Fitting a military bv (Boiling vessel)

I have come up with a cunning plan and to see if anyone has done this, I am thinking about fitting a BV (boiling vessel) in my daf xf, so I can have brews on the go and do my boil in the bags, any one military will now the bit of kit im on about, I can get of ebay for 30 quid. they are 24v but was just thinking about wiring in and also finding a suitable place to install. I know it would be a lot safer than running my gas stove.and as most sites ban gas cooking I was looking at this as an alterntive. cheers for any help.

why havent I thought of that before now :smiley:

dogs bollocksin a bag cant beat it

I assume your on about one of these! … 337d586191

they look pretty cool TBH!


that’s the ones, much safer than gas, hot water available all the time, you can even fry in it, very funny If you read the safety instruction regarding water and oil.

its got to be a simple fit, british army used them for years in vehicles, proberly the most important bit of kit. gas is ok but when you have to cook in the cab is certainly not the safest. got to have hot brews on the go, and they are fitted with a tap im sure

I would simply have it on a jump leads from your battery, then you can take it out when your not using it

Are you missing the corned beef gash? lol

corned beef hash had to be one of the best ones, so much better than the non meat all day breakfast (who the heck thought of that idea)

BV’s…Pha!!!.. I keep it real on hard routine.

I assume your on about one of these! … 337d586191

they look pretty cool TBH!


That’s way bigger than a gas cooker and I am thinking it weighs a bit more.
I have used gas cooker for years without problem, in fact it is electrical items that tend to die the smoky death.

corned beef hash had to be one of the best ones, so much better than the non meat all day breakfast (who the heck thought of that idea)

biscuits, brown anybody??


They are quite big but was thinkingof putting on a frame in the drivers side locker that is unused and i can get to it from inside and out. Just seeing if it would be practical. I mean hot water on tap. At any time

They are quite big but was thinkingof putting on a frame in the drivers side locker that is unused and i can get to it from inside and out. Just seeing if it would be practical. I mean hot water on tap. At any time

the main problem i forsee with having boiling water on tap is mould…

it will make the inside of the truck VERY damp and this will encourage it to go mouldy! TBH I cant see your gaffer being too impressed with making the inside of his truck go all manky!

Just a thought like!


A constantly on BV will have a high draw off the batteries, check the amps it draws, back in my day these were pretty rare bits of kit and fitted to vehicles with extra batteries and upgraded alternators (sigs landrovers, command vehicle MK’s , Foden and Scammell reccy mechs)- it may have changed since then, but would check it out anyway


corned beef hash had to be one of the best ones, so much better than the non meat all day breakfast (who the heck thought of that idea)

biscuits, brown anybody??


Don’t forget your tin of cat food.
What happened to Kendal mint cake? I heard they got rid of it due to rotten teeth.

I must be old, I can only remember Biscuits AB , those biscuits with dead flies in they tried to convince was fruit, Cheese possessed , Spangles and Rolos and Izal grease proof bog paper - all the rest just went into a mess tin in any order over a hexy block , non of your new fangled in cab catering facilities for us :slight_smile:

If you have a look about two thirds down page 1 of this thread linked below you can see the hot water sink I have mounted on mine - I use for handwashing and washing up, not any kind of cooking or drinks though. It would not be too hard to remove if you changed trucks actually:


I don’t think you’d need to uprate batteries to run that BV in the link looking at it but I don’t have any direct experience with them, they do look interesting though. I have previously thought about putting something in the cab with the potential to use for hot drinks. I reckon something could be plumbed into the truck’s cooling system to provide enough heat as these electrical type things are prone to failure.



corned beef hash had to be one of the best ones, so much better than the non meat all day breakfast (who the heck thought of that idea)

biscuits, brown anybody??


Don’t forget your tin of cat food.
What happened to Kendal mint cake? I heard they got rid of it due to rotten teeth.

not so sure about that, the last ration packs i had given to me had a bar of chocolate in them! it was plain wrapped, but quite clearly cadburys dairy milk!

I must be old, I can only remember Biscuits AB , those biscuits with dead flies in they tried to convince was fruit, Cheese possessed , Spangles and Rolos and Izal grease proof bog paper - all the rest just went into a mess tin in any order over a hexy block , non of your new fangled in cab catering facilities for us :slight_smile:

Biscuits AB were the alternative to Biscuits brown! although i think they stopped the AB ones!

I used to get them off a mate who was in the army, for going camping/hiking ETC ETC with, chuck a weeks worth in a rucksack with a sleeping bag and 2 tarps! couple of pairs uf undies and socks, and either a hexi stove OR a trangia! (trangia was the best)…

like you say, chuck it all in a mess tin and off you go! i used to like the beef stew, the corned beef hash and the all day breakfast!

the last ones I got (sometime ago now) had some curry varieties too! they were pretty good! :laughing:



I’ve tried a couple of septic MRE’s, the most disgusting things I have ever tasted! So much for the Yanks having the best food! :laughing:

What about a burco boiler mounted outside? Plenty of water to have a wash with etc. I suppose you would need a way to secure the lid to stop muck and spray getting in there.

MRE’s Meals rejected by Etheopians… I remember getting to cook chips in a bv on a 3 week ex, bloody luxury especially with baby heads :smiley: Stag on