First job on class 1 tomorrow

Hay fellow truckers got my first job on class 1 tomorrow driving flat bed loaded with boxed rebar from Newport Wales to stratford London tip and straight home could of had a easyer first trip like not into london any last min tips for a newbie… :confused:

You could go the Girly way, round the M25-M11 follow the signs for the Blackwall Tunnel & Stratford comes up on your left (before the tunnel)

Personally I’d go to the end of the M4-through Shepherds Bush-up onto the Westway/A40- onto the City road-Mile End Rd/A11- Stratford. (but I’m not sure what restrictions are on the City Roads ?)

Or you could go M4-A406 North Circ’-down the A10 & bear left around Hackney towards Stratford.

I used to use all these routes back in the 80s, so it’s probably all 7.5 ton weight limits now !

Depends what time you are gonna be in London. M25 can be a ■■■■■, but London can be a Bigger ■■■■■.

Isn’t M4 J3-1 still 7.5t limit?

Yes it is 7.5t limit j3 to j1

Then the ‘Girly’ way is the way to go.

M4 - M25 - M11

Enjoy :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help :smiley:

Oh & don’t ■■■■ into the wind…:wink:

Oh & don’t ■■■■ into the wind…:wink:

Well ! How did you get on ?
Did you pop your cherry across town on the Westway ?
Brave the good old North Circular ?
Or just Girly it on the M25 car park ?

probably hit traffic and ran out of time :smiling_imp: