First time tramping next week!

I’ve never done tramping myself but I like the idea of no commuting, I did get offered a tamping job but turned it down cuss I didn’t like the fact I was out all week but doing day work now kinda makes me wish I did take the tramping job. How many collections and tips does the average tramper do a day?

It depnds on what sector the company is in I do multidrop furniture to indipendant reatilers so my days vary from 2 or 3 to up to 12. I did manage 15 one day but it was a fluke they were all together

I’ve never done tramping myself but I like the idea of no commuting, I did get offered a tamping job but turned it down cuss I didn’t like the fact I was out all week but doing day work now kinda makes me wish I did take the tramping job. How many collections and tips does the average tramper do a day?

I would imagine as many drops transport can get out of you in your hours. Company I’m working for this week ( I’m doing tues to Saturday ) has you ringing them after you’ve tipped and then you’re given instructions to the next collection-delivery and so on. Although I’ve only done one shift for them until now they seemed very relaxed,never rang me to see where I was/what I’m doing etc some firms are on your back constantly.