First tramping job this Monday (29th)

Hi all.
Got my first tramping job this Monday. Still need to get a lot of stuff but got some stuff already. Most importantly an inverter for my PS3 and tele!

2005 Volvo FM Globetrotter XL

All advice welcomed!!

If you working hard (as you should) :slight_smile: you wont have time for a ps3, it will just be wash and bed :slight_smile: good luck

I’m going back driving full time on Monday too after a break of almost seven years (other job). Will be away 2-3 nights a week and driving a FH13 540…feeling a bit nervous to be honest but I have driven occasionally to keep my hand in so to speak. Good luck mate :wink:

PS3 is a must!!! Lol

I’ve done the odd night out but this job will be Monday to Friday kinda thing.
I have to admit I am a bit nervous.
Had my class 2 for a few years now but started using it last January and got my class 1 last January and no experience and this is a class 1 jobbie lol.

If you working hard (as you should) :slight_smile: you wont have time for a ps3, it will just be wash and bed :slight_smile: good luck

I agree with this.

I obviously am in the wrong job as I don’t have inclination to do anything else but switch off and go sleep.

How long are you expecting to park up for?

How long are you expecting to park up for?

If its anything like his old job then for at least 3 hours in the middle of his shift.

The phrase ‘culture shock’ comes to mind.

Seriously, good luck. Give us a call if there’s anything else you can think of.

I used to start at 5 and have a 3 hour brake around 7 then an hour break at 1 then another at 3 then a 20-30 minute break at half 4 then home at 5. 4 on 4 off. God bless that job. Miss it so much!!

good luck with the tramping job mate.don’t think i could do it myself…been driving class 1 since 1979 and only had 3 or 4 nights out in all that time!

I used to start at 5 and have a 3 hour brake around 7 then an hour break at 1 then another at 3 then a 20-30 minute break at half 4 then home at 5. 4 on 4 off. God bless that job. Miss it so much!!

Christ :open_mouth: you are going to get a surprise mate, PS 3 :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: save the space for an extra pillow, and that wont need the inverter either.

Good luck, you’ll soon get the hang off it, and to be honest on tramping you sometimes get parked for decent braekes if you roll up some where the evening before for a 6-7 or 8 am delivery :wink:

good luck with the tramping job mate.don’t think i could do it myself…been driving class 1 since 1979 and only had 3 or 4 nights out in all that time!

I started in 1989 and only had 3 or 4 nights at home in all that time :wink: I could exagerating a little there :wink:

Hi all.
Got my first tramping job this Monday.

2005 Volvo FM Globetrotter XL

All advice welcomed!!

Just thought ask if it has the fridge, if not reckon you’ll want one :wink:

Who needs food when I have a PS3 in my truck■■? Lol
Coolbox. Camping stove etc.

I miss my old job so much :frowning:
Class 2 work but I was only on £10 an hour :smiley:

I’ve only been tramping for about a month , it does come as a bit of a shock to he system :wink: , think I might stick it for a year … Then go back to days for an easy life :stuck_out_tongue:
Bit of food then bed about sums it up :open_mouth:

Cheers mike

Who needs food when I have a PS3 in my truck■■? Lol
Coolbox. Camping stove etc.

I miss my old job so much :frowning:
Class 2 work but I was only on £10 an hour :smiley:

£10 an hour class 2 lets hope this tramping job works out for you,

Yeah I had a pretty easy life in my old job. Shame it came to an end with all the freebies I used to get from the company and air lines. Shift work rocks! Only work 3 months a year!!


If you working hard (as you should) :slight_smile: you wont have time for a ps3, it will just be wash and bed :slight_smile: good luck

I agree with this.

I obviously am in the wrong job as I don’t have inclination to do anything else but switch off and go sleep.

I have found that I am doing this. I am starting to think if it is worth my buying a DVD player as I won’t have the time to watch it

I start my first tramping job, and Class 1 job tomorrow too. DAF XF 6x2 and tipper.

I have been told to take plenty of loo roll, comfy duvet / doss bag, stove and kettle, pot porridge oats, brew kit, and a big mug!

I’m looking forward to it, did my time in the Army and im used to getting my head down in a shell scrape on the beacons, so a nice mattress in a DAF with a cab heater should be a nice change!

good luck with the new job!

This might help


be careful, when i,ve tramped before i find i become quite feral after a few months.

I used to do ipswich( portman road car park) on a monday, great shower and pub across the car park.
tuesday would be norwich cattle market or truckstop on A47 swaffham.
wednesday would be BP truckstop at peterborough or huntingdon truckstop( great strippers.)
thursday would be either BP rugby or ross on wye cattle market depending on how much i left to do !!

on a friday when i got back home the youngest used to run away from me crying !!!