground by the Pizza Hut at the Solstice services on the A303 a few weeks ago? They were there for a few days then gone, leaving no trace, apart from the huge piles of rubbish the crabby gits left behind. Most of the caravans were big and modern, and from the empty toy and bike boxes they left behind they would have needed to be big to carry all their swag away when they left. Someone has since cleared the site of the rubbish and empty gas bottles, but I don’t think it would have been paid for by the lovely people that left it.
On a slightly different note, last week I lost about 150 litres out of my left hand side tank whilst parked up in the long layby just before Andover, which is about 10 miles east of Solstice Services. Can’t even blame the ■■■■■■ for that as they had gone long before it happened, unless they were from another mob…