First Job

Started my first full time permanent job today.Nothing special but it gets me experience at least and am very grateful for the chance as didn’t realise you learn next to nothing when you pass your test :slight_smile:

Oh spare me the details… :unamused:

Oh, you have? :open_mouth:

Best of luck though pal! :smiley:


Ok then seeing you asked so nicely

I’m doing multi drop work,nothing to special I guess but it’s a start.Having said that I now know that I don’t like the Mercedes Axor :slight_smile:

Well done on your first job fella

Oh and your not supposed to like your first job it’s part of the fun lol,when you get a better job you can think its better than the last 1 then onwards and upwards.


Ok then seeing you asked so nicely

I’m doing multi drop work,nothing to special I guess but it’s a start.Having said that I now know that I don’t like the Mercedes Axor :slight_smile:

Hmm…this young whippersnapper shows early promise!

Is 40 considered young :slight_smile: